211203 21:21:35.993 Started with parameter: /install 211203 21:21:36.056 Driver is not running. 211203 21:21:36.056 Driver install requires reboot. Shortcuts installallation is scheduled after reboot. 211203 21:21:36.056 Finished. 211203 21:24:27.898 Started with parameter: /install1 211203 21:24:27.996 Driver is running. 211203 21:24:33.292 Default shortcut definitions: DisableStereoLinks = 0 DisableStereoDesktopLinks = 0 OptimizedForGeForce = 0 ProgramsShortcuts = 003 DesktopShortcuts = 001 StartShortcuts = 001 211203 21:24:33.292 Driver inf shortcuts overrides: DisableStereoLinks = 0 DisableStereoDesktopLinks = 0 OptimizedForGeForce = 0 ProgramsShortcuts = 003 DesktopShortcuts = 001 StartShortcuts = 001 211203 21:24:33.479 Service notified to finish links install. 211203 21:24:33.479 Finished. 211203 21:25:02.025 Started with parameter: /install2 211203 21:25:02.088 Shortcuts installed on desktop: 001. 211203 21:25:02.104 Shortcuts installed in Programs: 003. 211203 21:25:02.104 Finished.