The NTFS file system supports a facility known as hard links
(referred to herein as Hardlinks). Hardlinks provide the ability to keep a single copy of a file yet have it
appear in multiple folders (directories).
They can be created with the POSIX command ln included in the Windows
Resource Kit, the fsutil command utility included in Windows or my command line
ln.exe utility
Thus, using standard Windows facilities Hardlinks can only be created at
the command prompt, which can be tedious, especially when Hardlinks to multiple files are required or when
one only makes occasional use of Hardlinks.
Support for Junctions in standard Microsoft software offerings is even more limited than that offered for hardlinks.
Link Shell Extension (LSE) provides for the creation of
Hardlinks, Junctions,
Volume Mountpoints,
and Symbolic Links,
(herein referred to collectively as Links) a folder cloning process that utilises
Hardlinks or Symbolic Links and a copy process taking care of Junctions, Symbolic Links, and Hardlinks.
LSE, as its name implies is implemented as a Shell extension and is accessed from Windows Explorer, or similar file/folder managers.
The extension allows the user to select one or many files or folders, then using the mouse, complete the creation of the required Links -
Hardlinks, Junctions or Symbolic Links or in the case of folders to create Clones consisting of Hard or Symbolic Links.
LSE is supported on all Windows versions that support NTFS version 5.0 or later, Windows7/8/10.
Hardlinks, Junctions and Symbolic Links are NOT supported on FAT
file systems, and nor is the Cloning and Smart Copy process supported on FAT file systems.
Within this document the terms action button and
(pop up) menu
are used to refer what are often referred to as the right mouse button and the pop up menu that is displayed
when that mouse button is pressed (often referred to as the context menu). Recognising that people swap the usage of their
mouse buttons, Microsoft refer to the primary and secondary mouse buttons. We prefer to refer the mouse buttons as the
Select button and the Action button;
and rather than terms such as Context Menu, Shell Menu, Right Mouse Menu we use the term Action menu.
The current user must have administrator privileges in order to install the software.
LSE is installed by executing the install program
Follow the instructions issued by the program, there are no mandatory
inputs required during installation. It is possible to change the location into which LSE is installed, the
default is
C:\Program Files\LinkShellExtension
Smartscreen pop-up
With Windows 10 the SmartScreen facility of Windows Defender might pop up and warns you:
Windows protected your PC
Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
Please choose 'Install Anyway'. LSE is signed with a Standard Code Signing Certificate, but not with an
EV Code Signing certificate,
which would prevent Smartscreen from interferring.
Explorer Restart
During installation Explorer.exe has to be restarted to make Link Shell Extension active.
This means that all pending operations with explorer.exe are interrupted but with the
interactive install you can decide to postpone the explorer.exe restart. A dialog box
will give you the choices during installation.
Some command line switches can be passed during install, so that a silent install via .bat file
can be acchieved.
Silent install
/S pops up no prompts during install. If the /S switch is used, explorer.exe will be restarted after installation, to make Link Shell Extension
active immediately.
Specify Language
/LANGUAGE passes the language in which LSE shows up. e.g.
HardLinkShellExt_$(platform).exe /S /Language=English
Currently English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian are
available as valid parameters for the /Language switch.
Specify Directory
When using the silent install a directory can also be specified with the /D switch e.g.
Link Shell Extension can also be uninstalled silently by issuing
$LSEInstallDir/uninst-HardLinkShellExt_$(platform).exe /S
If the /S switch is used during uninstall, explorer.exe will be restarted after uninstallation, to make Link Shell Extension
inactive immediately.
No Check for VcRedist
On some Windows10 machines, there is no need to install the vcredist, or worse: VcRedist can not be installed, but is somehow already on the system.
To overcome this the /noredist switch can be passed via command line. e.g.:
Link ShellExtension can also be installed via chocolatey by issuing
choco install linkshellextension
from a command prompt. Make sure you have chocolatey installed.
The current user must have administrator privileges in order to install the software via choco
Pick Link Source causes the selected files to be "stored" as the
source for the Hardlinks that you want to create.
To create the Hardlinks a destination folder must be chosen, by clicking
the mouse action button on the destination folder a menu will pop up, which will include the entry -
Drop HardLink
Choosing Drop HardLink will create the hardlinks in the selected destination folder.
Overlay Icons for Hardlinks
To help distinguish hardlinks folders from normal files, an overlay icon is implemented
on hardlinks that shows a red arrow icon under the folder.
Overlay icons for Hardlinks can also be customized.
When doing an Action button click in the destination folder background, in addition to the Drop HardLink option there is the
possibility to Cancel Link Creation entry.
Since LSE supports Junction,
Clones and Symbolic Links,
when one or more folders are selected as the Source Links they can be dropped in several forms.
To avoid crowding the popup menu, a submenu is provided that contains the different types of Links applicable to folders.
Creating Hardlinks via drag and drop is supported, after selecting one or more files you can
drag them to the destination folder with the Action button held down; when it is released choose HardLink Here
from the action menu to create the Hardlinks of the selected files in the destination folder.
Files can
be hard linked to the same folder as the source folder. Because two directory entries cannot have the same name, LSE uses
'$filename - Hardlink.$ext' as the name of the the new link.
LSE uses the same hydraulics as explorer when it comes to multiple
'$filename - Hardlink': It uses numbers to enumerate the multiple hardlinks of one file in the same directory, e.g.
$filename - Hardlink (2).$ext.
The Auto Rename mechanism is also used when Junctions, Hardlink Clones,
Symbolic Links, Symbolic Link Clones, Mountpoints or Smart Copies are created
in the same directory.
provide for the creation of linkages among directories.
Junctions are created in the same way as Hardlinks, except that the
Source Link is a folder rather than a file. Select a folder, click the right mouse button, choose
Pick Link Source from the action menu, navigate to the destination folder, click the action button, open the
submenu Drop As ... and select Junction:
Junctions are marked with a small piece of chain below the folder icon.
Junctions can also be created via Drag and Drop when the selected folders are
dragged with the action button pressed to a destination folder; when the right mouse button is released, select the
Drop Here ... submenu and then Junction.
Overlay Icons for Junctions
To help distinguish junction folders from normal folders, an overlay icon is implemented
on junctions that shows a small three link chain icon under the folder.
Overlay icons for junctions can also be customized.
Junctions can span network drives as long as the target is a mapped network drive.
Unfortunately Junctions, which have a UNC Path as target, can be created
with LSE, but even Windows7/8/10 seems to contain a bug, which prevents it from
dereferencing a UNC Path in a junction, even if LSE correctly sets up
the reparse info for UNC junctions. When a UNC target junction is
double clicked in explorer the error ERROR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA(4392), will
show up and tell you that the info in the reparse point is illegal, even if
it is not.
@Microsoft: Why didn't you enable this feature for junctions, even if the syntax
for UNC junctions is defined: \??\UNC\server\share. Any help appreciated.
Elevation is needed in e.g. c:\Program Files for junctions
beeing created in. This is why the famous UAC dialog must be acknowledged.
To be exact: Only the creation of directories needs elevation in such situations, but creating
an empty directory is a vital part of creating a junction. The DeviceIoControl(), which
does the real work in creating junctions would work without elevation.
Link Shell Extension can change the target of an existing Junction,
Symbolic Link or MountPoint either via Pick/Drop or Drag and Drop.
To use this feature simply select an existing directory as
Link Source and drop it over an already existing Junction/Symbolic Link/Mountpoint.
By selecting the 'Drop as ... Replacement Junction/Symbolic Link/MountPoint'
from the action menu, the target of an already existing Junction/Symbolic Link/MountPoint
is replaced by the newly picked target.
The same can be achieved via Drag an Drop for Symbolic Link Directories, Junctions and Mount Points, but not
for Symbolic Link Files. Symbolic Link Files have to be repaired by the 'Pick Link Source',
'Drop as ... Replacement Symbolic Link' repair alternative.
When the backup mode is selected the ACLs of the Junction/Symbolic Link/MountPoint are preserved.
Link Shell Extension can copy an existing Junction,
Symbolic Link or MountPoint either via Pick/Drop or Drag and Drop.
To use this feature simply select an existing Junction, Symbolic Link or MountPoint as
Link Source and drop it over an already existing directory.
By selecting the 'Drop as ... Junction/Symbolic Link/MountPoint Copy' from the action menu, the
Junction/Symbolic Link/MountPoint is copied to the target and the relation is adjusted
The same can be achieved via Drag an Drop for Symbolic Link Directories, Junctions and Mount Points.
When the backup mode is selected the ACLs of the Junction/Symbolic Link/MountPoint are preserved.
Smart Copy creates a copy of the directory
structure from the source location to the destination, but it preserves the inner
hardlink structure and inner junction/symbolic link relations of the source, and
recreates this inner hardlink structure and inner junction/symbolic link relation
at the destination location:
With hardlinks it behaves as follows:
By closely looking at the above picture one can
find three different types of files:
Normal Files
The file B is a normal file. It gets copied as any other copy tool would do.
Saturated Hardlinks
The files E and F are hardlinked together. In LSE
terms they are called Saturated Hardlinks, because the reference count,
which is here 2, matches the number of occurrences below 'Folder 1', which is here 2.
In General: A hardlink is called Saturated with respect to a folder F,
if the number of occurrences below the folder F matches the reference count.
Saturated Hardlinks can be copied completely via Smart Copy.
Unsaturated Hardlinks
The File A, C, D are hardlinked together. In LSE terms they are called Unsaturated Hardlinks, because the reference count,
which is here 3, does not match the number of occurrences below 'Folder 1', which is here 2. Only C and D are below Folder 1.
In General: A hardlink is called Unsaturated with respect to a folder F,
if the number of occurrences below the folder F is smaller than the reference
Unsaturated Hardlinks can only be partially copied by Smart Copy. In the above example
C and D are hardlinked together in the destination location, but the hardlink to
A is broken. This means that the reference count of C and D is 2 with the destination
With junctions or symbolic link directories the default behaviour during smartcopy is as follows:
By closely looking at the above picture one can find three different types of folders/junctions:
Normal Folders
The folder 'Folder 3' is a normal folder. It gets copied with its content as any other copy tool would do.
Inner Junctions Symlinks
The folder 'Inner Junction/Symlink' is targeted at 'Inner
Junction/Symlink Target'. In LSE terms this kind of folder is called Inner Junction/Symlink, because its target points to a folder, which is below
the common anchor 'Folder 1'.
Inner Junctions/Symlink are restored properly via Smart Copy in the destination
Outer Junctions Symlinks
The folder 'Outer Junction/Symlink' is targeted at the
folder 'Outer Junction/Symlink Target'. In LSE terms this kind of folder
is called Outer Junction/Symlink, because its target points to a folder,
which is in parallel and thus outside the anchor 'Folder 1'.
Windows7/8/10 support Symbolic Links, which behave as follows during
Smart Copy:
By closely looking at the above picture one can find three different types of files/symbolic
Normal Files
The file A is a normal file. It gets copied as any other
copy tool would do.
Inner Symbolic Links
The symbolic link 'Inner Symlink' is targeted at 'Inner
Symlink Target'. In LSE terms this kind of symbolic link is called Inner Symlink, because its target points to a file, which is
below the common anchor 'Folder 1'. Inner Symlink are restored properly via Smart Copy at the destination location.
Outer Symbolic Links
The symlink 'Outer Symlink' is targeted at the folder
'Outer Symlink Target'. In LSE terms this kind of symbolic link is called
Outer Symlink, because its target points to a file, which is in parallel
and thus outside the anchor 'Folder 1'.
Smart Copies are created in the same way as Junctions, select a folder, click the
Action button, choose Pick Link Source from the action menu...
...navigate to the destination folder, press the action button, open the Drop As ... submenu and select Smart Copy:
Smart Copy is a must if e.g.. the whole content of a hard disk, which has lots of
hardlinks/junctions/symbolic links, should be copied to another hard disk. During
the Smart Copy operation empty folders get copied too and the date/time stamps of
folders/junctions/symbolic links are also restored at the corresponding destination
Because Smart Copy creates inner hardlinks/junctions/symbolic links, this feature
is only available on NTFS volumes.
If Smart Copy takes longer than 250msec a progressbar shows the status of the smart
copy operation.
Smart Copy also processes all available alternative NTFS streams of a file.
If items are already available in the destination, Smart Copy only copies when the
Files/Symbolic/Junctions/MountPoints are newer than the already existing items.
When restoring Symbolic links LSE forks its helper
LSEUacHelper.exe to forwards this operation to it, because the creation of symbolic links
needs elevation, and thus brings up the famous UAC dialog.
LSE only issues its helper LSEUacHelper.exe if a symlink is among/below the selected
folders, so it saves you from one UAC prompt if you don't have symlinks among your
Smart Copy by default creates relative symbolic
links during the Smart Copy operation.
Command Line
The Smart Copy functionality is also available via command line from
n.exe via the --copy command line switch.
Crop breaks links to Outer Junctions/Symlink directories in the destination.
Crop also applies to Outer Symlink Files.
In the above example Folder1 is copied to Destination/Folder1, butOuter Junction/Symlink is not available in the destination,
because Folder1/Outer Junction/Symlink pointed to Folder0/Outer Junction/Symlink Target,
which is not below Folder1.
The objective behind cropping Outer Junctions/Symlink Directories is to get a pure
copy during Smart Copy, Smart Mirror, Delorean Copy and Clone without connections
to the source.
Enabling Crop for Outer Junction/Symbolic Links Crop can be selected via the configuration tool.
Unroll follows Outer Junctions/Symlink Directories
and rebuilds the content of Outer Junctions/Symlink Directories inside the hierarchy
at the destination location.
Unroll also applies to Outer Symlink Files, which means, that unroll causes
the target of Outer Symlink Files to be copied to the destination location.
In the above example Folder1 is copied to Destination/Folder1, andOuter Junction/Symlink and all the files/directories below
Outer Junction/Symlink Target are copied to the folder Outer Junction/Symlink in the destination.
The objective behind unrolling Outer Junctions/Symlink Directories is to get everything
with which the source is connected and rebuild it as seperate copy in the destination. It resembles the 'hair of the elephant'
pattern: Pull on a hair of an elephant, and get the whole elephant.
Unroll is the default behaviour for Smart Copy, Smart Mirror, Delorean Copy
and Clone.
Advanced thoughts on Unrolling
The picture above was just the simplest case, because Unroll does much more
when it encounters complex situations. Think of a outer junctions/symbolic links,
which itself contains junctions/symbolic links, which are inner with respect to
the first outer junction symbolic link:
In the above example Folder1 is copied to Destination/Folder1, and
Outer Junction/Symlink and is unrolled as expected, but since Junction/Symlink
is a inner junction with respect to Outer Junction/Symlink Target, the junction/symlink
relation is restored in the destination.
This kind of nesting can be much more complex:
In the above example Folder1 is copied to Destination/Folder1, and
Outer Junction/Symlink and is unrolled as expected, but then it starts to
get fascinating, because we have two levels of outer junctions/symlinks which all
have respective inner junctions/symlinks, and which are restored properly. Once
you digged yourself through the above picture, you got it. It is not simple I know,
but it is necessary to properly unroll.
And complexity increases if symbolic link files are within unrolled outer
junctions/symbolic links:
In the above example Folder1 is copied to Destination/Folder1, and
Outer Junction/Symlink and is unrolled as expected, but it contains Inner Outer Symlink which points to Inner Outer Symlink Target and this is
a inner junction/symbolic link with respect to Outer Junction/Symlink Target
But worth mentioning is the Symbolic Link Outer Symlink, which would be a
definitive outer symbolic link, but since its targets parent-directory Outer Junction/Symlink Target is unrolled,
Outer Symlink becomes an inner symbolic link with respect to Folder1.
File1 Symlink is also a outer symbolic link, but its target parent-directory
Folder2 is not that lucky to get unrolled, so in the destination File1 Symlink
is not a symbolic link any more, but a copy of the symbolic links' target.
Nested Reparse Points are also an interesting use case, which the algorithm has to tackle with:
In the above example Folder1 is copied to Destination, and
Junction/Symlink F0 and is unrolled as expected, but it contains inner
nested reparse points. Nested means Reparse point pointing to Reparse Points
The Unroll functionality also opens up the possibility to have circular Junction/Symbolic
Link relations among a set of copied items:
In the above example Folder1 is copied via the --unroll option to Destination/Folder1.
Smart Copy/Smart Mirror and Delorean Copy operations can deal with the above shown
circularities and break circularities by not following the affected Junction/Symbolic
Junctions/Symbolic Links can also point to FAT drives or other NTFS drives requiring
as a prerequisite unique Disk-IDs on all disks, which are chained together via Junctions/Symbolic
Hardlink siblings are found by matching the per NTFS volume uniqe file-id, but if
more volumes are chained together it might happen that the same file-ids can be
found on two different NTFS volumes. To address this all operations use the disk-id
and the file-id to match hardlink siblings.
Furthermore it is not allowed to have the disk-id 0xffff-ffff, because the algorithms
use this as internal indicator of a FAT drive.
The Unroll option also allows to point multpile junctions to the same target location,
which causes the algorithms to traverse the same items many times:
At the first glance multiple traversation of items looks simple, but for files this
means that multiple traversed files are the same in the destination and are hardlinked
together. So don't be confused when you see hardlinks, which have never ever been
there before.
Copying Junction/Symbolic Links from mapped network drives also needs extra care, because
junctions on the remote machine relate with path references only valid on the remote machine
to each other:
The example in the above picture shows such a situation
X:\Src\Foo\Junction/Symlink is a junction on a Remote Machine, which points to X:\Src\Foo\Folder.
It is a valid Junction.
X:\Src\Foo is sharded via \\RemoteMachine\MyShare, which still is no problem.
\\RemoteMachine\MyShare mapped to T:\ on a local machine is fine, but the Junction T:\Junction/Symlink,
if asked for its target, will still return X:\Src\Foo\Folder even on the Local Machine. One could expect
that the target is T:\Folder, but it is not for Junctions.
When SmartCopy/Mirror/Delorean comes across such a situation, it translates the Junction correctly when
it is copied onto the Local Machines drive Y:\, so that the final Junction target points correctly to
Splice reconnects Outer Junctions/Symlink directories in the destination to their original targets.
In the above example Folder1 is copied to Destination/Folder1, and
Outer Junction/Symlink is available in the destination as junction, which
points to the original location Outer Junction/Symlink Target.
The objective behind splicing Outer Junctions/Symlink Directories to its original
location is to get a copy during smartcopy, but to reuse Outer Junctions/Symlink
Directories source locations.
The Splice functionality is also useful, when mountpoints should be copied. Mountpoints are very similar
to Junctions, but point to a path always starting with \\?\VolumeGuid{}.
Multpiple Source Locations can be specified for SmartCopy, Clone, and
Delorean Copy. If there are junctions/symlinks between these source locations, they are handled as
inner junctions/symbolic links, because all source locations are dealt like a common root.
In the above example Location1 and Location2 are copied to Destination.
Location2/Junction20 is treated as inner junctions to Location1/Folder10 in the source,
and that's why Destination/Junction20 points to Destination/Folder10 in the Destination.
The objective behind this is to treat all junctions/symlinks as inner junctions/symlins as long as
they are in the set of source folders.
With LinkShell Extension this works as follows:
In the above example all content from Location 1 and Location 2 and pskill.exe are selected. Possible
junctions/symbolic links in Location 1 pointing to Location 2 or vice versa are treated as inner
junctions/symbolic links, because all selection is treated as a common root.
Smart Move enables folders with junctions and symbolic links beneath to be renamed, and the
junctions and symbolic links' targets are updated below that folder. Without Smart Move
renaming of such folders would end in dead junctions and symbolic links.
With junctions or symbolic link directories it behaves as follows:
By closely looking at the above picture one can find three
different types of folders/junctions:
Normal Folders
The folder 'Folder 3' is a normal folder. It gets moved with its content straight forward.
Inner Junctions Symlinks
The folder 'Inner Junction/Symlink' is targeted at 'Inner Junction/Symlink Target'.
In LSE terms this kind of folder is called Inner Junction/Symlink, because its target
points to a folder, which is below the common anchor 'Folder 1'.
Inner Junctions/Symlink are updated properly via Smart Move in the destination location.
Outer Junctions Symlinks
The folder 'Outer Junction/Symlink' is targeted at the folder 'Outer Junction/Symlink Target'.
In LSE terms this kind of folder is called Outer Junction/Symlink, because its target
points to a folder, which is in parallel and thus outside the anchor 'Folder 1'.
Outer Junctions/Symlinks are not touched by Smart Move and thus stay connected to their respective target.
Please note that this is different to Smart Copy, which has 3 different ways
to deal with Outer Junctions/Symbolic Links.
The Smart Move functionality is integrated into Explorer seamlessly, so that you don't have to
do anything special. Simply drag a folder in explorer to its destination location, or e.g. press F2
in Explorer to rename a directory and LSE will intercept this operation under the hood, takes care of
junctions or symbolic links, and will update them.
Intercepting move and rename operation means, that LSE takes over control before rename/move, and recursivley
searches the selected folder for junctions or symbolic links. But searching large amounts of files and
folders takes time, so LSE will show a progress bar when searching takes longer than 250msec.
If symbolic links have to be updated LSE calls its UAC helper LSEUacHelper.exe.
If backup mode is enabled the UAC helper LSEUacHelper.exe is called anyway, because LSE needs to enumerate files in locations,
where it might have no permissions.
Smart Move creates relative symbolic links during the Smart Move operation.
Enabling/Disabling Smart Move
Smart Move can be switched on/off via the configuration tool
Command Line
The Smart Move functionality is also available via command line from ln.exe
via the --move command line switch.
Clones are copies of a folder tree from a source location recreated at the destination location, however the
files within the new folder tree are Hardlinks or Symbolic Links to the respective files in the source folder tree.
A folder tree might also contain Junctions or Symbolic Links. The clone process recreates inner junction/symbolic
links at the destination location very similar as Smart Copy does.
With Windows7/8/10 this cloning process is also available with Symbolic Links instead of Hardlinks.
Clones are created in the same way as e.g Junctions. Select a folder,
click the Action button, choose Pick Link Source from the action menu...
...navigate to the destination folder, press the action button, open the Drop As ... submenu and select HardLink Clone:
... choose Symbolic Link Clone to create clones of existing tree structures.
HardLink and Symbolic Link Clones can also be created via Drag and Drop, select a folder and drag
with the action button depressed to a destination folder. When the action button
is released open the Drop Here... submenu and select HardLink Clone
or with Windows7/8/10 Symbolic Link Clone:
HardLink or Symbolic Link Clones are useful if you need to replicate
a folder tree at a different location. The disk space required is minimal because
the new structure consists entirely of NTFS directory entries with no real amount
of actual data storage.
If both files and
folders are selected as Source Links and dropped as a
HardLink Clone then the selected files are dropped
as Hardlinks alongside the HardLink Clones.
Because Clones use Hardlinks or Symbolic Links, they are only available within an NTFS volume.
Hardlink Cloning can not replicate the folder structure from one disk volume to a
different volume, because Hardlinks are limited to operation on a single volume.
Symbolic Link Clones can be used to create volume spanning Clones.
When creating Clones, LSE forks its
helper LSEUacHelper.exe to forwards this operation to it, if the folder tree
contains symbolic links, because the creation of
symbolic links needs elevation, and thus brings up the
famous UAC dialog.
LSE only issues its helper LSEUacHelper.exe if a symlink is among/below the selected
folders, so it saves you from one UAC prompt if you don't have symlinks among your selection.
Command Line
The Clone functionality via Hardlinks or Symbolic Links is also available via
command line from ln.exe
via the --recursive command line switch.
Smart Mirror is very similar to Smart Copy
and not only copies but synchronises the folder Source to Destination:
Smart Mirror copies if the timestamp of items in the Destination is different from the Source.
Delete files not anymore available in Source from Destination.
Smart Mirror takes care of Hardlink Relations, Restores Inner Junctions or Inner Symbolic links or when
issued unrolls or splices Outer Junctions or Outer Symbolic Links.
Smart Mirror is created in the same way as e.g Junctions. Select a folder,
click the Action button, choose Pick Link Source from the action menu...
...navigate to the destination folder, press the action button, open
the Drop As ... submenu and select Smart Mirror:
Smart Mirror is a little bit different with respect to Auto Rename, because
it expects a already existing folder in the destination location, which has the same name as the
source folder, so that it can do the mirror.
DeLorean Copy is a way of creating incremental backups by using a combination of hardlink clone and Smart Copy.
The following picture gives an overview what DeLorean Copy is about
In general a DeLorean Copy has 3 principals: Source(t), InitialBackup and Backup(n).
Phase 1: Intial SmartCopy
The folder Source(t) is initially copied to InitialBackup. This is shown by the blue arrow.
Changes happen
During this phase the files under source change, and
Source(t) becomes Source(t+1).
Phase 2: Hardlink Clone
The folder InitialBackup is Hardlink Cloned to
Backup1, which ties InitialBackup and Backup1. This is shown
by the red arrow.
Phase 3: Mirror
Mirror the folder Source to Backup1. This
is shown by the green arrow:
Keep unchanged files as hardllinks to InitialBackup.
Delete files not anymore in Source(t+1) from Backup1.
Copy different files from Source(t+1) to Backup1.
With completion of this first round Backup1 contains the first lean and mean
copy of Source only consisting of either hardlinks to InitialBackup,
or of copied files if there was the need to copy them over from Source(t+1)
because they were newer under Source(t+1).
The point is that all files in Backup1 are transparently accessible, but
really little space is used, because not all files in the Source(t+1) changed,
so that there was only the need to effectively copy over a few files from Source(t+1)
to Backup1.
This can be repeated on and on. The second round would be using Source, Backup1 and Backup2 for DeLorean Copy:
Changes happen
During this phase the files under source change, and
Source(t+1) becomes Source(t+2).
Phase 2: Hardlink Clone
The folder Backup1 is Hardlink Cloned to Backup2,
which ties Backup1 and Backup2. This is shown by the red arrow.
Phase 3: Mirror
Mirror the folder Source(t+2) to Backup2.
This is shown by the green arrow:
Keep unchanged files as hardllinks to Backup1.
Delete files not anymore in Source(t+2) from Backup2.
Copy newer files from Source(t+2) to Backup2.
DeLorean Copies are created in the same way as e.g Junctions. Select a folder,
click the Action button, choose Pick Link Source from the action menu...
...navigate to the destination folder, press the action button, open the Drop As...
submenu and select DeLorean Copy:
If a DeLorean Copy was dropped the first time onto a directory, the operations, which are described under
phase 1 in the above descriptions, namely a Smart Copy, is performed. Link Shell Extension automatically
generated the folder name for the destination by appending a timestamp.
Any successive drop of a directory onto the a destination directory initates Phase 2 and Phase 3 from the
above description, namley it does the Hardlink Clone from the former backup onto the current backup and
furthermore does mirror the source onto the current backup.
A directory holding many copies may look like this.
It is little known, but NTFS has a limit to create a maximum of 1023 hardlinks to one file. For
DeLorean Copy this means that it will display an error message if this limit is exceeded, because
exceeding this limit means loss of data among the most recent backup sets:
The reason for exceeding this limit could either be, that there have been more than 1023 backup sets
but no hardlinks within the Source, or there are hardlinks within the Source and less than 1023
backup sets.
The DeLorean Copy submenue will not appear if more than one folders are selected as source.
DeLorean Copy is long path safe which means it can handle more than 256 characters in pathes. This is
important, because placing a copy with quite long path, but still below 256 characters path length,
to destination locations might result in combined path length greater than 256 character. In such a situation
no data loss must happen, which Delorean copy guaranties with beeing 'long path safe'.
Please make sure that Explorer can not show you the result of such a copy, but the files are there.
Alternative explorers like SpeedCommander can handle this.
Command Line
DeLorean Copy functionality is also available via ln.exe
Backup mode enables LSE to also copy ACLs and Encrypted Files from all directories, even the ones
without access for the current users.
LSE always forks its helper process LSEUacHelper.exe, and thus raises the
UAC prompt for elevation and password verification.
It applies to SmartCopy, SmartMirror, SmartClone, Delorean Copy, SmartMove
and Replacement Junction/Symbolic Link/Mountpoint.
LSE.exe thus copies
Alternative Streams on files and folders
EA Records on files and folders (rarely used)
Reparse Info
File Attributes
Timestamps: Creation Time, Last Access Time, Last Write Time
Sparse Files and Alternative Sparse Streams
Encrypted files
Backup Mode is disabled by default, and can be turned on via the LSE configuration tool.
To perform backup operations a user must hold the SE_BACKUP_NAME and SE_RESTORE_NAME privileges.
An out of the box Wndows configuration assigns the Backup-Operator and Administrator group these privileges, but
additionally the above privileges can be assigned individually to certain users or groups.
Assigning privileges can be accomplished
By gpedit.msc
and navigating to
"Computer Configuration" ->"Windows settings" -> "Security Settings"
-> "Local Policies" -> "User Rights Assignments" -> "Backup files and directories"
"Computer Configuration" ->"Windows settings" -> "Security Settings"
-> "Local Policies" -> "User Rights Assignments" -> "Restore files and directories"
Without gpedit.msc
Download PolsEdit and add users or groups, who should be able to run
backups, to the SE_BACKUP_NAME and SE_RESTORE_NAME privileges.
Volume Mountpoints provides functionality to
map complete local volumes onto arbitrary disk locations. Volume Mountpoints
were not supported in NTFS Version 4.0
Volume Mountpoints are created in the same way as Hardlinks, except that the Source Link is a volume rather than a file. Select a
local volume, click the right mouse button, choose Pick Link Source from the action menu, navigate to the
destination folder, click the action button, open the submenu Drop As ... and select Volume Mountpoint:
Volume Mountpoints can also be created via Drag and Drop when the selected local volume is dragged with the action button pressed to a destination
folder; when the right mouse button is released, select the Drop Here ... submenu and then Volume Mountpoint.
Mount Points can be deleted by using the Unmount Volume command from Explorer as usual.
To show the origin of a Volume Mountpoint, the reference column of a
Volume MountPoint shows the volume which is mounted onto the selected path.
Make sure that only local volumes can be mounted but not mapped network drives.
The creation and deletion of Volume Mountpoints is bound to
successful elevation, which means that the famous UAC dialog
must be acknowledged.
As described in the backgrounders section within the “default” data stream of all data objects
NTFS maintains a reference count how many NTFS directory entries refer to object. In most scenarios each entry will
refer a different folder, although it is possible to have multiple links to the same data object in the one folder,
providing they have folder unique names
To show the reference counts, a column can be enabled in Explorers right pane by action clicking the Titles row of the details view.
After enabling the reference column the reference count is shown for each file.
Windows7/8/10: The column, which shows the reference
count and the origin of the junction is not available, because the way Windows7/8/10 handles
user defined columns has been completely revamped by Microsoft and all applications working with
so called ColumnHandlers will not work.
Link Shell Extension also supports so called Explorer Property Sheets, which means that if a file or directory property in explorer is opened, Link
Shell Extension adds its own tab to show the properties of a hardlink, junction, volume mountpoint or symbolic link.
This additional tab only shows up in the file or directory properties, if the
file or directory is a hardlink, junction, volume mountpoint or symbolic link,
otherwise this tab is not available.
For junctions, volume mountpoints or symbolic links this dialog also shows
a 'Explore Target' button, which opens an explorer in the specified directory.
For Junctions, Symbolic Links or Mountpoints the target field can be edited, and after either pressing the Apply button
or leaving the Link Property dialog with ok, the changes are applied to the Junction, Symbolic Link or Mountpoint.
If the Backup Mode is enabled, the ACL of the edited Junction, Symbolic Link or Mountpoint
is preserved.
Creating a Symbolic Link is essentially the same as the other Link creation processes. Action click on the selected
file(s) and select Pick Link Source(s) from the action menu.
When the destination folder is action clicked the menu contains a Drop As ... submenu, to create a Symbolic Link
select SymbolicLink from the submenu. Unlike Hardlinks Symbolic Links can span storage volumes.
If both files and folders are selected as the Source Links and dropped as a Symbolic Link Clone then the selected files are
dropped as Symbolic Links alongside newly created Symbolic Link Clone folders.
Symbolic Links can also be created between directories.
a fully qualified path starting at the root of a drive, e.g e:\data\cpp\myfile.txt
or can be be specified relativeley, e.g ..\..\data\cpp\myfile.txt
LSE by default tries to create relative target path names for symbolic links as long as
this is possible, e.g the file and its target are on the same logical drive.
Having relative symbolic link targets is much smarter especially when the target of links
is in the same directory.
If a symbolic link and its target are on different drives, LSE uses absolute pathnames.
The configuration tool can switch Link Shell Extension in either
relative or absolute mode.
Overlay Icons for Symbolic Links
To help distinguish Symbolic Links from normal files/directories, an overlay icon is implemented
on symbolic links that shows a light green arrow icon under the folder.
Overlay icons for Symbolic Links can also be customized.
@Microsoft: Symbolic links without elevation: Lets see if this paragraph
is read by someone. I don't know if it is a bug or a feature, but one
can create symbolic links without elevation, if you create a hardlink
from a symbolic link. That sounds weird, but it works. And by a closer
look at this stuff, it can be seen, that LSE really uses CreateHardlink()
and a symbolic link is created. MS guys! Your opinion?
@Microsoft: Symbolic can span network drives as long as the target is a
drive letter mapped drive, but it fails for UNC names in symbolic link target with
error ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE(1326), even if the network is connected properly.
Due to UAC some API calls need elevation to administrative level, and this elevation must be acknowledged via the below shown dialog box.
So if you see the below box, and the program asking for elevation is LSEUacHelper.exe, it is Link Shell Extensions contribution to UAC and you must acknowledge it to get
Symbolic Links created.
One way to come around the UAC prompt for the creation of Symbolic Links is to globally allow users to create Symbolic
Links by changing the policy.
With gpedit.msc
Start gpedit.msc from the command line and grant/revoke specific users the permissions: Under
"Computer Configuration" ->"Windows settings" -> "Security Settings" -> "Local Policies" -> "User Rights Assignments" -> "Create Symbolic Links".
Without gpedit.msc
Download PolsEdit and add users to SE_CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK_NAME.
Linkshell Extension can deal with the above granting of privileges, and if the Symblic Link Privilege is available avoids the UAC prompt.
Developer mode in Windows10
Another way to come around the UAC prompt would be to
enable the developer mode,
which is available since Windows10/14972.
It is little known, but the SMB networking protocol supports operations to
create remote Hardlinks, Junctions and Symbolic Links within SMB mapped
network NTFS drives.
This feature is used by Link Shell Extension, to enable the creation of
so called Remote Hardlinks, Remote Junctions, or Remote Symbolic Links. e.g.
Map a network share
Pick a file from that share
Drop the file as Hardlink within the same share
A Hardlink has been created, which can be easily verified
Furthermore SMB1.0 also reports the reference count for Hardlinks and
the junction origin for Junctions, which enables Link Shell Extension
to show the properties dialog for remote files. Currently the reference
count of a hardlink is reported via SMB1.0 in 90% correctly, so please
be aware of this restriction.
@Microsoft: Why does this happen in 90%? I have scanned my code
in the meantime many times, and it is obvious, that the same call
sometimes succeeds and sometimes not. Why??? If you wanna hunt
down a bug in your code, please contact me!
LSE supports both, mapped network drives and UNC paths.
Mapped but not available network drives can in general be the reason
for sloppy explorer startup performance. Delays of a few seconds can
be experienced if explorer has to check all drive mappings, especially
the ones which are not available. This gets worse, if LSE also checks the status
of all drives.
To workaround this caveat the Remote Capabilities of Link Shell Extension
can be switched on/off via the configuration tool.
Remote Hardlinks and the SMB version
There are differnet SMB Version implemented in different Windows versions which means different
behaviour for hardlinks:
SMB1.0: Windows XP, Windows2000 ...
SMB2.0: Windows Vista ...
SMB2.1: Windows7/8, Windows Server 2008 R2 ...
SMB3.0: Windows10, Windows Server 2012 R2 ...
All of those version support the creation of hardlinks remotely, but since SMB2.0 one
can not find out if a file on a remote drive is a hardlink or not.
This means, that e.g if you connect with your Windows XP machine to a SMB2.1 drive,
which is provided by a Windows7/8/10 machine, you will not be able to see overlay icons
for hardlinked files, but you will be able to create them remotley.
@Microsoft: Is this implementation since SMB2.0 a bug or a feature?
LSE supports removable media, which have been formatted with NTFS, to create all kind of features it does for fixed drives too. The only limitation
is that it intentionally won't work on removable media if they are mounted to drive A: or B:. The reason is that A: or B: are commonly used for floppy drives.
With removable media formatted to NTFS there is the slight chance that LSE reports
'Access denied' problems, when creating hardlinks or junctions. This is due to
file object permissions on the removable NTFS drive, which have been created with a different
computer on that removable media, thus causing this 'Access denied' messages. The solution
here is to change the permission on that removable media as Administrator.
The Win32 API supports pathnames up to 256 characters, thus limiting all applications to that length for pathnames.
On the other hand NTFS supports pathnames with up to 32767 characters, so one might
have already experienced pathnames, which are longer than 256 characters. To deal
with that, LSE can handle Very Long Path up to 32767 characters with all
With the subst.exe command one can create driveletters, which point to certain path on a NTFS volume. This means that two
different driveletters in the end might resolve to locations on the same NTFS volume.
Link Shell Extension checks these situations when it comes to allow the creation of hardlinks, and as a consequence allows
the creation of hardlinks among different logical drives if they resolve to the same NTFS volume.
With Windows Server 2012 Microsoft introduced the
filesystem, which is the designated successor to NTFS. But the first
implementation of ReFS can do nice things, but lacks a few important features from NTFS like the Hardlink support.
Link Shell Extension supports ReFS so that one can create Symbolic Links, Mountpoints, Junctions on ReFS volumes.
But it will throw an error message if a hardlink is about to be created on a ReFS volume. So what are the impacts on
Link Shell Extension in detail:
ReFS drives as the destination of Delorean Copies will for sure fail, at least when creating the second backup in a Delorean set.
Since ReFS is expected to support the full set of NTFS functionality in a later release, Link Shell Extension has no
checks implemented to tackle with the above constraints.
There are a lot of filesystems out by third party vendors nowadays, which support hardlinks, symlinks...
In order to provide the LSE functionality on that drives, the supported filesystems can be configured:
Add your favourite filesystem name in a comma seperated list to
Changes to the known filesystems from the above registry key take efect after an explorer.exe restart.
If you don't know the name of the filesystem you might determine this by issuing
ln.exe from a command prompt.
ln --probefs x:
By default Btrfs is configured as a known third party filesystem.
Configuring your favourite filesystem to be recognized by LSE is on your own risk. Basically LSE would do all operations
to the configured filesystems, which it does to NTFS. So make sure your filesystem supports the same primitives as NTFS does
otherwise certain operations will fail.
Link Shell Extension can be tweaked/configured to fit the different personal taste
in some aspects. To ease this, Link Shell Extension has a companion called LSEConfig,
which changes Link Shell Extension behaviour via a User Interface. Once started, LSEConfig will throw
the famous UAC UAC dialog, because Link Shell Extensions
settings are changed in the Windows registry.
Link Shell Extension's UI and commands are available in a few languages.
You can choose from
Portuguese Brazilian
Changing the UI Language of Link Shell Extension will need a restart of the explorer once
Apply or Ok is pressed.
Smart Move
It might be useful to totally switch off Smart Move,
if there are folders with really much folders.
This can be acchieved by ticking the Smart Move checkbox.
All output of a LSE operation like SmartCopy, SmartMirror, or Delorean Copy is logged to the file %TEMP%\LinkShellExtension.log
Remote Capabilities
It might be useful to totally switch off Remote Capabilities,
if there are lots of 'dead network drives' around.
This can be acchieved by ticking the Remote Capabilities checkbox.
Outer Junction/Symbolic Link Handling
Decide whether Outer Junctions should be handled as Crop,
be Unrolled, which is the default, or Spliced.
Symbolic Link Creation
By selecting either relative or absolute Link Shell Extension will
create the target of Symbolic Links respective.
Copy Mode
By checking the Backup Link Shell Extension will run in Backup Mode.
Link Shell Extension has built in overlay icons for junctions, hardlinks and symbolic links.
Since icons are subject to individual taste, the icon used by Link Shell Extension can
be specified.
Changing any settings related to overlay icons will ask for a restart of explorer
when Apply or Ok is pressed.
Overlay Icon
Sometimes it might be useful to totally disable certain overlay icons from Link Shell Extension,
which can be acchieved by ticking the checkbox for overlay icons.
Only one overlay icon can be shown with an icon, but many overlay handlers might apply
to provide the overlay icon. To sort this out each overlay handler can specify a priority
to explorer and explorer shows the overlay icon with highest priority.
High priority means lower number, with 0 as the highest priority
Custom Icon
By ticking the checkbox for custom icon the Browse... button gets enabled,
and an icon can be selected.
Keep in mind that custom icons are specific to each user.
General Windows7/8/10 are a little bit special, because overlay icons for 256x256 must not
be in the lower left corner of the icon, and must not be already smaller to perfectly 'overlay'
an icon. 256x256 overlay icons must fill up the complete available icon, and also must not be resized.
Or in other words Windows7/8/10 takes any 256x256 icon and resizes it to 92x92, moves it to the
left lower corner and overlays.
For all other resolutions smaller than 256x256, Windows7/8/10 you have to prepare an overlay icon in the lower left corner.
For my investigations the icon editor of choice capable of dealing with Windows7/8/10 icons was
RealWorld Icon Editor
Apply Changes
When you press OK or Apply on LSEConfigs dialog, settings will be taken over.
If changes were made to Link Shell Extensions language settings or
settings related to overlay icons, you will be asked to confirm a restart
of explorer.exe, so that your changes become effective. Restarting
explorer.exe means, that e.g. any copy operation or other pending operation
within explorer.exe is interrupted.
Hardlinks are a feature common to many Unix based systems, but are not directly available with
Windows. It is a feature, which must be supported by the file system of the operating system.
So what are Hardlinks? It is common to think of a file as being an association between a file name and a
data object
. Using Windows Explorer, the file system can be readily browsed, showing a 1:1 relationship between the
file name and the data object, but this 1:1 relationship does not hold for all file systems.
Some file systems, including UFS, XFS, and NTFS have a N:1 relationship between file name and the data object,
hence there can be more than one directory entry for a file.
So, how does one create multiple entries for the same data object? In Unix there is a command line utility ln, which is used to
create link entries for existing files, hence there are many file names, or so called Hardlinks, for the one data object.
For each HardLink created, the file system increments a reference count
stored with the data object, i.e. it stores how many file names refer to the data object, this counter is
maintained (by the file system) within the data object itself. When a file name referencing a data object is deleted, the data object’s reference
count is decremented by one. The data object itself only gets deleted when the reference count is decremented to zero.
The reference count is the only way of determining whether there are multiple file name references to a data object, and it
only informs of their number NOT there whereabouts.
are wormholes in the tree structure of a directed graph. By browsing a Junction a maybe far distant location in the file system is made
available. Modifying, Creating, Renaming and Deleting files within a junction tree structure operates at the junction
target, i.e. if you delete a file in a Junction it is deleted at the original location.
Symbolic Links
are to files what Junctions are to folders in that they are both transparent and Symbolic. Transparency means that an application can
access them just as they would any other file, Symbolism means that the data objects can reside on any available
volume, i.e. they are not limited to a single volume like Hardlinks. Symbolic Links differ from Shortcuts in that
they offer a transparent pathway to the desired data object, with a shortcut (.lnk), something has to read and
interpret the content of the shortcut file and then open the file that it references (i.e. it is a two step
process). When an application uses a symlink it gains immediate access to the data object referenced by the
symlink (i.e. it is a one step process).
Supported platforms are NT4/W2K/WXP/W2K3/W2K3R2/W2K8/W2K8R2/W2K12/W2K12R2/WXP64/Vista/Vista/Windows7/8/10 in 32bit, 64bit or Itanium.
Hardlinks can only be made on NTFS volumes, under the supported platforms.
Hardlinks can only be made within one NTFS volumes, and can not span across NTFS volumes.
Junctions can not be created on NTFS volumes with NT4.
The Pick Link Source and Drop ...
choices are only visible, if it’s possible to create Hardlinks/Junctions/Symbolic Links. E.G.: If you
select a file on a FAT drive and press the action button, you wont see the Pick Link Source in the action
menu, because FAT file systems, don't support Hardlinks/Junctions/Symbolic Links. This also happens, if
you select source files on a network drive, or select a file as destination, etc.
There is an OS limit of creating more than 1023 hardlinks per file. This is less known, but it is there.
Q: On Windows7/8/10, the Save As... box shows symlinks with the white "shortcut"
overlay, instead of the green symlink overlay.
A: This happens if the processes shown during installation of Link Shell Extension were not closed.
If you really run into this rare situation, a reboot will help.
Q: However the value of the reference count is not updated when hardlinks are deleted.
That is, when I add new hardlinks the value increases properly, but when I delete
hardlinks, the value does not change. Is that a bug? Or there is a way of refreshing
the Windows Explorer?
A: Once a file is deleted in Explorer it is moved into Recycle Bin, but not really deleted.
If you press Shift-Del for deleting a file instead of just pressing Del,
the file really gets deleted and the reference count is decremented.
Q: I could'nt make a successful hardlink for image or vector files - I mean, I was
able to *make* the hardlink copy, but when I modified one file it didnt affect the other.
I'm wondering do you know why this might be - could it be my otherwise quite normal computer (!)
or could it be something to do with the hard link proccess ?
A: You were able to make hardlinks successfully, but when you open a hardlinked file
for edit, it depends on the editor associated to the file if the file either gets
opened, changed, the original deleted, and the new one saved ( ==> link broken )
opened, changed, and saved back ( ==> link alive )
Q: When I deleted a source directory, its junction point
is left behind in an non-operational state.
Is there a way to prevent this? That is, for example, is it possible to automatically
delete the junction points if the associated source is deleted? Or, is it possible to
have a program prune such orphaned junctions afterwards?
A: No sorry, Junctions are a one way relation, and if the targets disappears
the junction points to an orphaned destination.
Q: When I delete a symbolic link, which points to a zipped folder
by pressing DEL, later on when I want to empty the recycle bin, explorer denies
by showing me error message 0x80071128. What's wrong?
A: Unfortunatley this is a bug in Explorer, and it only happens to symbolic links
pointing to .zip files. The workaround is to move it manually out of recycle bin
rename it, and then delete it once more.
Q: I have created a symbolic link to an .exe and when I double
click on it, I get the following error message: The specified path does not exist. Check the path and try again.
A: Unfortunatley this is a bug in Explorer, and I don't have a clue how to come around this in explorer.
If you start the symlink to an .exe from a command prompt it works fine, and even third party
explorers like SpeedCommander can do this, but explorer seems to
have a limitation
Does anybody know the registry hack to enable this in explorer.exe? Drop me a line.
Q: I double click on a symlink in explorer, which e.g. points to an .xls, and the explorer asks me to
choose a program to open it.
A: With KB3039066 Microsoft changed the behaviour of symlinks. Uninstall it and it will work again. See also
Symbolic Link Type Changed
A: The number of different icon overlay handlers that the system can support is limited
by the amount of space available for icon overlays in the system image list.
There are currently fifteen slots allotted for icon overlays, some of which are reserved
by the system.
All is controlled by the alphabetical order of OverlayHandlers under
If the OverlayHandlers for LinkShellExtension somehow slipped to a slot greater 15 under 32bit Windows or
greater 11 with 64bit Windows, the LSE Overlay Icons won't show up.
To manually boost the priority of LSE OverlayIcons open the above registry location with regedit and rename
HardLinkMenu --> 0HardLinkMenu
IconOverlayHardLink --> 0IconOverlayHardLink
IconOverlaySymbolicLink --> 0IconOverlaySymbolicLink
and either restart the explorer or log-off and log-on again. The point here is to change the alphabetical order
by prepeding a 0.
With Windows 10, a 0 might not help but prepending a blank should do it. See below:
Q: The symbolic link overlay icons do not show up under Windows 10
A: See one FAQ above and raise the prio of IconOverlaySymbolicLink under
by prepending two blanks.
IconOverlaySymbolicLink --> '  'IconOverlaySymbolicLink
and either restart the explorer or log-off and log-on again. The point here is to change the alphabetical order
by prepeding blanks.
Q: I'm trying to store Dropbox files only on removable storage instead of the
internal 128gb of storage. My DropBox already contains lots of files. How do I accomplish redirecting
the dropbox folder to the removeable storage?
Copy the whole dropbox folder from the internal storage under c:\users\[username]\dropbox
to e.g x:\data\dropbox
Rename the dropbox folder c:\users\[username]\dropbox to e.g c:\users\[username]\dropbox_org
Pick Link Source x:\data\dropbox
In c:\users\[username] use Drop as and select Symbolic Link or Junction
If everything went fine finally delete c:\users\[username]\dropbox_org
Q: When I create Symbolic links they appear in Explorer as 0 bytes. I cannot remember if this is
expected or not?
A: The resulting Symbolic Links show as 0 bytes in explorer.exe, that's expected.
Q: I only changed the attribute of a file, even the timestamp and content are the same, but --delorean copies the
file instead of linking to the old backupsets and just changing the attributes in the current backup set.
A: The files in the backup sets of --delorean are hardlinked if they are the same. NTFS provides one set of timestamps and
attributes for all hardlink-siblings of a file, so if a file needs different attributes in a backup, it has to be copied.
Q: Broken Junctions (with non-existent targets) have their overlay icons displayed, but right clicking on them in Windows Explorer of
Windows7 x64 SP1 and choosing "Properties" does not bring up the "Link Properties" tab.
Consequently the information where the broken Junction is trying to point is not accessible and cannot be corrected manually.
A: Unfortunatley this is an explorer problem, and LSE has no chance to intercept.
Broken symlinks/juncitons can be easily repaired by the replacement junction/symbolic link feature
Q: When I right click a symbolic link and go to properties, and click on Link properties, if the path contained inside is invalid,
will give you the message "The name '(invalid path goes here)' specified in the Target box is not valid. Make sure the path and file name are correc.
A: Unfortunatley this is an explorer problem, and LSE has no chance to intercept.
Broken symlinks/juncitons can be easily repaired by the replacement junction/symbolic link feature
Improved the progress estimation for the progressbar
Fixed crash in LSEConfig when it replaced the texts upon startup
Removed vcredist-vs2005 check from installer
[Internal] but important change from VS2005 (sic) to VS2017. Basically everything compiled smoothly except for the heap, thus...
[Internal] Removed the Rockall fast heap. This was neccessary, but also a big performance gain. Memory allocation is 2 times faster,
and memory deletion is 10 times faster. Memory allocation is crucial for the core of ln.exe and LSE.
[Internal] Dropped Itanium configuration, since VS2017 does not support it anymore, and I am sure there is no Itanium hardware out in the wild anymore.
Junctions/Symbolic Links/Mountpoints ACLs are preserved when the target is changed either via
Replacement functions or editing from the Link Properties.
When working on mapped network drives via SMB or CFIS, as many NAS boxes do, LSE uses a more traditional enumeration mode and this will copy files ( which it did not in any case ).
Multiple locations can be selected and the location are treated as a common root with respect to hardlinks/junctions/symbolic links.
Nested junctions and symbolic links ( aka junctions on junction on junctions ... ) are now properly restored in any situation.
Smartmove had problems with relative symbolic links in rare situations.
The Properties dialog of an item offers an 'Explore Target'
button for Junctions, Mountpoints and Symbolic Links.
Added localization for Japanese. Thanks to Taka from Japan!
Under Windows7 auto rename behaves in the same way as Windows7/8/10 does for '- Copy'.
September 28th 2009
With W2K the junction creation was broken.
Fixed a handle leak caused by enumerating hardlink siblings under non Vista/W2K8
Under Vista & W7 one can create junctions everywhere without elevation, but not in
e.g c:\Program Files. LSE is now aware of this and asks elevation for junction creation
when necessary.
With drives mapped via a Remote Dektop session, the whole explorer & remote desktop session hang, when
this drives was expanded in explorer, but only under W2K3 as terminal server.
Support for Windows7
Hardlink Sibling Enumeration now also works for XP, W2K NT4, but due
to OS contraints not that fast as with Windows7.
Under W2K it turned out, that CreateHardlink() from kernel32.dll with long pathnames (e.g. \\?\) was
Fixed a memory leak in serving as COM server.
October 4th 2008
There is a new Smart Copy feature, which enables LSE
to copy whole folder structures and preserve the inner hardlink and junction structure.
Junctions can now be created targeting also Junctions.
June 21st 2008
Hardlinks can be enumerated under Vista & Windows7.
Fixed a handle leak for HKCU\Software\LinkShellExtension.
Removeable media support didn't work, when remote capabilities were switched off.
May 1st 2008
Already existing Junctions can be replaced by dragging a directory over it
Naming has been streamlined more towards 'Link Shell Extension'
If the maximum number 1023 of hardlinks for a file is exceeded, an error message is displayed. This applies
for hardlinks and hardlink clones.
The Vista & Windows7 junction overlay icon in 256x256 is in proper size.
Custom icons can be specified for Junction and Hardlink overlays
Version for Itanium available
Pick/Drop does not interfere with the creation of Hardlinks, Junctions or Symbolic Links via Drag and Drop.
It is now possible to pick a link, then drag another file via right mouse click to some location, drop it there
and afterwards drop the first, picked file
The property dialog of a Volume Mountpoint now displays the logical drive letter of the mounted drive
instead of the odd volume name.
Ongoing work towards localisation to East Asian languages.
Symbolic Links now can be created even if the filename contains UTF-16(Asian)characters.
LSE now also works for non Administrators under Vista & Windows7 (after they acknowledged the elevation dialog with the admin password for sure).
Symbolic Links for files or directories can now be created across volumes.
LSE now can also create Hardlinks from Shortcuts, which didn't work for ages.
The print name (the name some can see to the right of a junction, after issuing 'dir' in a command prompt) for Junctions under Vista & Windows7 is now correct.
Lots of usability fixes
During Installation under Vista64 Explorer automatically gets restarted.
The setup contains a check if the VS2005 SP1 Redistributable Package is installed.
The setup contains a check if the LSE version for the proper platform is going to be installed.
Vista & Windows7 compliant overlay icons for Hardlinks.
January 20th 2008
Hardlinks show up with a small overlay icon. This icon will change for Vista compliancy, but at least it is here now.
Junctions have a Vista compliant overlay icon in many resolutions
Support of creation and deletion of
Volume Mountpoints. Unfortunately this does not work under Vista
LSE now prevents the creation of 'loops', when setting up a junction or hardlink clone
Hardlink 'cross drive drops' are now not possible anymore
Some bug fixes for NT4
Lots of usability fixes
October 16th 2007
First fixes for the x64 world. Maybe more to come. Fixing x64 is top
priority since I have Q6600 myself now...
March 25th 2007
Fixed a nasty bug, which caused HardlinkShellExt to slow down
explorer, when it was started. Also fixed the problem that it accessed
drive A:, when an explorer started.
PropertySheet on file and directory properties will show various info
with W2K/XP
Delete Junction is back, because sometimes, especially when deleting
junctions, which point to directories with big amount of data, the Copyhook Handler
does not act as expected. Until this phenomenon is solved, Delete Junction is back.
January 12th 2007
Version 2.6.0
Link Shell Extension is now robust with respect to
deleting junctions. Delete commands issued from explorer unlink
junctions, but do not delete its content.
Due to Junction-awareness of explorer the Delete Junction is gone from the
context menu
Support for Windows Vista & Windows7. Link Shell Extension is now capable of creating
Symbolic Links, but also has a few restrictions related to the Reference column
December 27th 2006
Version 2.5.1 released
Added localisation for Italian and Spanish to commands and messages. Thanks to
Nicola Guidotto and Diego Segobia for the translations.
December 6th 2006
Version 2.4.0
Added localisation for French and German to commands and messages
November 26th 2006
Version 2.3.0 released
Minor fixes in the installer/deinstaller
Introduced the hydraulics of multiple auto rename. If you drop links/junctions
in the same directory, now it behaves exactly as explorer and puts numbers
on the multiple instantiations of a file.
June 16th 2006
Version 2.2.2 released
BugFix. Link Shell Extension is now also able to create hardlinks
via Drag and Drop in root dirs of a drive.
overlay icons for junctions, so that junction
visually pop into your eye.
February 27th 2006
Version 2.0 released
Revamped the
internal structure of ShellExt.
Introduced creation of Hardlink Clones.
Introduced submenu in the context menu, when
more than one entries would be added to context
menu to show the many dropping choices
Support for SymbolicLinks with 'Vista'.
Support for SymbolicLink Clones with
Fixed crashes when dragging files, and using
'HardLink here'.
Fixed problem when showing up wrong menu, when
having folders disabled in the left explorer
Junctions display their origin in the reference
A Pick Link operation can be cancelled
The installer restarts explorer.exe to properly
add/remove the shell extension
Added an entry to Start Menu/Programs
Support for WindowsXP64.
November 26th 2005
Version 1.7 released
the Delete Junction context menu,
when right mouse button is pressed on a
Fixed a handle leak in CreateJunction.
January 23rd 2002
Version 1.6 released
Added a
Columnhandler, so that the reference count of a
hardlinked file is shown in explorer. This feature
only works with W2K/WXP.
Deployment revamped so that the doc is now in
October 27th 2001
Version 1.5 released
internal string handling to
Added junction support. Junctions are a feature
of NTFS5, which allows to hardlink two
Added a directory background handler. This
means, that after picking a hardlink it is possible
to press the right mouse button on the right
explorer pane and drop the
March 23rd 2001
Version 1.201 released
Fixed occurrence of 'Hardlink Here' if shortcuts are selected.
March 23rd 2001
Version 1.20 released
Added Drag and drop support
March 20th 2001
Version 1.10 released
Fixed the problem, that the help text was not displayed properly
Changed the installer to the lean and mean nullsoft installer.
Fixed the problem, that read-only files can not be hardlinked
Fixed the problem, that hardlinks in the root dir didn't work
Tested on W2K and HardlinkShellExt is W2K compliant
With Vista & Windows7 the column handler in explorer, providing the
reference count, does not work, since Microsoft deprecated
the interfaces with respect to this functionality.
This program is provided as is. See license.txt from this distribution for legal issues.
Link Shellextension uses tre as the regular expression machine. See the tre license.
Bug reports, or feature requests send to
Hermann Schinagl..
LSE is and will be freeware, but if LSE was really
helpful for you and saved lots of your time please
think of donations either via PayPal
or by flattring me
or by sending me a gift certificate from
or by donating bitcoins:
Link Shellextension also has its page on
, where you can find announcements for new releases,
and you can discuss feature requests
Link Shellextension broadcasts its release notes via
This version contains the 64bit version of Link Shell Extension, but also
contains a 32bit version, which is installed in parallel to the 64bit version, to satisfy third party
filemanagers/explorers like total commander:
The Itanium version is not supported anymore, but the last VS2005 based version is kept for legacy.
Please make sure that the necessary runtime .dlls are
installed on your system. This prerequisites package can be downloaded from Microsoft:
The version for Windows NT4 will be no more activley developed
on, and its functionality is frozen with version
Link Shell Extension (1.13Mb), which basically has all
the important features.
The driver to enable even WindowsXP with
symbolic link functionality
is provided courtesy of Masatoshi Kimura. You can download the driver from his
homepage or from my site acting as a mirror.