[2025-03-10 01:39:47.908] [info ] [softupdater] [ 3912: 9548] [E60BEB: 535] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::UpdateStatistics] Updating statistics: { "state" : "scanning", "statistics" : { "duration" : 25, "ignored" : 0, "installed" : 40, "outdated" : 19, "outdatedAutoUpdatable" : 14, "pending" : 0, "started" : 1741570762, "trigger" : 1 } } [2025-03-10 01:39:47.913] [info ] [tuneup ] [ 3912: 9548] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareUpdater [2025-03-10 01:39:47.913] [info ] [tuneup ] [ 3912: 9548] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareUpdater [2025-03-10 01:39:47.914] [info ] [tuneup ] [ 3912: 9548] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 9, expected: 9 [2025-03-10 01:39:47.914] [info ] [tuneup ] [ 3912: 9548] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-10 01:39:47.914] [info ] [tuneup ] [ 3912: 9548] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareUpdater and reporting status [2025-03-10 01:39:47.959] [info ] [SmartScan ] [ 3912: 9548] [D5FA81: 399] [ tupp::SetDriverUpdaterIpmDisplayData] Set DU IPM Display Data items [2025-03-10 02:16:22.477] [info ] [SmartScan ] [ 3912:12648] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 04:16:05.449] [info ] [SmartScan ] [ 3912:18188] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 09:26:38.163] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11220] [D5FA81: 120] [ SmartScan::InitLog] Logger initialized. [2025-03-10 09:26:38.195] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11220] [D5FA81:2021] [ InitTuneupScans] Tuneup Silent Scan is Enabled! [2025-03-10 09:26:38.210] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11220] [D5FA81:2035] [ InitTuneupScans] Junk File Monitor is Enabled! [2025-03-10 09:26:40.372] [info ] [drvdefrag ] [11016: 3968] [D7D382: 334] [*:drive_defragModule::drive_defragModule] Engine: Debug mode: false [2025-03-10 09:26:40.897] [info ] [drvdefrag ] [11016: 3968] [D7D382: 359] [*:drive_defragModule::drive_defragModule] Engine: DriveDefrag is initialized [2025-03-10 09:26:41.241] [info ] [StartupMgr ] [11016:16192] [6DE4EB: 440] [*etail::startup_manager_module::ScanImpl] Collecting Startup entries [2025-03-10 09:26:41.320] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016:16192] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-10 09:26:41.517] [info ] [StartupMgr ] [11016:16192] [6DE4EB: 543] [*etail::startup_manager_module::ScanImpl] Collected [2025-03-10 09:26:42.103] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11192] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 09:26:42.103] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 3968] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 09:26:42.165] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [2D4D7F: 24] [ SWCU::SWCUEngineAdapter::Init] SWCU_Init: {"authUrl":"https://auth.ff.avast.com:443","autoRemoveTrashed":36500,"backendUrl":"http://software-cleanup.ff.avast.com:80","dataDirectory":"C:\\ProgramData\\Norton\\Antivirus","fastMode":true,"isDebug":false,"logPath":"C:\\ProgramData\\Norton\\Antivirus\\log","registryPath":"Software\\Norton\\Antivirus","runProcessObserver":false,"unusedInterval":30,"userSid":"S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002"} [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 54] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] Initalize SWCU Engine [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 55] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] Data Directory: C:\ProgramData\Norton\Antivirus [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 56] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] Cache Directory: C:\ProgramData\Norton\Antivirus\Cache [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 72] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] SWCUEngine version: 25.1.9816.0 [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 73] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] Product Type: 26 [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 74] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] Product Version: 25.1.9816 [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 75] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] Product Language: pl [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 76] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] OS Type: 10.0 [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 77] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] OS Language: pl-pl [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 78] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] Location: pl-pl [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [4C8366: 80] [ EngineAdapter::EngineAdapter] Delete Data Directory: false, Save Communication: false, Force Location: false, Fast Mode: true [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [B09445: 14] [ SoftwareDetector::SoftwareDetector] Building SoftwareDetector [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [06C25E: 16] [ BackendComm::BackendComm] Building BackendComm [2025-03-10 09:26:42.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:11192] [FACBE6: 16] [*areObjectManager::SoftwareObjectManager] Building SoftwareObjectManager [2025-03-10 09:26:42.462] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:16348] [A7B814: 132] [*etail::program_deactivator_module::Init] Initializing ProgramDeactivator.. [2025-03-10 09:26:42.493] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:16348] [A7B814: 174] [*etail::program_deactivator_module::Init] ProgramDeactivator is initialized. [2025-03-10 09:26:42.806] [warning] [duw ] [11016:11192] [5E6AAB: 148] [ tupp::DUWrapperModule::GetDUSettings] Could not read CDN URL from Settings - Error: 0, using default [2025-03-10 09:26:42.806] [warning] [duw ] [11016:11192] [5E6AAB: 156] [ tupp::DUWrapperModule::GetDUSettings] Could not read Server URL from Settings - Error: 0, using default [2025-03-10 09:26:42.806] [info ] [Settings ] [11016:11192] [9E5199: 329] [*standalone_svc::SettingsSvc::GetVersion] Getting ProductVersion from registry failed with(0x00000000) -> using icarus get_running_version [2025-03-10 09:26:42.868] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:11192] [E60BEB: 39] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::SWUPModule2] Setting default patches scan setting: false [2025-03-10 09:26:42.868] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:11192] [E60BEB: 137] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadConfiguration] Reloading configuration [2025-03-10 09:26:42.868] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:11192] [E60BEB: 206] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadConfiguration] Setting patches scan setting: false [2025-03-10 09:26:42.946] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:11192] [E60BEB: 111] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadController] Configuring SU controller [2025-03-10 09:26:42.946] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:11192] [E60BEB: 126] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadController] Scan exclusions: tp2434,tp921,tp236,tp468,tp471,tp2867,tp569,tp570,tp1339,tp2843,tp2594,tp3009,tp1373,tp311,tp571,tp1434,tp2571,tp2845,tp2979,tp2047,tp411,tp1774,tp2346,tp1082,tp3083,tp366,tp2579,tp2581,tp2580,tp2697,tp361,tp605,tp1677,tp112,tp2540,tp3120,tp3648,tp3676,tp3029,tp3244,tp3242,tp3548,tp343,tp477,tp108,tp3128 [2025-03-10 09:26:42.962] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:11192] [E60BEB: 337] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::RefreshState] Refresh current user: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-10 09:26:42.962] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:11192] [E60BEB: 535] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::UpdateStatistics] Updating statistics: { "state" : "not_scanned", "statistics" : { "duration" : 25, "ignored" : 0, "installed" : 40, "outdated" : 19, "outdatedAutoUpdatable" : 14, "pending" : 0, "started" : 1741570762 } } [2025-03-10 09:26:42.978] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:11192] [A7B814: 190] [*detail::program_deactivator_module::Run] ProgramDeactivator is running. [2025-03-10 09:26:43.149] [info ] [SDALib ] [11016:11192] [4E6F07: 31] [ SystemDumpAnalyzerModule::Run] Starting System Dump Analyzer Module... [2025-03-10 09:26:43.149] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:11192] [ED9F85: 184] [ InitTuneupSmartScanModule] Service initialized [2025-03-10 09:26:43.165] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:11192] [ED9F85:1228] [*nContext *__cdecl InitTuneupScanContext] New tuneup scan context created [2025-03-10 09:26:46.528] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11192] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 09:27:04.366] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11184] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 09:27:05.481] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11180] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 09:27:43.153] [info ] [SDALib ] [11016: 3968] [4E6F07: 90] [ SystemDumpAnalyzerModule::Scan] Scanning for system crash dumps... [2025-03-10 09:27:43.279] [info ] [SDALib ] [11016: 3968] [4E6F07: 156] [ SystemDumpAnalyzerModule::Scan] File :C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP, dump type: Kernel OS Version: 10.0.19041 Bucket ID: -Modules- -StackTrace- StackFrame: nt!KeBu+0 StackFrame: watchdo+e0 StackFrame: dxgkrnl+38ac StackFrame: dxgkrnl+1b6 StackFrame: dxgkrnl+1179 StackFrame: nvlddmk+10884ec StackFrame: nvlddmk+1087c3e StackFrame: nt!IofC+55 StackFrame: nt!ObDe+2674 StackFrame: nt!IoRe+6b98 StackFrame: nt!IoRe+44e8 StackFrame: nt!IoRe+6794 StackFrame: nt!IoRe+648f StackFrame: nt!IoRe+4bda StackFrame: nt!IoSe+22cb StackFrame: nt!RtlG+2a8e StackFrame: nt!ExTr+5b25 StackFrame: nt!IoCa+105 StackFrame: nt!KeSy+77b8 [2025-03-10 09:32:18.633] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8048] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 16:40:50.072] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8468] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 16:40:50.540] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 5112] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 19:35:38.321] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:25308] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 19:41:06.023] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10504] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-10 19:41:06.023] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10504] [ED9F85:1228] [*nContext *__cdecl InitTuneupScanContext] New tuneup scan context created [2025-03-10 19:41:06.023] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10504] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-10 19:41:12.927] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-10 19:41:12.928] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-10 19:41:12.928] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-10 19:41:12.928] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-10 19:41:13.283] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-10 19:41:13.283] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-10 19:41:13.283] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-10 19:41:13.283] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-10 19:41:13.283] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-10 20:41:06.260] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 3732] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:40.030] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9612] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:40.565] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9612] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:41.733] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:21372] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:42.894] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8340] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:42.924] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16740] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:43.457] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:15316] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:43.626] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8340] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:43.628] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8340] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-10 23:28:43.643] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:21576] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 00:43:44.520] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11212] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 01:31:18.549] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 3288] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 01:31:43.627] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10852] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 02:16:25.601] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13480] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 02:31:56.407] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1216] [ tupp::InstallMonCallbackAsync] Software change detected by Install monitor. [2025-03-11 02:31:56.407] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 5 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.408] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14256] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 356 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.420] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-11 02:31:56.422] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:10852] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-11 02:31:56.423] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-11 02:31:56.423] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-11 02:31:56.428] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016:10852] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.540] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.540] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\12dc1ea8e34b5a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.541] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.541] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\162797d679096999.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.542] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.542] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\163aa069b245e98b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.543] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-11 02:31:56.543] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.543] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.544] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.544] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b6ebacd7cd2f25a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.545] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.545] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1bc392b8e104a00e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.546] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.546] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1f6e63094634a3a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.547] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-11 02:31:56.547] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.547] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\28c8b86deab549a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.548] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.548] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2a64b26bd99f0d16.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.549] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.549] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2b1157126fc88319.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.550] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.550] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2be38174f3daf4a0.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.552] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.552] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2f3029eb481b6e54.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.553] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.553] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\362773986bafaa68.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.554] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.554] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3715238b5cf855ae.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.555] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.555] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\398b4270d498a3ea.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.556] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.556] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3c355482cb54f75b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.557] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.557] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\431a5b43435cc60b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.558] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.558] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\464458208650dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.559] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.559] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\469e4a7982cea4d4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.560] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.560] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46b9cf3361f76eb2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.561] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.561] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46f433176bc0b3d2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.562] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.562] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\480f80a9b898b759.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.563] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.563] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4cb9c5750d51c07f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.564] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.564] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4fc015f2167d8d1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.565] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.565] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\506272947cd66db4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.566] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.566] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5175b273ceba776b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.567] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.567] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\573770283dc3d854.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.568] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.568] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\590aee7bdd69b59b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.569] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 249] [*p::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFileImpl] ParseShortcutFile : Not found CLSID for shortcut in file/stream. [2025-03-11 02:31:56.569] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.569] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.569] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.570] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.570] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\61ebb1e65cfcb8da.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.571] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.571] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\65973ccaa45ca1ef.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.572] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.572] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6a19055025edb725.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.573] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.573] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6dc04f5ccc522861.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.574] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.574] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\736cc7432bd9041f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.575] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.575] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\74d7f43c1561fc1e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.576] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.576] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\766c6474ef2adc83.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.577] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.577] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\77b4b61cd0ff552.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.578] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.578] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\78f0afb5bd4bb278.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.580] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.580] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7a61a0dce727d4dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.581] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.581] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7bd03cfbffe06aa4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.582] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.582] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7cfe9f3a226c64f3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.583] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.583] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7e4dca80246863e3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.584] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.584] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\80d13f95c2c02af9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.585] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.585] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\852a672a84d438cb.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.586] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.586] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\89e5029c5c53e396.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.587] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.587] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8cd7fe0e958b5d13.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.588] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.588] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8df697741418c515.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.589] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.589] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9a165f62edbfa161.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.592] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.592] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9b9cdc69c1c24e2b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.592] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.592] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9cfafb05ce914942.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.593] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.593] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d1f905ce5044aee.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.595] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.595] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d8006ba0b34b2e6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.596] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.596] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9f5c7755804b850a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.597] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.597] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a1f9d3847f26fff3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.598] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.598] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a48aff51c30d699a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.600] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.600] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a52b0784bd667468.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.601] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.601] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a61657a5e5dfbdc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.602] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.603] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ae6df75df512bd06.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.604] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.604] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b49a58a36346a9a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.606] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.606] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8ab77100df80ab2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.606] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.606] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8b3a97bfbf120b6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.607] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.607] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8e879e7955633f4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.608] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.608] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bd5d273c23d31ea4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.609] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.609] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bf98e02c33a05d67.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.610] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.610] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c0cad2ca20946a4e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.611] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.611] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c21386f4d2fb73ce.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.612] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.612] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c6e03f37390a2f92.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.613] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.613] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c832ba293c332de8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.614] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.614] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ca16c67083d9554d.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.615] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.615] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cb05cc8c5a282971.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.617] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-11 02:31:56.617] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.617] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ccba5a5986c77e43.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.617] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.618] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cf02284227526d80.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.618] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.618] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d06c94537ecaee12.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.620] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.620] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d6d04de5aa0abfe8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.621] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.621] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\dd7c3b1adb1c168b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.622] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.622] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\de48a32edcbe79e4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.623] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.623] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\e08fc345a74baedc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.626] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.626] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.627] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.627] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f065ac336abcaa3e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.628] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.628] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f0b409df5bf0c60.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.629] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.629] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f18460fded109990.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.630] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.630] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f255719f88337aba.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.631] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.631] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f3e8f7c0cbf922b9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.632] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.632] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faa651f286d9904c.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.633] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.633] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faef7def55a1d4b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.634] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.634] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb0a479989a44286.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.635] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.635] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:10116] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb3b0dbfee58fac8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-11 02:31:56.648] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-11 02:31:56.665] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-11 02:31:56.668] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-11 02:31:56.668] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 4 [2025-03-11 02:31:56.668] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-11 02:31:57.204] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10116] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-11 02:31:57.204] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10116] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-11 02:31:57.204] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10116] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 4 [2025-03-11 02:31:57.204] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10116] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-11 02:31:57.575] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:10852] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-11 02:31:57.986] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10852] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-11 02:31:57.986] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10852] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-11 02:31:57.986] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10852] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 4 [2025-03-11 02:31:57.986] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10852] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-11 02:31:59.913] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-11 02:31:59.914] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-11 02:31:59.914] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 4 [2025-03-11 02:31:59.914] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-11 02:31:59.914] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-11 04:16:09.818] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13648] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 04:48:18.671] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:21036] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 13:06:15.966] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16400] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 14:36:28.321] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2504] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 19:35:38.316] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22252] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 19:41:06.005] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17372] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-11 19:41:06.006] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:17372] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-11 19:41:11.734] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-11 19:41:11.734] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-11 19:41:11.734] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-11 19:41:11.734] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-11 19:41:13.026] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-11 19:41:13.026] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-11 19:41:13.026] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-11 19:41:13.026] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-11 19:41:13.026] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-11 20:32:42.406] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 5564] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 20:41:06.264] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16124] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:03.512] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24672] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:03.696] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24672] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:04.299] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24672] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:05.059] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23904] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:05.065] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23904] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:05.732] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26528] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:05.795] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23904] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:05.795] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26528] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-11 23:18:05.795] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23904] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 01:24:00.979] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22016] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 01:31:19.622] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4572] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 01:31:44.675] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4572] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 02:16:31.596] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8992] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 04:16:13.879] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:25136] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 04:31:18.928] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:12044] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 07:06:44.933] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 6704] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 07:46:17.782] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23548] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 10:17:04.681] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20084] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 10:21:10.954] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20908] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 11:44:53.456] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1216] [ tupp::InstallMonCallbackAsync] Software change detected by Install monitor. [2025-03-12 11:44:53.457] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 5 [2025-03-12 11:44:53.458] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14256] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 356 [2025-03-12 11:44:53.459] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-12 11:44:53.459] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016: 8048] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-12 11:44:53.463] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-12 11:44:53.463] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-12 11:44:53.467] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016: 8048] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-18 [2025-03-12 11:44:53.510] [warning] [shcleaner ] [11016: 5352] [E33C42: 253] [ tupp::tsc::GetFolderLocStr] Failed GetFolderLocStr - error Unable to retrieve a path of the known folder (11)! [2025-03-12 11:44:53.577] [warning] [shcleaner ] [11016: 5352] [E33C42: 253] [ tupp::tsc::GetFolderLocStr] Failed GetFolderLocStr - error Unable to retrieve a path of the known folder (16)! [2025-03-12 11:44:53.584] [warning] [shcleaner ] [11016: 5352] [E33C42: 253] [ tupp::tsc::GetFolderLocStr] Failed GetFolderLocStr - error Unable to retrieve a path of the known folder (8)! [2025-03-12 11:44:53.613] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-12 11:44:53.616] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-12 11:44:53.683] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-12 11:44:53.705] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 5352] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-12 11:44:53.706] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 5352] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 4 [2025-03-12 11:44:53.706] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 5352] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-12 11:44:53.730] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-12 11:44:53.758] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-12 11:44:53.760] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-12 11:44:53.760] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 4 [2025-03-12 11:44:53.760] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-12 11:44:54.813] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016: 8048] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-12 11:44:55.375] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 8048] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-12 11:44:55.375] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 8048] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-12 11:44:55.375] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 8048] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 4 [2025-03-12 11:44:55.375] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 8048] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-12 11:44:57.737] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-12 11:44:57.738] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-12 11:44:57.738] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 4 [2025-03-12 11:44:57.738] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-12 11:44:57.738] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-12 18:53:00.211] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9936] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 19:35:38.326] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27080] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 19:41:06.007] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:25460] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-12 19:41:06.008] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:25460] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-12 19:41:11.353] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-12 19:41:11.353] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-12 19:41:11.353] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-12 19:41:11.353] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-12 19:41:13.036] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-12 19:41:13.036] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-12 19:41:13.036] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-12 19:41:13.036] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-12 19:41:13.036] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-12 20:41:06.258] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4736] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:11:45.937] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27008] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:33.712] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7396] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:33.888] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7396] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:34.497] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7396] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:35.214] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:25988] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:35.233] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27776] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:35.603] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24008] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:35.688] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8020] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:35.690] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8020] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-12 23:20:35.691] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8020] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 01:31:22.314] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 6896] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 01:31:45.487] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 6896] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 02:16:38.956] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22576] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 02:54:07.941] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27336] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 04:16:21.696] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17116] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 06:22:27.662] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:21912] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 12:16:41.934] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24608] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 17:16:10.947] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17700] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 19:35:38.323] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7396] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 19:41:06.012] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27960] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-13 19:41:06.012] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27960] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-13 19:41:11.392] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-13 19:41:11.393] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-13 19:41:11.393] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-13 19:41:11.393] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-13 19:41:13.054] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-13 19:41:13.054] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-13 19:41:13.054] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-13 19:41:13.054] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-13 19:41:13.054] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-13 20:41:06.260] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11180] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:28.997] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22932] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:29.210] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22932] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:29.712] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22932] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:30.591] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28588] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:30.616] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 5164] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:31.039] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 5164] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:31.145] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16040] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:31.146] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16040] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:20:31.149] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16040] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-13 23:34:12.084] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26060] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 00:01:17.947] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8992] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 01:31:22.937] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20828] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 01:31:45.299] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20828] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 02:12:03.333] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27492] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 02:16:40.626] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28460] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 03:35:58.945] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27388] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 04:16:24.317] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13020] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 11:39:17.933] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28020] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 12:40:50.263] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7076] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 12:40:50.435] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7076] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 12:45:08.933] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22580] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 19:35:38.320] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:19832] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 19:41:06.013] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23188] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-14 19:41:06.013] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:23188] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-14 19:41:10.481] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-14 19:41:10.481] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-14 19:41:10.481] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-14 19:41:10.481] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-14 19:41:12.655] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-14 19:41:12.655] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-14 19:41:12.655] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-14 19:41:12.655] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-14 19:41:12.655] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-14 20:41:06.288] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22508] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 22:19:47.945] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24196] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:11.979] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13928] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:12.544] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13928] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:13.068] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13928] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:13.846] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:19628] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:13.857] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16124] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:14.217] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27732] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:14.300] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27732] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:14.300] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27732] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-14 23:17:14.301] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27732] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 01:31:24.991] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28452] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 01:31:45.657] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28452] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 01:39:47.024] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8416] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 0 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.024] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 8416] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 1022 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.024] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-15 01:39:47.025] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-15 01:39:47.025] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-15 01:39:47.039] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016: 5820] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-15 01:39:47.040] [info ] [softupdater] [11016: 8416] [E60BEB: 137] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadConfiguration] Reloading configuration [2025-03-15 01:39:47.042] [info ] [softupdater] [11016: 8416] [E60BEB: 206] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadConfiguration] Setting patches scan setting: false [2025-03-15 01:39:47.042] [info ] [softupdater] [11016: 8416] [E60BEB: 111] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadController] Configuring SU controller [2025-03-15 01:39:47.042] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016: 5820] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.043] [info ] [softupdater] [11016: 8416] [E60BEB: 126] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadController] Scan exclusions: tp2434,tp921,tp236,tp468,tp471,tp2867,tp569,tp570,tp1339,tp2843,tp2594,tp3009,tp1373,tp311,tp571,tp1434,tp2571,tp2845,tp2979,tp2047,tp411,tp1774,tp2346,tp1082,tp3083,tp366,tp2579,tp2581,tp2580,tp2697,tp361,tp605,tp1677,tp112,tp2540,tp3120,tp3648,tp3676,tp3029,tp3244,tp3242,tp3548,tp343,tp477,tp108,tp3128 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.043] [info ] [softupdater] [11016: 8416] [E60BEB: 688] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::StartScan] Background requested scan [2025-03-15 01:39:47.045] [info ] [softupdater] [11016: 8416] [E60BEB: 699] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::StartScan] Triggering a new SCAN for user: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.101] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27892] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: FixProblems [2025-03-15 01:39:47.101] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27892] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for FixProblems [2025-03-15 01:39:47.101] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27892] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.101] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27892] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: FixProblems and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:39:47.134] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.135] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\12dc1ea8e34b5a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.135] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.135] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\162797d679096999.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.136] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.137] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\163aa069b245e98b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.137] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.137] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.138] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.138] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b6ebacd7cd2f25a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1bc392b8e104a00e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1f6e63094634a3a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.140] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.140] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\28c8b86deab549a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.141] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.141] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2a64b26bd99f0d16.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.142] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.142] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2b1157126fc88319.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.143] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.143] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2be38174f3daf4a0.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.144] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.144] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2f3029eb481b6e54.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.144] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.144] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\362773986bafaa68.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.145] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.145] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3715238b5cf855ae.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.146] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.146] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\398b4270d498a3ea.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3c355482cb54f75b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\431a5b43435cc60b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.148] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.148] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\464458208650dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.149] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.149] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\469e4a7982cea4d4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.149] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.149] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46b9cf3361f76eb2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.150] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.150] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46f433176bc0b3d2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.151] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.151] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\480f80a9b898b759.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.152] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.152] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4cb9c5750d51c07f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4fc015f2167d8d1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.154] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\506272947cd66db4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.154] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.154] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5175b273ceba776b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.155] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.155] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\573770283dc3d854.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.155] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.155] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\590aee7bdd69b59b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.156] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 249] [*p::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFileImpl] ParseShortcutFile : Not found CLSID for shortcut in file/stream. [2025-03-15 01:39:47.156] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.157] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.157] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.157] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.157] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\61ebb1e65cfcb8da.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.158] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.158] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\65973ccaa45ca1ef.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6a19055025edb725.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.160] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6dc04f5ccc522861.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.160] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.160] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\736cc7432bd9041f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.161] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.161] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\74d7f43c1561fc1e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.162] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.162] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\766c6474ef2adc83.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.162] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.162] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\77b4b61cd0ff552.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.162] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-15 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\78f0afb5bd4bb278.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7a61a0dce727d4dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.165] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.165] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7bd03cfbffe06aa4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.165] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-15 01:39:47.166] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.166] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7cfe9f3a226c64f3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.167] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.167] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7e4dca80246863e3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.167] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.167] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\80d13f95c2c02af9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.168] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.168] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\852a672a84d438cb.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.169] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.169] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\89e5029c5c53e396.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.169] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.169] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8cd7fe0e958b5d13.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.170] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.170] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8df697741418c515.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.171] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.171] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9a165f62edbfa161.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.172] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.172] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9b9cdc69c1c24e2b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.173] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.173] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9cfafb05ce914942.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.174] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.174] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d1f905ce5044aee.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.175] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.175] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d8006ba0b34b2e6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.176] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.176] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9f5c7755804b850a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.177] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.177] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a1f9d3847f26fff3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.177] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.177] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a48aff51c30d699a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.180] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.180] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a52b0784bd667468.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.180] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.180] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a61657a5e5dfbdc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.181] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.181] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ae6df75df512bd06.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.183] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.183] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b49a58a36346a9a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8ab77100df80ab2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8b3a97bfbf120b6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.185] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.185] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8e879e7955633f4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.186] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.186] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bd5d273c23d31ea4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.186] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.186] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bf98e02c33a05d67.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.187] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.187] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c0cad2ca20946a4e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.188] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.188] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c21386f4d2fb73ce.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.189] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.189] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c6e03f37390a2f92.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.190] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.190] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c832ba293c332de8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.190] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.190] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ca16c67083d9554d.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.191] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.191] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cb05cc8c5a282971.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.192] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.192] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ccba5a5986c77e43.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.193] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.193] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cf02284227526d80.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.194] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.194] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d06c94537ecaee12.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.195] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.195] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d6d04de5aa0abfe8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.196] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.196] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\dd7c3b1adb1c168b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.197] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.197] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\de48a32edcbe79e4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.198] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.198] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\e08fc345a74baedc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.199] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.199] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.200] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.200] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f065ac336abcaa3e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.201] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.201] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f0b409df5bf0c60.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.201] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.201] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f18460fded109990.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.202] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.202] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f255719f88337aba.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f3e8f7c0cbf922b9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faa651f286d9904c.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.204] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.204] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faef7def55a1d4b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.205] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.205] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb0a479989a44286.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.207] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.207] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26276] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb3b0dbfee58fac8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-15 01:39:47.233] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-15 01:39:47.264] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-15 01:39:47.281] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-15 01:39:47.282] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-15 01:39:47.282] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.282] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:39:47.564] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:26276] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-15 01:39:47.564] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:26276] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-15 01:39:47.564] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:26276] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:39:47.564] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:26276] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:39:48.249] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016: 5820] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-15 01:39:48.677] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 5820] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-15 01:39:48.677] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 5820] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-15 01:39:48.677] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 5820] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:39:48.677] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 5820] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:39:51.152] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-15 01:39:51.153] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-15 01:39:51.153] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 5, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:39:51.153] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:39:51.828] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-15 01:39:51.828] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-15 01:39:51.828] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 6, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:39:51.828] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:39:54.855] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-15 01:39:54.856] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-15 01:39:54.856] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 7, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:39:54.856] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:40:01.424] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28632] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DriverUpdater [2025-03-15 01:40:01.424] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28632] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DriverUpdater [2025-03-15 01:40:01.424] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28632] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 8, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:40:01.424] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28632] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DriverUpdater and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:40:02.692] [info ] [softupdater] [11016: 4296] [E60BEB: 911] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::DetectionsUpdated] Detections updated: { "isPartial" : true, "patches" : { "items" : [], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 0 }, "perMachineProducts" : { "items" : [ [ "tp3606", { "architecture" : "32-bit", "availableVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "currentVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796695, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\root\\Office16\\MSPUB.EXE" }, "id" : "tp3606", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : true, "language" : "pl-pl", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://products.office.com/en/publisher", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "releaseNotesUrl" : "", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "Microsoft Publisher (C2R)", "updateState" : { "name" : "UpToDate", "value" : 9 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Microsoft Corporation", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp1800", { "architecture" : "32-bit", "availableVersion" : "", "currentVersion" : "", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796699, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MSI Afterburner\\MSIAfterburner.exe" }, "id" : "tp1800", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : true, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.msi.com/page/afterburner", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "", "releaseNotesUrl" : "", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "MSI Afterburner", "updateState" : { "name" : "UpToDate", "value" : 9 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "MSI Co., LTD", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp1939", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "", "currentVersion" : "", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796701, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\CPUID\\HWMonitor\\HWMonitor.exe" }, "id" : "tp1939", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : true, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "", "releaseNotesUrl" : "", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "HWMonitor", "updateState" : { "name" : "UpToDate", "value" : 9 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "CPUID", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp763", { "architecture" : "32-bit", "availableVersion" : "", "currentVersion" : "", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796700, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Stardock\\Fences\\Fences.exe" }, "id" : "tp763", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : true, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.stardock.com/products/fences/download", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "", "releaseNotesUrl" : "", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "Fences", "updateState" : { "name" : "UpToDate", "value" : 9 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Stardock Corporation", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp3607", { "architecture" : "32-bit", "availableVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "currentVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796696, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\root\\Office16\\OUTLOOK.EXE" }, "id" : "tp3607", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : true, "language" : "pl-pl", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/outlook/email-and-calendar-software-microsoft-outlook", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "releaseNotesUrl" : "", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "Microsoft Outlook (C2R)", "updateState" : { "name" : "UpToDate", "value" : 9 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Microsoft Corporation", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp2305", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "7.42-5030", "currentVersion" : "7.42-5030", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796701, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\HWiNFO64\\HWiNFO64.EXE" }, "id" : "tp2305", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", 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Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\VirtualBox.exe" }, "id" : "tp209", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "en-us", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "6.0.12", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Changelog", "severity" : { "name" : "Important", "value" : 3 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "VirtualBox", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Oracle Corporation", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp3659", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "14.42.34438.0", "currentVersion" : "14.42.34433.0", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796699, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\ProgramData\\Package Cache\\{804e7d66-ccc2-4c12-84ba-476da31d103d}\\VC_redist.x64.exe" }, "id" : "tp3659", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "14.42.34433.0", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64)", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Microsoft Corporation", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ] ], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 1742002812038 }, "perUserProducts" : { "items" : [ [ "tp5", { "architecture" : "32-bit", "availableVersion" : "", "currentVersion" : "", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796696, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Users\\Harmonogram\\AppData\\Roaming\\uTorrent\\uTorrent.exe" }, "id" : "tp5", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : true, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.utorrent.com/downloads/win", "perUser" : true, "previousVersion" : "", "releaseNotesUrl" : "", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "\u00b5Torrent", "updateState" : { "name" : "UpToDate", "value" : 9 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "BitTorrent Inc.", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp3721", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "1.4.0", "currentVersion" : "1.2.2", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742002796701, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\Inkscape\\bin\\inkscape.exe" }, "id" : "tp3721", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "pl-pl", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://inkscape.org/release", "perUser" : true, "previousVersion" : "1.2.2", "releaseNotesUrl" : "http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Release_notes", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "Inkscape (msi)", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "inkscape.org", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ] ], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 1742002812038 }, "timestamp" : 1742002812038, "userId" : "S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002" } [2025-03-15 01:40:12.048] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:19832] [E60BEB: 535] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::UpdateStatistics] Updating statistics: { "state" : "scanning", "statistics" : { "duration" : 24, "ignored" : 0, "installed" : 40, "outdated" : 18, "outdatedAutoUpdatable" : 13, "pending" : 0, "started" : 1742002787, "trigger" : 1 } } [2025-03-15 01:40:12.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:19832] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareUpdater [2025-03-15 01:40:12.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:19832] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareUpdater [2025-03-15 01:40:12.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:19832] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 9, expected: 9 [2025-03-15 01:40:12.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:19832] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-15 01:40:12.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:19832] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareUpdater and reporting status [2025-03-15 01:40:12.095] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:19832] [D5FA81: 399] [ tupp::SetDriverUpdaterIpmDisplayData] Set DU IPM Display Data items [2025-03-15 01:57:02.683] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28332] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 02:16:42.421] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24172] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 04:16:25.175] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24492] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 05:56:49.686] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4508] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 08:43:42.943] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:18420] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 13:11:20.090] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17424] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 18:35:33.948] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8040] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 19:35:38.318] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28396] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 19:41:06.002] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10488] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-15 19:41:06.005] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10488] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-15 19:41:11.441] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-15 19:41:11.442] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-15 19:41:11.442] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-15 19:41:11.442] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-15 19:41:13.072] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-15 19:41:13.072] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-15 19:41:13.072] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-15 19:41:13.072] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-15 19:41:13.072] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-15 20:41:06.295] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 5836] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 22:42:58.943] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2664] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:08.631] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:25032] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:09.241] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:25032] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:09.826] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:12044] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:10.676] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10316] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:10.700] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11144] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:11.118] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:18136] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:11.243] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28148] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:11.245] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:18136] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-15 23:24:11.249] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28148] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 00:59:36.268] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 3616] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 01:31:29.978] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7092] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 01:31:46.967] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8332] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 02:04:57.135] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7460] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 02:16:43.451] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17744] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 04:16:26.652] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27548] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 07:11:01.035] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11300] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 10:16:35.940] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9760] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 15:51:23.281] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1216] [ tupp::InstallMonCallbackAsync] Software change detected by Install monitor. [2025-03-16 15:51:23.282] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 5 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.282] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14256] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 356 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.282] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-16 15:51:23.282] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:27344] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-16 15:51:23.284] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-16 15:51:23.284] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-16 15:51:23.286] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016:27344] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.398] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.398] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\12dc1ea8e34b5a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.399] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.399] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\162797d679096999.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.401] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.401] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\163aa069b245e98b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.401] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.401] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.402] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.402] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b6ebacd7cd2f25a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.403] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.403] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1bc392b8e104a00e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.403] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-16 15:51:23.404] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.404] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1f6e63094634a3a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.405] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.405] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\28c8b86deab549a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.405] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-16 15:51:23.406] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.406] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2a64b26bd99f0d16.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.406] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.406] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2b1157126fc88319.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.407] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [3F12F7: 124] [ swcu::FFLAuth::requestKeyFromAuthServer] Requesting Access to Server... [2025-03-16 15:51:23.407] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.407] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2be38174f3daf4a0.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.408] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.408] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2f3029eb481b6e54.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.409] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.409] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\362773986bafaa68.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.410] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.410] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3715238b5cf855ae.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.411] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.411] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\398b4270d498a3ea.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.412] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.412] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3c355482cb54f75b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.413] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.413] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\431a5b43435cc60b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.413] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.413] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\464458208650dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.414] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.414] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\469e4a7982cea4d4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.416] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.416] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46b9cf3361f76eb2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.417] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.417] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46f433176bc0b3d2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.418] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.418] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\480f80a9b898b759.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.419] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.419] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4cb9c5750d51c07f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.420] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.420] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4fc015f2167d8d1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.421] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.421] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\506272947cd66db4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.422] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.422] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5175b273ceba776b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.423] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.423] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\573770283dc3d854.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.424] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.424] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\590aee7bdd69b59b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.425] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 249] [*p::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFileImpl] ParseShortcutFile : Not found CLSID for shortcut in file/stream. [2025-03-16 15:51:23.425] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.425] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.425] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.426] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.426] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\61ebb1e65cfcb8da.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.427] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.427] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\65973ccaa45ca1ef.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.428] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.428] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6a19055025edb725.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.429] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.429] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6dc04f5ccc522861.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.430] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.430] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\736cc7432bd9041f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.430] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.430] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\74d7f43c1561fc1e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.431] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.431] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\766c6474ef2adc83.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.432] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.432] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\77b4b61cd0ff552.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.433] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.433] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\78f0afb5bd4bb278.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.434] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.434] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7a61a0dce727d4dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.435] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.435] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7bd03cfbffe06aa4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.437] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.437] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7cfe9f3a226c64f3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.438] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.438] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7e4dca80246863e3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.439] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.439] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\80d13f95c2c02af9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.440] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.440] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\852a672a84d438cb.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.441] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.441] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\89e5029c5c53e396.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.442] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.442] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8cd7fe0e958b5d13.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.443] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.443] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8df697741418c515.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.444] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.444] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9a165f62edbfa161.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.446] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.446] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9b9cdc69c1c24e2b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.446] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.446] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9cfafb05ce914942.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.447] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.447] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d1f905ce5044aee.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.449] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.449] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d8006ba0b34b2e6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.450] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.450] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9f5c7755804b850a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.451] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.451] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a1f9d3847f26fff3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.451] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.451] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a48aff51c30d699a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.454] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.454] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a52b0784bd667468.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.455] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.455] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a61657a5e5dfbdc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.456] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.456] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ae6df75df512bd06.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.457] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.457] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b49a58a36346a9a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.458] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.458] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8ab77100df80ab2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.459] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.459] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8b3a97bfbf120b6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.460] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.460] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8e879e7955633f4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.461] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.461] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bd5d273c23d31ea4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.461] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.461] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bf98e02c33a05d67.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.462] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.462] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c0cad2ca20946a4e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.463] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.463] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c21386f4d2fb73ce.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.464] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.464] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c6e03f37390a2f92.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.465] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.465] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c832ba293c332de8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.466] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.466] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ca16c67083d9554d.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.467] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.467] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cb05cc8c5a282971.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.468] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.468] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ccba5a5986c77e43.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.469] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.469] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cf02284227526d80.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.469] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.469] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d06c94537ecaee12.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.471] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.471] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d6d04de5aa0abfe8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.471] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.471] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\dd7c3b1adb1c168b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.472] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.472] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\de48a32edcbe79e4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.473] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.473] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\e08fc345a74baedc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.475] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.475] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.475] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [3F12F7: 159] [ swcu::FFLAuth::requestKeyFromAuthServer] Access granted! [2025-03-16 15:51:23.476] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.476] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f065ac336abcaa3e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.477] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.477] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f0b409df5bf0c60.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.478] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.478] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f18460fded109990.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.478] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.479] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f255719f88337aba.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.479] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.479] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f3e8f7c0cbf922b9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.480] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.480] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faa651f286d9904c.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.481] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.481] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faef7def55a1d4b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.481] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.481] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb0a479989a44286.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.482] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.482] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:14784] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb3b0dbfee58fac8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-16 15:51:23.563] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-16 15:51:23.591] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-16 15:51:23.609] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-16 15:51:23.611] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-16 15:51:23.611] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.611] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-16 15:51:23.996] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14784] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-16 15:51:23.996] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14784] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-16 15:51:23.996] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14784] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 4 [2025-03-16 15:51:23.996] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14784] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-16 15:51:24.231] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:27344] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-16 15:51:24.682] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27344] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-16 15:51:24.682] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27344] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-16 15:51:24.682] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27344] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 4 [2025-03-16 15:51:24.682] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27344] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-16 15:51:27.003] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-16 15:51:27.004] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-16 15:51:27.004] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 4 [2025-03-16 15:51:27.004] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-16 15:51:27.004] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-16 19:35:38.325] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:12492] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 19:41:06.003] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10816] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-16 19:41:06.005] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:10816] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-16 19:41:11.136] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-16 19:41:11.137] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-16 19:41:11.137] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-16 19:41:11.137] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-16 19:41:12.968] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-16 19:41:12.969] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-16 19:41:12.969] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-16 19:41:12.969] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-16 19:41:12.969] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-16 19:54:39.930] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17460] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 20:41:06.279] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23124] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 21:02:50.938] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 8504] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:48.789] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27772] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:49.417] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27772] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:50.160] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27772] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:50.801] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2424] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:50.820] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2424] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:51.196] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13592] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:51.283] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24232] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:51.283] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24232] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-16 23:23:51.284] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24232] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:12:33.703] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10272] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:20:47.712] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28592] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:20:47.719] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26520] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:20:48.772] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11904] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:20:48.844] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13936] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:20:48.844] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28592] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:20:48.844] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28592] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:21:05.909] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:25536] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:21:16.542] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28592] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:21:47.207] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2096] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:21:47.207] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2096] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:21:47.208] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2096] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:22:10.767] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24980] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:24:30.011] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17904] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:24:34.230] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17904] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:30:41.950] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22124] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:30:41.961] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24540] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:30:42.454] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17988] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:30:42.455] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17988] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:30:42.456] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17988] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:31:31.641] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:18208] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:31:41.081] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24540] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:32:28.197] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17988] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 00:41:50.066] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13592] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 02:31:43.913] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23068] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 02:31:44.507] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23068] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 02:31:44.983] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23068] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 04:11:12.690] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2444] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 04:16:28.869] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:18252] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 05:52:47.471] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16832] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 13:08:40.944] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 3156] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 15:38:30.951] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23196] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 19:35:38.327] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:11864] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 19:41:06.001] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:18064] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-17 19:41:06.001] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:18064] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-17 19:41:11.112] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-17 19:41:11.112] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-17 19:41:11.112] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-17 19:41:11.112] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-17 19:41:13.079] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-17 19:41:13.079] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-17 19:41:13.079] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-17 19:41:13.080] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-17 19:41:13.080] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-17 20:32:25.946] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14184] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 20:41:06.287] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17120] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 23:23:41.995] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20116] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 23:23:42.584] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20116] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-17 23:23:43.227] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28284] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 00:38:27.654] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:19980] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 02:31:46.088] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 1912] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 02:31:46.798] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 1912] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 02:32:26.471] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 1912] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 04:16:34.602] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4844] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 04:43:29.686] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 7888] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 06:13:22.683] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17936] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 07:39:31.947] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9760] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 08:40:50.267] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27428] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 08:40:50.459] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27428] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 09:50:48.695] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1216] [ tupp::InstallMonCallbackAsync] Software change detected by Install monitor. [2025-03-18 09:50:48.695] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 5 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.696] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14256] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 356 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.696] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-18 09:50:48.696] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:23044] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-18 09:50:48.697] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-18 09:50:48.697] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-18 09:50:48.700] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016:23044] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.811] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.811] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\12dc1ea8e34b5a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.812] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.812] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\162797d679096999.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.813] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.813] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\163aa069b245e98b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b6ebacd7cd2f25a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.815] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.815] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1bc392b8e104a00e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.815] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-18 09:50:48.816] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.816] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1f6e63094634a3a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\28c8b86deab549a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.817] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-18 09:50:48.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2a64b26bd99f0d16.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2b1157126fc88319.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.819] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.819] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2be38174f3daf4a0.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.820] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.820] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2f3029eb481b6e54.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.821] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.821] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\362773986bafaa68.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.822] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.822] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3715238b5cf855ae.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.823] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.823] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\398b4270d498a3ea.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.823] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.823] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3c355482cb54f75b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\431a5b43435cc60b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\464458208650dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.825] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.825] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\469e4a7982cea4d4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.826] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.826] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46b9cf3361f76eb2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.827] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.827] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46f433176bc0b3d2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.827] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.827] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\480f80a9b898b759.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.828] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.828] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4cb9c5750d51c07f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.829] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.829] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4fc015f2167d8d1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\506272947cd66db4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5175b273ceba776b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.831] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.831] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\573770283dc3d854.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.831] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\590aee7bdd69b59b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 249] [*p::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFileImpl] ParseShortcutFile : Not found CLSID for shortcut in file/stream. [2025-03-18 09:50:48.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.833] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.833] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\61ebb1e65cfcb8da.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\65973ccaa45ca1ef.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6a19055025edb725.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.835] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.835] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6dc04f5ccc522861.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.835] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.836] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\736cc7432bd9041f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.836] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.836] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\74d7f43c1561fc1e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.837] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.837] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\766c6474ef2adc83.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\77b4b61cd0ff552.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\78f0afb5bd4bb278.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.839] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.839] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7a61a0dce727d4dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.840] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.840] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7bd03cfbffe06aa4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.841] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.841] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7cfe9f3a226c64f3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.842] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.842] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7e4dca80246863e3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.842] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.842] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\80d13f95c2c02af9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.843] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.843] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\852a672a84d438cb.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.844] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.844] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\89e5029c5c53e396.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.844] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.844] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8cd7fe0e958b5d13.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.845] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.845] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8df697741418c515.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.845] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.845] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9a165f62edbfa161.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.847] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.847] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9b9cdc69c1c24e2b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.847] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.847] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9cfafb05ce914942.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.848] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.848] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d1f905ce5044aee.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.849] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.849] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d8006ba0b34b2e6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.850] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.850] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9f5c7755804b850a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.851] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.851] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a1f9d3847f26fff3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.851] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.851] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a48aff51c30d699a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.853] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.853] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a52b0784bd667468.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.854] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.854] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a61657a5e5dfbdc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.855] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.855] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ae6df75df512bd06.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.856] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.856] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b49a58a36346a9a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.857] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.857] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8ab77100df80ab2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.857] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.857] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8b3a97bfbf120b6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.858] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.858] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8e879e7955633f4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.859] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.859] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bd5d273c23d31ea4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.859] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.859] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bf98e02c33a05d67.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.860] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.860] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c0cad2ca20946a4e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.860] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.860] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c21386f4d2fb73ce.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.861] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.861] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c6e03f37390a2f92.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.862] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.862] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c832ba293c332de8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.863] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.863] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ca16c67083d9554d.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.863] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.863] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cb05cc8c5a282971.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.864] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.864] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ccba5a5986c77e43.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.865] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.865] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cf02284227526d80.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.866] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.866] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d06c94537ecaee12.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.867] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.867] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d6d04de5aa0abfe8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.868] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.868] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\dd7c3b1adb1c168b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.869] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.869] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\de48a32edcbe79e4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.869] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.869] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\e08fc345a74baedc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.870] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.870] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.871] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.871] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f065ac336abcaa3e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.872] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.872] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f0b409df5bf0c60.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.873] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.873] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f18460fded109990.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.873] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.873] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f255719f88337aba.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.874] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.874] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f3e8f7c0cbf922b9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.874] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.874] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faa651f286d9904c.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.875] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.875] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faef7def55a1d4b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.876] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.876] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb0a479989a44286.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.877] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.877] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:26576] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb3b0dbfee58fac8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-18 09:50:48.884] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-18 09:50:48.910] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-18 09:50:48.927] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-18 09:50:48.928] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-18 09:50:48.928] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 4 [2025-03-18 09:50:48.928] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-18 09:50:49.261] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:26576] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-18 09:50:49.261] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:26576] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-18 09:50:49.261] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:26576] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 4 [2025-03-18 09:50:49.261] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:26576] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-18 09:50:50.179] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:23044] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-18 09:50:50.534] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:23044] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-18 09:50:50.534] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:23044] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-18 09:50:50.534] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:23044] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 4 [2025-03-18 09:50:50.534] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:23044] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-18 09:50:51.727] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-18 09:50:51.728] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-18 09:50:51.728] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 4 [2025-03-18 09:50:51.728] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-18 09:50:51.728] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-18 16:56:51.936] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28548] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 19:35:38.325] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24588] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 19:41:06.008] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23192] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-18 19:41:06.009] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:23192] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-18 19:41:11.124] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-18 19:41:11.124] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-18 19:41:11.124] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-18 19:41:11.124] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-18 19:41:13.046] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-18 19:41:13.046] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-18 19:41:13.046] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-18 19:41:13.046] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-18 19:41:13.046] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-18 20:41:06.282] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10132] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 23:22:23.619] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4928] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 23:22:24.232] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4928] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 23:22:24.905] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4928] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 23:37:37.349] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16120] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-18 23:43:29.383] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29580] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 00:35:54.348] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10180] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 01:33:20.939] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29488] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 02:31:48.482] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24972] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 02:31:49.217] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:10116] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 02:32:12.717] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1216] [ tupp::InstallMonCallbackAsync] Software change detected by Install monitor. [2025-03-19 02:32:12.717] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 5 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.718] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14256] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 356 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.718] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-19 02:32:12.718] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016: 7076] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-19 02:32:12.720] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-19 02:32:12.720] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-19 02:32:12.722] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016: 7076] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.805] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.805] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\12dc1ea8e34b5a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.805] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.805] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\162797d679096999.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.806] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.806] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\163aa069b245e98b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.806] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.806] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.806] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.806] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b6ebacd7cd2f25a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.807] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.807] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1bc392b8e104a00e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.807] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.807] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1f6e63094634a3a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.808] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.808] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\28c8b86deab549a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.808] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.808] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2a64b26bd99f0d16.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.808] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.808] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2b1157126fc88319.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.809] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.809] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2be38174f3daf4a0.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.809] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.809] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2f3029eb481b6e54.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.809] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.809] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\362773986bafaa68.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.810] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.810] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3715238b5cf855ae.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.810] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.810] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\398b4270d498a3ea.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.811] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.811] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3c355482cb54f75b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.811] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.811] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\431a5b43435cc60b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.811] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.811] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\464458208650dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.812] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.812] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\469e4a7982cea4d4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.812] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.812] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46b9cf3361f76eb2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.813] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.813] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46f433176bc0b3d2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.813] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.813] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\480f80a9b898b759.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.813] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.813] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4cb9c5750d51c07f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4fc015f2167d8d1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\506272947cd66db4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.814] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5175b273ceba776b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.815] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.815] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\573770283dc3d854.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.815] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.815] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\590aee7bdd69b59b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.816] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-19 02:32:12.816] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 249] [*p::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFileImpl] ParseShortcutFile : Not found CLSID for shortcut in file/stream. [2025-03-19 02:32:12.816] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.816] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.816] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\61ebb1e65cfcb8da.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\65973ccaa45ca1ef.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.817] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6a19055025edb725.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.817] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-19 02:32:12.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6dc04f5ccc522861.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\736cc7432bd9041f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.818] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\74d7f43c1561fc1e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.819] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.819] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\766c6474ef2adc83.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.819] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.819] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\77b4b61cd0ff552.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.819] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.819] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\78f0afb5bd4bb278.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.820] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.820] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7a61a0dce727d4dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.820] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.820] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7bd03cfbffe06aa4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.821] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.821] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7cfe9f3a226c64f3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.821] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.821] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7e4dca80246863e3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.821] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.821] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\80d13f95c2c02af9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.822] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.822] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\852a672a84d438cb.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.822] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.822] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\89e5029c5c53e396.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.823] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.823] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8cd7fe0e958b5d13.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.823] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.823] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8df697741418c515.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9a165f62edbfa161.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9b9cdc69c1c24e2b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.824] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9cfafb05ce914942.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.825] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.825] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d1f905ce5044aee.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.825] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.825] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d8006ba0b34b2e6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.826] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.826] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9f5c7755804b850a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.826] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.826] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a1f9d3847f26fff3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.826] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.826] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a48aff51c30d699a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.827] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.827] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a52b0784bd667468.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.827] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.827] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a61657a5e5dfbdc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.828] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.828] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ae6df75df512bd06.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.828] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.828] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b49a58a36346a9a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.829] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.829] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8ab77100df80ab2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.829] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.829] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8b3a97bfbf120b6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8e879e7955633f4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bd5d273c23d31ea4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.830] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bf98e02c33a05d67.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.831] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.831] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c0cad2ca20946a4e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.831] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.831] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c21386f4d2fb73ce.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c6e03f37390a2f92.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c832ba293c332de8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.832] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ca16c67083d9554d.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.833] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.833] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cb05cc8c5a282971.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.833] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.833] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ccba5a5986c77e43.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.833] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.833] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cf02284227526d80.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d06c94537ecaee12.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d6d04de5aa0abfe8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.834] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.835] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\dd7c3b1adb1c168b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.835] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.835] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\de48a32edcbe79e4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.835] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.835] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\e08fc345a74baedc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.836] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.836] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.837] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.837] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f065ac336abcaa3e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.837] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.837] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f0b409df5bf0c60.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f18460fded109990.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f255719f88337aba.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.838] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.839] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f3e8f7c0cbf922b9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.839] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.839] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faa651f286d9904c.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.839] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.839] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faef7def55a1d4b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.840] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.840] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb0a479989a44286.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.840] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.840] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28872] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb3b0dbfee58fac8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 02:32:12.947] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-19 02:32:12.974] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-19 02:32:12.989] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-19 02:32:12.989] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-19 02:32:12.989] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 4 [2025-03-19 02:32:12.989] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-19 02:32:13.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28872] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-19 02:32:13.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28872] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-19 02:32:13.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28872] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 4 [2025-03-19 02:32:13.052] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28872] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-19 02:32:13.695] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016: 7076] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-19 02:32:14.087] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 7076] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-19 02:32:14.087] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 7076] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-19 02:32:14.087] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 7076] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 4 [2025-03-19 02:32:14.087] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 7076] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-19 02:32:15.728] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-19 02:32:15.729] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-19 02:32:15.729] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 4 [2025-03-19 02:32:15.729] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-19 02:32:15.729] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-19 02:32:26.474] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24972] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 04:16:40.142] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13632] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 08:34:38.950] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:16920] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 15:59:26.924] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23768] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 19:35:38.327] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29996] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 19:41:06.000] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 1088] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-19 19:41:06.001] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016: 1088] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-19 19:41:10.754] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-19 19:41:10.754] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-19 19:41:10.754] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-19 19:41:10.754] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-19 19:41:13.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-19 19:41:13.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-19 19:41:13.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-19 19:41:13.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-19 19:41:13.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-19 20:41:06.276] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:19604] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 22:52:27.064] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1216] [ tupp::InstallMonCallbackAsync] Software change detected by Install monitor. [2025-03-19 22:52:27.064] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 5 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.065] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14256] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 356 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.065] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-19 22:52:27.065] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:29772] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-19 22:52:27.067] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-19 22:52:27.067] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-19 22:52:27.070] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016:29772] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.179] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.179] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\12dc1ea8e34b5a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.179] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.179] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\162797d679096999.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.180] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-19 22:52:27.180] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.180] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\163aa069b245e98b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.180] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.180] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.181] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.181] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b6ebacd7cd2f25a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.181] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.181] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1bc392b8e104a00e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.181] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.181] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1f6e63094634a3a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.181] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-19 22:52:27.182] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.182] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\28c8b86deab549a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.182] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.182] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2a64b26bd99f0d16.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.182] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.182] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2b1157126fc88319.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.183] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.183] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2be38174f3daf4a0.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.183] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.183] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2f3029eb481b6e54.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\362773986bafaa68.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3715238b5cf855ae.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.184] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\398b4270d498a3ea.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.185] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.185] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3c355482cb54f75b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.185] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.185] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\431a5b43435cc60b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.185] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.185] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\464458208650dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.186] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.186] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\469e4a7982cea4d4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.186] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.186] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46b9cf3361f76eb2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.187] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.187] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46f433176bc0b3d2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.187] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.187] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\480f80a9b898b759.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.187] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.187] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4cb9c5750d51c07f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.188] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.188] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4fc015f2167d8d1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.188] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.188] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\506272947cd66db4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.188] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.188] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5175b273ceba776b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.189] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.189] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\573770283dc3d854.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.189] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.189] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\590aee7bdd69b59b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.190] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 249] [*p::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFileImpl] ParseShortcutFile : Not found CLSID for shortcut in file/stream. [2025-03-19 22:52:27.190] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.190] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.190] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.191] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.191] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\61ebb1e65cfcb8da.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.191] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.191] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\65973ccaa45ca1ef.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.191] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.191] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6a19055025edb725.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.192] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.192] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6dc04f5ccc522861.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.192] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.192] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\736cc7432bd9041f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.192] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.192] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\74d7f43c1561fc1e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.193] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.193] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\766c6474ef2adc83.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.194] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.194] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\77b4b61cd0ff552.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.194] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.194] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\78f0afb5bd4bb278.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.194] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.194] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7a61a0dce727d4dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.195] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.195] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7bd03cfbffe06aa4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.195] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.195] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7cfe9f3a226c64f3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.195] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.195] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7e4dca80246863e3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.196] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.196] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\80d13f95c2c02af9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.196] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.196] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\852a672a84d438cb.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.197] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.197] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\89e5029c5c53e396.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.197] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.197] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8cd7fe0e958b5d13.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.197] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.197] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8df697741418c515.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.198] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.198] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9a165f62edbfa161.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.198] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.198] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9b9cdc69c1c24e2b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.199] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.199] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9cfafb05ce914942.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.199] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.199] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d1f905ce5044aee.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.199] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.199] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d8006ba0b34b2e6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.200] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.200] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9f5c7755804b850a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.200] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.200] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a1f9d3847f26fff3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.200] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.200] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a48aff51c30d699a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.201] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.201] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a52b0784bd667468.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.201] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.201] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a61657a5e5dfbdc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.202] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.202] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ae6df75df512bd06.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.202] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.202] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b49a58a36346a9a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8ab77100df80ab2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8b3a97bfbf120b6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.203] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8e879e7955633f4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.204] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.204] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bd5d273c23d31ea4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.204] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.204] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bf98e02c33a05d67.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.205] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.205] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c0cad2ca20946a4e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.205] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.205] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c21386f4d2fb73ce.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.205] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.205] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c6e03f37390a2f92.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.206] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.206] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c832ba293c332de8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.206] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.206] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ca16c67083d9554d.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.207] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.207] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cb05cc8c5a282971.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.207] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.207] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ccba5a5986c77e43.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.207] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.207] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cf02284227526d80.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.208] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.208] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d06c94537ecaee12.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.208] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.208] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d6d04de5aa0abfe8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.209] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.209] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\dd7c3b1adb1c168b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.209] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.209] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\de48a32edcbe79e4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.209] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.209] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\e08fc345a74baedc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.211] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.211] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.211] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.211] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f065ac336abcaa3e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.211] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.211] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f0b409df5bf0c60.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.212] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.212] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f18460fded109990.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.212] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.212] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f255719f88337aba.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.213] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.213] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f3e8f7c0cbf922b9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.213] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.213] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faa651f286d9904c.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.213] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.213] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faef7def55a1d4b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.214] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.214] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb0a479989a44286.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.214] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.214] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:28700] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb3b0dbfee58fac8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-19 22:52:27.243] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-19 22:52:27.274] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-19 22:52:27.295] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-19 22:52:27.296] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-19 22:52:27.296] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.296] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-19 22:52:27.453] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28700] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-19 22:52:27.453] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28700] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-19 22:52:27.453] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28700] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 4 [2025-03-19 22:52:27.453] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:28700] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-19 22:52:28.061] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:29772] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-19 22:52:28.483] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29772] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-19 22:52:28.483] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29772] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-19 22:52:28.483] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29772] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 4 [2025-03-19 22:52:28.483] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29772] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-19 22:52:30.369] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-19 22:52:30.371] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-19 22:52:30.371] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 4 [2025-03-19 22:52:30.371] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-19 22:52:30.371] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-19 23:23:38.375] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9432] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:23:38.942] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9432] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:23:39.578] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9404] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:23:39.945] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9404] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:23:39.967] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26372] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:23:40.353] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 5412] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:23:40.424] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26976] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:23:40.425] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26976] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:23:40.425] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 5412] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-19 23:27:18.030] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29132] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 00:05:19.683] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:21216] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 01:39:47.009] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22636] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 0 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.010] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:22636] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 1022 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.010] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-20 01:39:47.011] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-20 01:39:47.011] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-20 01:39:47.013] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:22636] [E60BEB: 137] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadConfiguration] Reloading configuration [2025-03-20 01:39:47.013] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:29692] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-20 01:39:47.015] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:22636] [E60BEB: 206] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadConfiguration] Setting patches scan setting: false [2025-03-20 01:39:47.015] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:22636] [E60BEB: 111] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadController] Configuring SU controller [2025-03-20 01:39:47.016] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:22636] [E60BEB: 126] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::ReloadController] Scan exclusions: tp2434,tp921,tp236,tp468,tp471,tp2867,tp569,tp570,tp1339,tp2843,tp2594,tp3009,tp1373,tp311,tp571,tp1434,tp2571,tp2845,tp2979,tp2047,tp411,tp1774,tp2346,tp1082,tp3083,tp366,tp2579,tp2581,tp2580,tp2697,tp361,tp605,tp1677,tp112,tp2540,tp3120,tp3648,tp3676,tp3029,tp3244,tp3242,tp3548,tp343,tp477,tp108,tp3128 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.016] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:22636] [E60BEB: 688] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::StartScan] Background requested scan [2025-03-20 01:39:47.016] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016:29692] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.018] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:22636] [E60BEB: 699] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::StartScan] Triggering a new SCAN for user: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27892] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: FixProblems [2025-03-20 01:39:47.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27892] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for FixProblems [2025-03-20 01:39:47.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27892] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.068] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:27892] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: FixProblems and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:39:47.126] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.126] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\12dc1ea8e34b5a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.127] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.127] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\162797d679096999.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.127] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.127] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\163aa069b245e98b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.128] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.128] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.128] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.128] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b6ebacd7cd2f25a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.129] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.129] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1bc392b8e104a00e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.129] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.129] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1f6e63094634a3a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.130] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.130] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\28c8b86deab549a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.130] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.130] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2a64b26bd99f0d16.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.131] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.131] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2b1157126fc88319.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.131] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.131] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2be38174f3daf4a0.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.131] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.131] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2f3029eb481b6e54.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.132] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.132] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\362773986bafaa68.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.132] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.132] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3715238b5cf855ae.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.133] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.133] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\398b4270d498a3ea.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.133] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.133] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3c355482cb54f75b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.134] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.134] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\431a5b43435cc60b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.135] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.135] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\464458208650dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.135] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.135] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\469e4a7982cea4d4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.136] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.136] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46b9cf3361f76eb2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.136] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.136] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46f433176bc0b3d2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.137] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.137] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\480f80a9b898b759.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.137] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.137] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4cb9c5750d51c07f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.138] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.138] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4fc015f2167d8d1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.138] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.138] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\506272947cd66db4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5175b273ceba776b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\573770283dc3d854.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.139] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\590aee7bdd69b59b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.140] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 249] [*p::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFileImpl] ParseShortcutFile : Not found CLSID for shortcut in file/stream. [2025-03-20 01:39:47.140] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.140] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.140] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.141] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.141] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\61ebb1e65cfcb8da.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.141] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.141] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\65973ccaa45ca1ef.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.141] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.141] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6a19055025edb725.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.142] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.142] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6dc04f5ccc522861.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.142] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.142] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\736cc7432bd9041f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.143] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.143] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\74d7f43c1561fc1e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.143] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.143] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\766c6474ef2adc83.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.143] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.143] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\77b4b61cd0ff552.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.144] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.144] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\78f0afb5bd4bb278.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.144] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.144] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7a61a0dce727d4dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.145] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.145] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7bd03cfbffe06aa4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.145] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.145] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7cfe9f3a226c64f3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.145] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.145] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7e4dca80246863e3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.146] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.146] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\80d13f95c2c02af9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.146] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.146] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\852a672a84d438cb.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\89e5029c5c53e396.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8cd7fe0e958b5d13.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.147] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8df697741418c515.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.148] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.148] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9a165f62edbfa161.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.148] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.148] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9b9cdc69c1c24e2b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.149] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.149] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9cfafb05ce914942.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.149] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.149] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d1f905ce5044aee.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.150] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.150] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d8006ba0b34b2e6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.150] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.150] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9f5c7755804b850a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.151] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-20 01:39:47.151] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.151] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a1f9d3847f26fff3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.151] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.151] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a48aff51c30d699a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.152] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.152] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a52b0784bd667468.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.152] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.152] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a61657a5e5dfbdc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ae6df75df512bd06.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b49a58a36346a9a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.153] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-20 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.153] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8ab77100df80ab2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.154] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.154] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8b3a97bfbf120b6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.154] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.154] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8e879e7955633f4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.155] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.155] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bd5d273c23d31ea4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.155] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.155] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bf98e02c33a05d67.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.156] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.156] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c0cad2ca20946a4e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.156] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.156] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c21386f4d2fb73ce.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.157] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.157] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c6e03f37390a2f92.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.157] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.157] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c832ba293c332de8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.158] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.158] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ca16c67083d9554d.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.158] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.158] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cb05cc8c5a282971.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ccba5a5986c77e43.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cf02284227526d80.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.159] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d06c94537ecaee12.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.160] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.160] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d6d04de5aa0abfe8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.160] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.160] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\dd7c3b1adb1c168b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.161] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.161] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\de48a32edcbe79e4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.161] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.161] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\e08fc345a74baedc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f065ac336abcaa3e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.163] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f0b409df5bf0c60.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.164] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.164] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f18460fded109990.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.165] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.165] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f255719f88337aba.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.165] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.165] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f3e8f7c0cbf922b9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.166] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.166] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faa651f286d9904c.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.166] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.166] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faef7def55a1d4b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.167] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.167] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb0a479989a44286.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.167] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.167] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:18268] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb3b0dbfee58fac8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 01:39:47.270] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-20 01:39:47.303] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-20 01:39:47.328] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-20 01:39:47.329] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-20 01:39:47.329] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.329] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:39:47.460] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:18268] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-20 01:39:47.460] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:18268] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-20 01:39:47.460] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:18268] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:39:47.460] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:18268] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:39:48.281] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:29692] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-20 01:39:48.761] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29692] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-20 01:39:48.761] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29692] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-20 01:39:48.761] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29692] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:39:48.761] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29692] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:39:51.101] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-20 01:39:51.102] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-20 01:39:51.102] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 5, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:39:51.102] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:39:52.241] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-20 01:39:52.241] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-20 01:39:52.241] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 6, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:39:52.241] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:39:55.183] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-20 01:39:55.183] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-20 01:39:55.183] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 7, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:39:55.183] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:40:01.591] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:29588] [E60BEB: 911] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::DetectionsUpdated] Detections updated: { "isPartial" : true, "patches" : { "items" : [], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 0 }, "perMachineProducts" : { "items" : [ [ "tp1056", { "architecture" : "32-bit", "availableVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "currentVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796685, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Root\\Office16\\lync.exe" }, "id" : "tp1056", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : true, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35451", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "16.0.18429.20158", "releaseNotesUrl" : "", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "Microsoft Lync", "updateState" : { "name" : "UpToDate", "value" : 9 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Microsoft Corporation", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ] ], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 0 }, "perUserProducts" : { "items" : [], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 0 }, "timestamp" : 1742434801592, "userId" : "S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002" } [2025-03-20 01:40:02.130] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:31124] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DriverUpdater [2025-03-20 01:40:02.130] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:31124] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DriverUpdater [2025-03-20 01:40:02.130] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:31124] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 8, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:40:02.130] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:31124] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DriverUpdater and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:40:02.891] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:26612] [E60BEB: 911] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::DetectionsUpdated] Detections updated: { "isPartial" : true, "patches" : { "items" : [], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 0 }, "perMachineProducts" : { "items" : [ [ "tp3249", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "10.0.40219", "currentVersion" : "10.0.40219", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796681, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { 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"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe" }, "id" : "tp3319", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "2.43.0", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/latest", "severity" : { "name" : "Important", "value" : 3 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "Git (x64)", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "The Git Development Community", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp1090", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "16.20.2", "currentVersion" : "16.14.0", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796679, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" }, "id" : "tp1090", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "en-us", "manualUpdateUrl" : "", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "16.14.0", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/master/doc/changelogs", "severity" : { "name" : "Important", "value" : 3 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "Node.js LTS", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Joyent, Inc.", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp308", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "16.2.5", "currentVersion" : "16.2.1", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796682, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VMware\\VMware Workstation\\vmplayer.exe" }, "id" : "tp308", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-player.html", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "16.2.1", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Workstation-Player/16.2.5/rn/vmware-workstation-1625-player-release-notes/index.html", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "VMware Player", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "VMware, Inc.", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp3040", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "", "currentVersion" : "3.0.18", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796685, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe" }, "id" : "tp3040", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "pl", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.videolan.org/vlc/", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "3.0.18", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://www.videolan.org/developers/vlc-branch/NEWS", "severity" : { "name" : "Important", "value" : 3 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "VLC media player (x64)", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "VideoLAN", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp419", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "", "currentVersion" : "", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796680, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\iTunes\\iTunes.exe" }, "id" : "tp419", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "pl-pl", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.apple.com/itunes/", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://support.apple.com/en-vn/HT201222", "severity" : { "name" : "Important", "value" : 3 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "iTunes", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Apple Inc.", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp2412", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "7.13.1", "currentVersion" : "6.8.0", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796681, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\RealVNC\\VNC Server\\vncserver.exe" }, "id" : "tp2412", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "en-us", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.realvnc.com/en/connect/download/vnc/", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "6.8.0", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://help.realvnc.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002253138-Release-Notes", "severity" : { "name" : "Important", "value" : 3 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "VNC Server", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "RealVNC Ltd", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp3033", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "25.001.20435", "currentVersion" : "25.001.20432", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796684, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Acrobat\\Acrobat.exe" }, "id" : "tp3033", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "pl-pl", "manualUpdateUrl" : "", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "25.001.20432", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/release-note/release-notes-acrobat-reader.html", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Adobe Systems Inc.", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp209", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "7.1.6", "currentVersion" : "6.0.12", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796681, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\VirtualBox.exe" }, "id" : "tp209", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "en-us", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "6.0.12", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Changelog", "severity" : { "name" : "Important", "value" : 3 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "VirtualBox", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Oracle Corporation", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp3659", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "14.42.34438.0", "currentVersion" : "14.42.34433.0", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796683, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\ProgramData\\Package Cache\\{804e7d66-ccc2-4c12-84ba-476da31d103d}\\VC_redist.x64.exe" }, "id" : "tp3659", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "", "perUser" : false, "previousVersion" : "14.42.34433.0", "releaseNotesUrl" : "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64)", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "Microsoft Corporation", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ] ], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 1742434813196 }, "perUserProducts" : { "items" : [ [ "tp5", { "architecture" : "32-bit", "availableVersion" : "", "currentVersion" : "", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796679, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Users\\Harmonogram\\AppData\\Roaming\\uTorrent\\uTorrent.exe" }, "id" : "tp5", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : true, "language" : "", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://www.utorrent.com/downloads/win", "perUser" : true, "previousVersion" : "", "releaseNotesUrl" : "", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : false, "title" : "\u00b5Torrent", "updateState" : { "name" : "UpToDate", "value" : 9 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "BitTorrent Inc.", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ], [ "tp3721", { "architecture" : "64-bit", "availableVersion" : "1.4.0", "currentVersion" : "1.2.2", "detectionTimestamp" : 1742434796684, "downloadDurationMs" : 0, "downloadSize" : 0, "downloadStatus" : 0, "icon" : { "path" : "C:\\Program Files\\Inkscape\\bin\\inkscape.exe" }, "id" : "tp3721", "ignored" : false, "installerPath" : "", "isEndOfLife" : false, "isUnsupported" : false, "isUpToDate" : false, "language" : "pl-pl", "manualUpdateUrl" : "https://inkscape.org/release", "perUser" : true, "previousVersion" : "1.2.2", "releaseNotesUrl" : "http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Release_notes", "severity" : { "name" : "Unknown", "value" : 0 }, "supportsAutoUpdate" : true, "title" : "Inkscape (msi)", "updateState" : { "name" : "NotStarted", "value" : 0 }, "updateTimestamp" : null, "vendor" : "inkscape.org", "vulnerabilities" : [] } ] ], "lastSuccessfulScanTimestamp" : 1742434813196 }, "timestamp" : 1742434813196, "userId" : "S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002" } [2025-03-20 01:40:13.206] [info ] [softupdater] [11016:22636] [E60BEB: 535] [ SWUP::SWUPModule2::UpdateStatistics] Updating statistics: { "state" : "scanning", "statistics" : { "duration" : 26, "ignored" : 0, "installed" : 40, "outdated" : 19, "outdatedAutoUpdatable" : 14, "pending" : 0, "started" : 1742434787, "trigger" : 1 } } [2025-03-20 01:40:13.208] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:22636] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareUpdater [2025-03-20 01:40:13.209] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:22636] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareUpdater [2025-03-20 01:40:13.209] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:22636] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 9, expected: 9 [2025-03-20 01:40:13.209] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:22636] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-20 01:40:13.209] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:22636] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareUpdater and reporting status [2025-03-20 01:40:13.250] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22636] [D5FA81: 399] [ tupp::SetDriverUpdaterIpmDisplayData] Set DU IPM Display Data items [2025-03-20 02:31:51.637] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:23228] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 02:31:52.304] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:31460] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 02:32:26.595] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:31460] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 02:49:32.689] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 5660] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 03:19:19.930] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20936] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 03:43:10.038] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:30132] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 03:43:15.333] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29020] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 03:43:31.744] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29020] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 03:48:31.487] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:30736] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 03:48:31.878] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:30736] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 03:48:32.663] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 1356] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 04:16:47.549] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27584] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 05:03:05.941] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:30884] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 07:48:31.672] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29760] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 07:48:32.036] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29760] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 07:48:32.821] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14088] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 11:48:31.859] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:31156] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 11:48:33.011] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27796] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 11:48:33.810] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29652] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 15:48:32.836] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29052] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 15:48:33.212] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29052] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 15:48:33.994] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:24204] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 17:54:17.466] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:15624] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 19:35:38.317] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:29416] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 19:41:06.006] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:13148] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 2 [2025-03-20 19:41:06.008] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:13148] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 136 [2025-03-20 19:41:10.531] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup [2025-03-20 19:41:10.531] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for DiskCleanup [2025-03-20 19:41:10.531] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 2 [2025-03-20 19:41:10.531] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15992] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: DiskCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-20 19:41:12.883] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-20 19:41:12.883] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for BrowserDataCleanup [2025-03-20 19:41:12.883] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 2 [2025-03-20 19:41:12.883] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-20 19:41:12.883] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:15708] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: BrowserDataCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-20 19:48:33.032] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22676] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 19:48:33.900] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:31432] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 19:48:34.792] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14784] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 20:41:06.274] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:19956] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 21:39:49.935] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28708] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:40.779] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20964] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:40.964] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:20964] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:41.826] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:28964] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:42.216] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:30036] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:42.217] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:30036] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:42.881] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 6980] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:42.953] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17032] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:42.954] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17032] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:00:42.954] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 2304] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:08:49.690] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:19536] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:40:46.937] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 4592] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:48:33.687] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26316] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:48:34.054] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:26316] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:48:34.876] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016: 9236] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-20 23:52:24.604] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1216] [ tupp::InstallMonCallbackAsync] Software change detected by Install monitor. [2025-03-20 23:52:24.604] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:14256] [D5FA81:1038] [ tupp::ScheduledTaskUtil::BgScanProc] Starting background Scan Type : 5 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.605] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:14256] [ED9F85:1354] [ BeginTuneupScan] Begin Tuneup scans, flags : 356 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.605] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 260] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] Starting Scan... [2025-03-20 23:52:24.605] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:24292] [4E9D0F: 527] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scanning.. [2025-03-20 23:52:24.607] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 19] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Running detection [2025-03-20 23:52:24.607] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 57] [ SoftwareDetector::GetSoftwareToFind] Using fast mode scans [2025-03-20 23:52:24.609] [info ] [UsrAccounts] [11016:24292] [45504A: 542] [*mmon::CUserAccounts::RefreshCurrentUser] Current user SID: S-1-5-21-2874577178-1687215517-354648353-1002 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.706] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.706] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\12dc1ea8e34b5a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.707] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.707] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\162797d679096999.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.707] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.707] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\163aa069b245e98b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.708] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.708] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.708] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.708] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1b6ebacd7cd2f25a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.708] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.708] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1bc392b8e104a00e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.709] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.709] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\1f6e63094634a3a6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.709] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.709] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\28c8b86deab549a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.709] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.709] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2a64b26bd99f0d16.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.710] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.710] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2b1157126fc88319.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.710] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.710] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2be38174f3daf4a0.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.710] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.711] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\2f3029eb481b6e54.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.711] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.711] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\362773986bafaa68.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.712] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.712] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3715238b5cf855ae.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.712] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.712] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\398b4270d498a3ea.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.713] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.713] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\3c355482cb54f75b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.713] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.713] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\431a5b43435cc60b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.714] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.714] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\464458208650dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.714] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.714] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\469e4a7982cea4d4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.715] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.715] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46b9cf3361f76eb2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.715] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.715] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\46f433176bc0b3d2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.716] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.716] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\480f80a9b898b759.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.716] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.716] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4cb9c5750d51c07f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.716] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.716] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\4fc015f2167d8d1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.717] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.717] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\506272947cd66db4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.717] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.717] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5175b273ceba776b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.718] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.718] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\573770283dc3d854.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.718] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.718] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\590aee7bdd69b59b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.718] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 249] [*p::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFileImpl] ParseShortcutFile : Not found CLSID for shortcut in file/stream. [2025-03-20 23:52:24.718] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5a2098e080cf7ac4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.719] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.719] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\5f7b5f1e01b83767.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.719] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.719] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\61ebb1e65cfcb8da.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.720] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.720] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\65973ccaa45ca1ef.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.720] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.720] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6a19055025edb725.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.720] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.720] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\6dc04f5ccc522861.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.721] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.721] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\736cc7432bd9041f.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.721] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [B09445: 22] [ SoftwareDetector::StartDetection] Processing results (findings: 217) [2025-03-20 23:52:24.721] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.721] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\74d7f43c1561fc1e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.721] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.721] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\766c6474ef2adc83.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.722] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.722] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\77b4b61cd0ff552.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.722] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.722] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\78f0afb5bd4bb278.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.723] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.723] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7a61a0dce727d4dc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.723] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 318] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Requesting Update from Backend... [2025-03-20 23:52:24.724] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.724] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7bd03cfbffe06aa4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.724] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.724] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7cfe9f3a226c64f3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.725] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.725] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\7e4dca80246863e3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.726] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.726] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\80d13f95c2c02af9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.726] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.726] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\852a672a84d438cb.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.727] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.727] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\89e5029c5c53e396.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.728] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.728] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8cd7fe0e958b5d13.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.728] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.728] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\8df697741418c515.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.729] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.729] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9a165f62edbfa161.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.729] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.729] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9b9cdc69c1c24e2b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.730] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.730] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9cfafb05ce914942.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.730] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.730] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d1f905ce5044aee.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.730] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.730] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9d8006ba0b34b2e6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.731] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.731] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\9f5c7755804b850a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.731] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.731] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a1f9d3847f26fff3.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.732] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.732] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a48aff51c30d699a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.732] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.732] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a52b0784bd667468.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.733] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.733] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\a61657a5e5dfbdc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.733] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.733] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ae6df75df512bd06.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.733] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.734] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b49a58a36346a9a1.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.734] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.734] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8ab77100df80ab2.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.734] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.734] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8b3a97bfbf120b6.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.735] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.735] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\b8e879e7955633f4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.735] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.735] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bd5d273c23d31ea4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.736] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.736] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\bf98e02c33a05d67.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.736] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.736] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c0cad2ca20946a4e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.737] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.737] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c21386f4d2fb73ce.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.737] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.737] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c6e03f37390a2f92.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.738] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.738] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\c832ba293c332de8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.738] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.738] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ca16c67083d9554d.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.738] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.738] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cb05cc8c5a282971.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.739] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.739] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ccba5a5986c77e43.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.739] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.739] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\cf02284227526d80.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.739] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.739] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d06c94537ecaee12.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.740] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.740] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\d6d04de5aa0abfe8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.740] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.740] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\dd7c3b1adb1c168b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.741] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.741] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\de48a32edcbe79e4.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.741] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.741] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\e08fc345a74baedc.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.742] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.742] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.743] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.743] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f065ac336abcaa3e.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.743] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.743] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f0b409df5bf0c60.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.744] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.744] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f18460fded109990.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.744] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.744] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f255719f88337aba.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.744] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.744] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f3e8f7c0cbf922b9.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.745] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.745] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faa651f286d9904c.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.745] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.745] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\faef7def55a1d4b.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.745] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.745] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb0a479989a44286.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.746] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 140] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::CheckReadRequest] Try to read :76 from :0, but stream size is :4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.746] [warning] [shortcutlib] [11016:29884] [76672E: 523] [ tupp::CShortcutLink::ParseShortcutFile] ParseShortcutFile 'C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\fb3b0dbfee58fac8.automaticDestinations-ms' failed [2025-03-20 23:52:24.787] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 324] [*apter::getSoftwareListUpdateFromBackend] Request successful! [2025-03-20 23:52:24.818] [info ] [softcleanup] [11016:16332] [4C8366: 308] [ EngineAdapter::LoadList] We found 217 products on your system. [2025-03-20 23:52:24.836] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-20 23:52:24.837] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for SoftwareCleanup [2025-03-20 23:52:24.837] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 1, expected: 4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.837] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16332] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: SoftwareCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-20 23:52:24.959] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29884] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-20 23:52:24.960] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29884] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ShortcutCleaner [2025-03-20 23:52:24.960] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29884] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 2, expected: 4 [2025-03-20 23:52:24.960] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:29884] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ShortcutCleaner and reporting status [2025-03-20 23:52:25.489] [info ] [prgdeact ] [11016:24292] [4E9D0F: 721] [*ator::detail::CProgramManager::ScanImpl] Scan finished. [2025-03-20 23:52:25.848] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:24292] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-20 23:52:25.848] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:24292] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for ProgramDeactivator [2025-03-20 23:52:25.848] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:24292] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 3, expected: 4 [2025-03-20 23:52:25.848] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:24292] [ED9F85: 538] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: ProgramDeactivator and reporting status [2025-03-20 23:52:27.445] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 473] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup [2025-03-20 23:52:27.446] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85:1057] [ tupp::SplitReturnValue] Set scanned state when items are present for RegCleanup [2025-03-20 23:52:27.446] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 507] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module finished scans so far: 4, expected: 4 [2025-03-20 23:52:27.446] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 511] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module all scans finished [2025-03-20 23:52:27.446] [info ] [tuneup ] [11016:16152] [ED9F85: 526] [ tupp::ReactToInnerScanFinish] Tuneup module scan finished: RegCleanup and reporting status [2025-03-21 00:52:43.700] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:22708] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-21 02:31:53.101] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:21460] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-21 02:31:53.785] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:21460] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-21 02:32:27.103] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:17908] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-21 03:48:33.883] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:30456] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-21 03:48:34.248] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:30456] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-21 03:48:35.015] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:31624] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC. [2025-03-21 04:16:48.270] [info ] [SmartScan ] [11016:27832] [D5FA81:1492] [ tupp::appTuneupGetStatus] Get status requested via RPC.