IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000000 Please make sure to read our rules located on the Forums. IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000001 Ignore: You can *ignore* any player's chat messages and whispers by typing the following in the chat box without the quotes: /Block "playername". IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000002 You can report any rule breakers on the forums! Just make sure you take screenshot evidence! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000003 ALWAYS double check trade windows! Don't fall for the penya/perin scam! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000004 Looking for player shops? Buy a market Blink from any Buffpang! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000005 Shopping? always double check what you are buying and for how much. IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000006 AFK farming is against the rules so don't do it! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000007 Did you know our forums contains alot of guides to help players! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000008 Stuck? Simply use the "Nearest Town Teleport" icon in the Motion Window (O Key). IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000009 Selling in-game items/penya for real life cash is a bannable offence. IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000010 You're going the wrong way you know. IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000011 People like to pretend to be GMS/ADMINS always ask to see them ingame if they talk to you via pm! Look for the GM Logo. IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000012 We will Never Mail/PM you asking for your account password or bank pin, this is a scam! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000013 Never give out your password/Bank pin to anyone! Not even staff! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000014 Reporting Bugs: If you happen to find a bug in the game, please post a Bug Report on our Forums with as much details as possible. IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000015 Thanks for playing Insanity Flyff! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000016 Need to take a ingame screenshot? use the Prt Sc button on your keyboard! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000017 Did you know? You can change the glow of your +10 sets via the Aura Glow option on the menu! IDS_CLIENT_INSTANTHELP_INC_000018 Don't Forget to vote for us on to get rewards!