Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - System Configuration Check Report
Computer Name(s): SERWER
Report Date/Time: 02.09.2019 10:33
Saved to Directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20190902_103300\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm
Rule Name | Rule Description | Result | Message/Corrective Action | |
GlobalRules: SQL Server 2017 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'GlobalRules' | ||||
NoRebootPackageDownLevel | This rule determines whether the computer has the required update package for .NET Framework 2.0 or .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that is needed for a successful installation of Visual Studio components that are included in SQL Server. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
RebootRequiredCheck | Checks if a pending computer restart is required. A pending restart can cause Setup to fail. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
ServerCore64BitCheck | Checks if this version of SQL Server is 64bit. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
ServerCorePlatformCheck | Checks if this version of SQL is supported on the currently running Windows Server Core OS. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
AclPermissionsFacet | Checks if the SQL Server registry keys are consistent. | Passed | SQL Server registry keys are consistent and can support SQL Server installation or upgrade. |
FacetWOW64PlatformCheck | Determines whether SQL Server Setup is supported on this operating system platform. | Passed | SQL Server Setup is supported on this operating system platform. |
HasSecurityBackupAndDebugPrivilegesCheck | Checks whether the account that is running SQL Server Setup has the right to back up files and directories, the right to manage auditing and the security log and the right to debug programs. | Passed | The account that is running SQL Server Setup has the right to back up files and directories, the right to manage auditing and security log and the right to debug programs. |
MediaPathLength | Checks whether the SQL Server installation media is too long. | Passed | The SQL Server installation media is not too long. |
NoRebootPackage | This rule determines whether the computer has the required update package for .NET Framework 2.0 or .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that is needed for a successful installation of Visual Studio components that are included in SQL Server. | Passed | This computer has the required update package. |
SetupCompatibilityCheck | Checks whether the current version of SQL Server is compatible with a later installed version. | Passed | Setup has not detected any incompatibilities. |
ThreadHasAdminPrivilegeCheck | Checks whether the account running SQL Server Setup has administrator rights on the computer. | Passed | The account running SQL Server Setup has administrator rights on the computer. |
WmiServiceStateCheck | Checks whether the WMI service is started and running on the computer. | Passed | The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is running. |
InstallGlobalRules: SQL Server 2017 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'InstallGlobalRules' | ||||
ServerCoreBlockUnsupportedSxSCheck | Checks if an earlier version of SQL Server is currently installed. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
AclPermissionsFacet | Checks if the SQL Server registry keys are consistent. | Passed | SQL Server registry keys are consistent and can support SQL Server installation or upgrade. |
FacetDomainControllerCheck | Checks whether the computer is a domain controller. Installing SQL Server 2017 on a domain controller is not recommended. | Passed | This computer is not a domain controller. |
FusionRebootCheck | Checks if a computer restart is required because of broken fusion ATL. A pending restart can cause SQL Server Setup to fail. | Passed | The computer does not require a restart. |
IsFirewallEnabled | Checks whether the Windows Firewall is enabled. | Passed | The Windows Firewall is not enabled. Remote access will not be blocked by Windows. Third party firewalls could still result in access failures. |
InstallFeatureSpecificRules: SQL Server 2017 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'InstallFeatureSpecificRules' | ||||
AS_IsDotNet45Installed | This rule determines if the .NET Framework 4.5.1 is already installed. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
ASIsValidEditionForDeploymentModeCheck | Checks whether the SQL Server edition supports the currently selected Analysis Services server mode. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
InternetConnectionToNETFX4DownloadSite | SQL Server media for Express packages does not include Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 package. If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is not already installed on the computer, SQL Server setup for the Express packages requires connection to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 dowload center to download and install .NET 4.0 Framework through Web setup. Ensure internet connection to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 download center on this computer. If you do not want to open up the internet connection, as a workaround pre-install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 on this computer before running SQL Server setup. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
Polybase_IsDomainController | PolyBase cannot be installed on an Active Directory Domain Controller | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
Polybase_IsMinJavaVersionInstalled | Checks that Oracle JRE 7 Update 51 (64-bit) or higher is installed | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
Polybase_IsPolybaseInstalled | PolyBase can be installed on only one SQL Server instance per computer | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
Polybase_IsSqlEngineRunning | Adding PolyBase feature to a SQL Server instance requires connection to SQL Server Database Engine on the instance | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
PowerShellCheck | Checks whether Windows PowerShell 3.0 (or higher) is already installed on system. Windows PowerShell is needed by some SQL Server features. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
ServerCoreBlockUnsupportedFeaturesCheck | Checks if all selected features are supported on Windows Server Core. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
ServerCoreNetFxCheck | Checks if The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Server Core is already installed on this computer or is available for installation. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
SlipstreamMediaInfoCheck | Checks whether the language of the original media is the same language as the specified service pack. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
Standalone Rules: These rules do not belong to any rule group | ||||
KB2919355 | Check if KB2919355 needs to be manually installed for Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 | Passed | KB2919355 Check Passed |
InstallFeatureSpecificConfigRules: SQL Server 2017 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'InstallFeatureSpecificConfigRules' | ||||
ASIsValidEditionForDeploymentModeCheck | Checks whether the SQL Server edition supports the currently selected Analysis Services server mode. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
InstanceClashRule | Checks whether the specified instance name is already used by an existing SQL Server instance. | Not applicable | This rule does not apply to your system configuration. |
BlockCrossLanguageInstall | Checks whether the Setup language is the same as the language of existing SQL Server features. | Passed | There are no existing SQL Server features, or the Setup language is as same as the language of existing SQL Server features. |
BlockMixedArchitectureInstall | Checks whether the installing feature(s) are the same CPU architecture as the specified instance. | Passed | The CPU architecture of the installing feature(s) matches the specified instance. |
FAT32FileSystemCheck | Checks whether the specified drive is FAT32 file system volume. Installing on a FAT32 file system is supported but not recommended as it is less secure than the NTFS file system. | Passed | The specified drive is not the FAT32 file system. |
StandaloneInstall_HasClusteredOrPreparedInstanceCheck | Checks if the selected instance name is already used by an existing cluster-prepared or clustered instance on any cluster node. | Passed | No clustered or cluster-prepared instance with the selected instance name is installed on any cluster node. |
Rules Documentation:
Setup Help File: