STRING_RESTART = Restart STRING_LEARN_MORE = Learn more STRING_APP_CRASH = App crash STRING_64BIT = 64-bit STRING_WARNING = Warning STRING_PIE = Pie STRING_FOLDER = Folder STRING_CANNOT_INSTALL_0 = Cannot install @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ {0} STRING_RESTART_PC = Restart PC STRING_STATUS_COLLECTING_GUEST = Collecting Android information STRING_DOWNLOADING = Downloading STRING_CANT_USE_THIS_FOLDER = Unfortunately, the selected folder cannot be used to install @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ STRING_ERROR_SENDING_REPORT = Error while sending report STRING_SPACE_REQUIRED = Space required STRING_HYPERV_DISABLED_MESSAGE = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ cannot start when Hyper-V is disabled. You should enable Microsoft Hyper-V from the Windows Control Panel and try again. Refer to this FAQ for steps on how to enable it. STRING_COULDNT_RESTORE_UNUSABLE = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ could not be restored to its earlier state and may be unusable. STRING_CHOOSE_AGAIN = Choose again STRING_RETRY = Retry STRING_DISABLED_VT = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ requires hardware assisted virtualization to be enabled on your PC for optimal performance. Refer to this FAQ for instructions on how to enable it. STRING_MINIMIZE_INSTALLER = Minimize the installer? STRING_PC_HAS_LESS_MEMORY = Your PC has less than {0}GB memory required by @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ to run. STRING_CANNOT_USE_FOLDER = Cannot use folder STRING_APP_NAME_WATERMARK = Type application name here STRING_FAILED_TO_RESTORE_OLD_DATA = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ could not restore your previous data. STRING_AUTO = Auto STRING_DOWNLOAD = Download STRING_BS_REQUIRES_SPACE_DRIVE_INSTALL = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ requires at least {0} GB of free disk space in {1} drive to update. STRING_SUBMIT = Submit STRING_TOTAL_ATTACHMENT_COUNT_EXCEEDED_LIMIT = Less than 10 files should be attached. NAME = Name STRING_CUSTOM = Customize installation STRING_CLEAN_BLUESTACKS = This will erase all game data saved locally on @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_GAME_LAG = Game play feels slow/sluggish STRING_VERSION_ALREADY_INSTALLED = Latest version already installed STRING_APPLICATION_NAME = Application name STRING_EXIT_INSTALLER = Exit installer STRING_SUBCATEGORY = Subcategory STIRNG_ACCEPT_TNC = Accept Terms of Use STRING_INSTALLATION_ERROR = Installation error STRING_STATUS_COLLECTING_HOST = Collecting host information STRING_REASON_FOR_UNINSTALL = Please tell us why you chose to uninstall @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ STRING_FINISHED = Completed STRING_AGREE = Accept STRING_PROBLEM_TYPE = Problem type STRING_STATUS_COLLECTING_PRODUCT = Collecting product information STRING_CREATE = Create STRING_SELECT_APP_NAME = Select app name STRING_RESTART_NOW = Restart now STRING_CANCEL = Cancel ANDROID = Android STRING_NO = No STRING_POST_OTS_FAILED_WARNING_MESSAGE = Please check your Internet connection and try again. STRING_UNINSTALL_CURRENT_AND_REINSTALL = Please uninstall your current build and reinstall @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_0_MINS_LEFT = {0} mins left STRING_WAITING_FOR_INTERNET = Waiting for Internet connection STRING_FOLDER_CANNOT_CONTAIN_FOLLOWING_SPECIAL_CHARS = The selected path cannot contain any of the following characters: STRING_CLIENT_UNINSTALL = Uninstalling Client STRING_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE = Insufficient disk space STRING_CONTINUE = Continue STRING_SELECT_FOLDER = Please select another folder STRING_ROLLBACK_FAILED_SORRY_MESSAGE = We are deeply sorry but both the upgrade and the subsequent rollback have failed and it is no longer possible to restore @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ to the state it was in before the upgrade began. Unfortunately, you may only uninstall the existing version of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ and install the latest version of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ from the website. STRING_CLOSE = Close STRING_THANKS_FOR_USING_BLUESTACKS = Thank you for using @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ STRING_CHECKING_YOUR_SYSTEM = Checking your system STRING_MINIMIZE_TOOLTIP = Minimize STRING_INSTALLATION_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE = Rollback complete STRING_EXE_CRASH = .exe crash STRING_REPORT_SENT_SUCCESS = Report sent successfully STRING_ERROR = Error STRING_INSTALLING_ENGINE = Installing Engine STRING_INSTALLATION_CANCEL_CONFIRMATION = Would you like to cancel this installation? STRING_SYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET = Minimum system requirements not met STRING_ATTACHMENT_UNALLOWED_EXTENSION_BAT_EXE = Files with extensions .bat and .exe are not allowed. STRING_APP_DETAILS = Application details STRING_NOUGAT = Nougat STRING_INSTALLATION_FAILED = Unfortunately, could not install @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_HOW_TO_TAKE_BACKUP = How to backup? STRING_CHOOSE = Choose STRING_APP_NAME = Enter app name STRING_HYPERV_OS_RELEASEID_WARNING = This version of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ requires Windows version 1903 or above. Please update Windows or disable Hyper-V to install @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_LATEST_VERSION_INSTALLED = The latest version of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ is already installed on your PC. STRING_CREATE_SHORTCUTS = Creating @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ shortcuts STRING_INSTALL_REQUIRES_ADMIN = To install, @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ requires Windows Administrator privilege. Would you like to grant it to continue the installation? STRING_CANNOT_FIND_GAME = Could not find a game STRING_RECEIVE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION = Receive email notifications STRING_OK = OK STRING_RESTART_TRY_AGAIN = May we recommend restarting your PC and try the installation again? STRING_UNINSTALL_FINISHED = Uninstalled @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ STRING_INSTALL_DONE = Installation complete STRING_INSTALL_GAME_FAIL = Could not install a game STRING_UNINSTALL_TITLE = Uninstall @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ STRING_ATTACH_FILES = Attach files STRING_INSTALL_FAIL = Installation failed STRING_READ_WHATS_NEW = Read what's new STRING_LOGCOLLECTOR_RUNNING = The problem report tool is already running STRING_DESCRIBE_PROBLEM = Describe the problem STRING_TOTAL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE_EXCEEDED_LIMIT = Total files attached exceeds the maximum allowed limit of 25MB. Please select another file. STRING_INSUFFICIENT_DISKSPACE = Your PC does not have sufficient disk space available. @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ requires STRING_ERROR_OCCURED_DEPLOYING_FILES = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ encountered an error while deploying some files. STRING_HYPERV_COMPUTE_PLATFORM_DISABLED_WARNING = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ cannot start as Hyper-V compute platform is not enabled on your PC. STRING_INSTALL_FINISH = Installation is complete STRING_CHECK_FAQ = Check FAQ STRING_DOWNLOAD_FAILED = Download failed STRING_CANT_INSTALL_BLUESTACKS = Can’t install BlueStacks STRING_RESTART_MACHINE_PROMPT = Would you like to restart your PC? STRING_PC_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_WARNING = Unfortunately, your PC does not have enough disk space to update BlueStacks. STRING_ERROR_CODE_COLON = Error code: STRING_YES = Yes STRING_INSTALLER = © 2011 through 2022 Bluestack Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide STRING_RETRY_CONNECTION_ISSUE_TEXT1 = Try again STRING_TRY_RESTARTING_MACHINE = Restart your PC and try again STRING_SELECTED_DRIVE_INSUFFICIENT_DISKSPACE = Unfortunately, the selected drive does not have sufficient disk space to install @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_AFTER_DISK_SPACE_CONTINUE = Please free up the required disk space and retry. STRING_UPGRADE_FAILED = Upgrade failed STRING_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY = Insufficient memory STRING_BLUESTACKS = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ STRING_BST_SUPPORT_UTILITY = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ support utility STRING_UNINSTALL_BLUESTACKS = Would you like to uninstall @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@? STRING_BEFORE_CREATING_SETUP = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ is already installed. To create a {0} instance, @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ needs to update to the latest version. STRING_ERROR_INSTALLING_BLUESTACKS = Error installing @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ STRING_LAUNCH = Launch BLUESTACKS = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ STRING_DATA_PATH = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ data path STRING_ANTIVIRUS_PAUSE_INSTALLER = Pause your PC antivirus if it is interfering with the installation STRING_0_COMMA_1 = {0}, {1} NONE = None STRING_INSTALL_NOW = Install now STRING_CATEGORY = Category STRING_REPORT_A_PROBLEM = Report a problem STRING_SORRY_ERROR_INSTALLING_BLUESTACKS = Sorry, it seems there was an error while installing @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_ONE_STEP_GO_ADDITIONAL_FILES = One more step to go - a few additional files will be downloaded to create a {0} instance. STRING_AGREE_WITH_LICENSE = Your agreement to our Terms of Use is required to proceed further STRING_SELECT_AGAIN = Select again STRING_START_ENGINE_FAIL = Engine did not start STRING_INSTALLING = Installing STRING_32BIT = 32-bit STRING_OS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ is not supported for the Windows version running on this PC. STRING_EXIT = Exit STRING_UPGRADE_NOT_SUPPORTED = Unfortunately, it is not possible to upgrade the existing version of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ to the latest one. STRING_INCOMPATIBLE_INSTALLER_STARTED = This version of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ installer is not compatible with your version of Windows. Please download the {0} version of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ and try again. STRING_INSTALLER_CANNOT_STOP_AFTER_START = Unfortunately, the installation process cannot be stopped once it has begun. Please wait until it completes. STRING_INVALID_FILE = Invalid file STRING_STATUS_INITIAL = Starting collector STRING_ATTACHMENT_SIZE_EXCEEDED = Attachment size exceeded STRING_UPGRADE_FROM_BS1_CLEAN_OK = Install new STRING_INSTALLATION_ROLLBACK = Rolling back installation STRING_LATEST_VERSION = You are on the latest version STRING_ATTACHMENT_COUNT_EXCEEDED = Attachment count exceeded STRING_CHANGE_FOLDER = Change folder STRING_CREATE_0_INSTANCE = Create a {0} instance? STRING_BACK = Back STRING_SOFTWARE_LICENSE = software license STRING_SPACE_AVAILABLE = Space available STRING_BLACK_SCREEN = Black screen STRING_UPGRADE_FROM_BS1_CLEAN_CANCEL = Keep old STRING_BLUESTACKS_INSTALLER = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ installer STRING_LOGCOLLECTOR_DESCRIPTION_WARNING = Enter more than 10 characters in description STRING_INITIATING_PERFORMANCE_BOOST = Finishing post installation steps STRING_UNFORTUNATELY_COULDNT_UPGRADE = Could not update BlueStacks 5. STRING_HYPERV_DISABLED_WARNING = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ cannot start when Hyper-V is disabled. STRING_INCOMPATIBLE_INSTALLER = Incompatible installer STRING_UNINSTALL = Uninstall STRING_ADDITIONAL_FILES_DOWNLOAD_INSTANCE = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ is already installed. To create a {0} instance, a few additional files will be downloaded. STRING_PREINSTALL_FAIL = Unfortunately, your PC does not fulfill the minimum requirements for installing @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_UPGRADE_NOW = Update now STRING_0_OF_1 = {0} of {1} STRING_SUBMIT_REPORT = Submit report STRING_OTHER_REASON = Other reasons or information, e.g., game name, etc. STRING_ENGINE_UNINSTALL = Uninstalling Engine STRING_STATUS_SENDING = Sending problem report STRING_CONFLICT_WITH_OTHERS = Conflict with other software STRING_INSTALLATION_START_WHEN_DOWNLOAD_FINISHES = The installation will start as soon as the download is complete. STRING_YOUR_EMAIL = Your email address STRING_BS_CANNOT_INSTALL_64_ON_32 = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ cannot install the 64-bit version of Android since you are using Windows 32-bit. STRING_PRE_INSTALL_CHECKS = Checking system requirements STRING_ATTACHMENT_UNALLOWED_EXTENSION = The file you are trying to attach is not an image. Please attach a screenshot of the issue and try again. STRING_CONTINUE_IN_BACKGROUND = Would you like to continue downloading @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ in the background? STRING_ADMINISTRATIVE_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = Administrator privilege required STRING_PROMPT = Could not send problem report. A file named has been created on your desktop. Please e-mail this file along with a brief description of the issue you are experiencing to VERSION = Version STRING_INSTALL_ENGINE_FAIL = Could not install Engine STRING_BST_INSTALLER_ALREADY_RUNNING = Another instance of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ installer is already running. STRING_UPDATE_SETTING = Update STRING_EXTRACTING_FILES = Extracting files STRING_FREE_DISK_SPACE = How to run disk cleanup utility? STRING_INSTALL = Install STRING_ERROR_WHILE_DOWNLOADING_BS = There was an error while trying to download @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_SELECT = Select STRING_OLD_INSTALLATION_INTERFERING = It seems an existing installation of @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ is interfering with the current attempt of installing @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_OUTLINE_ISSUE = Please describe the issue below so we may understand how to help you. STRING_FINISH_REPORT_SEND = Your problem report has been sent. We will get back to you soon. STRING_STATUS_ARCHIVING = Creating support archive STRING_PC_MIN_REQ_UNMET_HOWEVER_PLAY_ON_X = Your PC does not meet the minimum system requirements to install @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. However, you can play your favorite Android games online on our cloud using BlueStacks X. STRING_PLAY_ON_CLOUD = Play on cloud STRING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_PLAY_X = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ requires at least {0} GB of free disk space in {1} drive to install. You may free up the required disk space and retry, or change the path to install on another drive, or play online on our cloud using BlueStacks X. STRING_BSX_ON_GL_UNSUPPORTED = Your graphics card or its drivers are not compatible with @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. Please update your drivers and retry the installation. You may also play your favorite Android games online on our cloud using BlueStacks X. STRING_PC_MIN_REQ_UNMET = Your PC does not meet the minimum system requirements to install @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. STRING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE = @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ requires at least {0} GB of free disk space in {1} drive to install. You may free up the required disk space and retry, or change the path to install on another drive. STRING_GL_UNSUPPORTED = Your graphics card or its drivers are not compatible with @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@. Please update your drivers and retry the installation. STRING_INTERNET_UNSTABLE = Your Internet connection is not stable. Please check your connection and try again. STRING_CHANGE_PATH = Change path STRING_MIN_REQ_FAILED_0 = Your system does not meet the minimum requirements to run {0}. STRING_INSTALL_32BIT = Please install @@STRING_PRODUCT_NAME@@ {0} version. STRING_OTHER = Other