IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000000 Basic Operations IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000001 This section will continue were the Info-Pang left off. You can expect a more in-depth explanation of the game mechanics and some unique features. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000002 If you read through this section and you still have questions you should visit the Official Website and Forums. These can be found at IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000003 Mouse IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000004 Your mouse will be used constantly throughout game play. Left Clicking your mouse will be used most commonly for movement, targeting, and selecting menu options. The Right Click will be used predominately for controlling the camera and accessing the NPC Menu when a NPC is targeted. All of these features will be covered in the Help Menu. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000005 Movement IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000006 To move using the keyboard, press the “W” Key to go forward, the “A” Key to go left, the “S” Key to go backwards, and the “D” Key to go right. You can also use the Left Click of the Mouse to move. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000007 To jump, simply press the spacebar. You can jump either from a standing position or while moving. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000008 Camera IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000009 You can control the camera view in many different ways. You can even lock the camera into place. To do this access the Start Menu, select Option and then toggle Camera Fix. This will allow you to control the Camera with the A and D keys. This overrides movement controls. If this setup does not feel comfortable to you, you can simply hold down the Right Mouse Button and move the mouse. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000010 Regardless of how you choose to manipulate the camera, the zoom functions will always be the same. You can Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel or the Page Up and Page Down keys. In order to zoom in even further, press the Scroll Lock Button. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000011 Flying IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000012 A character that has reached level 20 and has finished the flying quest can take advantage of flying with broom and boards. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000013 Station NPC's sell a variety of Brooms and Boards. If you feel like you would like to spice up your method of flying you can check the premium shop for faster and more unique items to fly on. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000014 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000015 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000016 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000017 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000018 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000019 How do I fly? IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000020 To fly, simply equip a flying board or broom and then press the Spacebar. You will automatically accelerate until your reach your maximum speed. To stop, press the Spacebar again. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000021 You can steer while flying with your mouse or with the W,A,S,D keys. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000022 You can buy fuel to increase the speed of your broom or board. Double-click the fuel and press the X key to activate or de-activate the fuel. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000023 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000024 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000025 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000026 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000027 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000028 Combat IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000029 You will encounter hundreds of hostile masquerpets in the land of Madrigal. Depending on what type of character you build, you will have multiple options on how to attack these villainous monsters. These methods will be explained in more detail here. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000030 Along with these masquerpets, you can engage in intense PVP Combat if you have chosen to play on Demian. To attack players on Demian, you must hold down the Ctrl Key and then initiate your attack. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000031 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000032 Melee Attack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000033 Melee attacks are done with all variations of close combat weapons, this includes swords, axes, staffs, and even knuckle weapons. To engage a enemy in a Melee attack simply equip your weapon, target your enemy, and then Right Click on them. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000034 Raged Attack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000035 Ranged attacks are done with Yo-yos, and bows. To engage an enemy with a ranged attack, equip the appropriate weapon, target the enemy, and then Right Click on the target. Note that Bow require arrows to be used. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000036 Magic Attack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000037 Wands have the unique ability to shoot a charged magic attack. Do this by holding down the Right Mouse button after you have selected your target. Release the button to launch your attack. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000038 Equipping items IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000039 To equip an item, open your inventory then double click the item you want to equip. It will then automatically replace the item you currently have equipped in that slot. Double click on equipped item to unequip it. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000040 Using Items IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000041 You can use an item by double clicking it. You can also place items in your Extra Bags by simply opening them and then dragging it over. The item drops to the ground if you place the item outside your inventory. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000042 You can place an item in the quick task bar located at the bottom of your screen. It is possible to use it instantly with the corresponding Hot Key or by clicking with your Mouse. Right click an item to remove the item from the quick slot. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000043 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000044 Chatting IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000045 Pressing enter will toggle the Chat Menu display on if you have closed it for any reason. Once the Chat Menu is open simply press Enter one time to toggle the chat function. Once you have typed your message simply press Enter again to send your message out. You will also see buttons for Whisper, Shout, Party, and Guild. These buttons will filter your message directly to those respective groups. There are also options for filtering your incoming chats, and viewing System Messages. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000046 NPC Trading IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000047 To trade with an NPC, left click the NPC and choose Trade. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000048 You can purchase an item you want by dragging it into your inventory. The price of the item will show and if you accept the price a confirmation window will pop-up. Accept the confirmation window to finish the transaction. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000049 If you are trying to sell items, just drag the item you want to sell from your inventory, into the NPC trade window. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000050 Player Trading IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000051 If you would like to trade with another player, you can hold down the ALT key and Left Click on the player, or simply Right Click on the player . A menu will appear, select trade, and wait for the other player to approve the trade. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000052 Once the trade window opens you can drag items or Penya into the window. Make very sure that everything is just how you want it before clicking OK and ACCEPT. Never let anyone BORROW any items as they may not return what you lend them. Make sure you are getting the right items and right amount of Penya before you go through with a trade. All trades are done at your own risk so please be very careful. If you lose something, get the wrong item, or the wrong Penya amount there is nothing that can be done to get the item back. So be careful. If at any time you feel uncomfortable with a trade click the CANCEL button to end the trade. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000053 Once you put items in a trade window and select OK and ACCEPT the trade will go through and the items you traded for will be in your inventory. If your inventory box is full the trade will be canceled. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000054 Quests IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000055 NPC's with a Yellow "!" above their heads have a Quest you can complete. Select the NPC and then select New Quest. This will show you all of the available quests and the level required to accept the quest. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000056 Complete as many quests as you can as they will give you many rewards along with valuable EXP bonuses! IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000057 Interface IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000058 This Section will detail the various Menus you will be seeing and using while you play. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000059 Status Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000060 You can toggle this window by pressing the T Button. This Window will give you the overall status of your character. It includes your Health Points, Magic Points, Focus Points, Experience, and Bubble Time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000061 Your total HP increases as you increase STA, the more HP you have the longer you will live. MP is necessary for magician and assist skills. Your total MP increases as you increase your INT. FP is necessary for the melee attack skills of a mercenary, your total FP increases as you increase your STA. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000062 EXP notes the necessary amount of experience needed to level up. EXP is gained by hunting monsters and completing quests. Bubble Time is a special Buff that gives you bonus EXP. This is filled through the Guild House and is explained under that section of the Help Menu. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000063 Character Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000064 This Menu can be toggled with the H Key. It displays important information about the character. The Base Section displays basic information such as character name, job, level, etc... The Detail Section displays the character status according to the currently used equipment and level, and PVP/PK tracks your PVP information. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000065 When you gain levels you will be award STAT Points. These can be spent on this Menu. STAT Points are gained as you level up, and you can increase your base abilities. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000066 ATK represents your Attack Power, this is how much damage you can deliver to the enemy. DEF represents your Defense, this is how much damage you can absorb from an enemy's attack. Critical means how much chance you have to make a critical attack, and A. Speed shows how fast your character will attack. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000067 STR affects the attack power of all melee weapons. STA affects defense, max HP, max FP, and HP/FP restoration. DEX affects attack speed, dodge, blocking, critical chance and bow attack power. INT affects maximum MP, MP restoration, magical spell damage and defense. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000068 The Fame/Master Tab will display of all the Titles you have earned. Select one of these Titles to show the world what you can accomplish! IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000069 Chat Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000070 Press Enter to activate this Menu and then you can type in it. Chat, Whisper, Shout, Party and Guild Chats are possible. You can click the System button to view any system messages that have been displayed. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000071 If you want to copy a message and paste it with the Shortcut key then type the message into the chat window, don’t press enter, then drag the balloon mark located on the left side of the chat window to your quick slot. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000072 Navigator IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000073 Press the N Button to toggle this Menu. The Navigator is the mini-map located at the upper-right of your screen. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000074 NPC's will appear as purple dots, while other players will appear as white dots. NPC Shops will be displayed with an icon that indicates what shop they are. If you are turning in a quest look for a yellow and black dot. Yellow and orange dots indicate enemy mobs. If you use your mouse to roll over a dot, it will tell you the name of that specific target. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000075 There are a few buttons on the Mini-Map to help you as well. You can zoom the mini-map in and out using the + and - icons. The drop down will allow you to filter what appears on your Mini-Map. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000076 Skill Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000077 Toggle this Menu with the K Button. This window displays the skills and skill tree of your character. You can upgrade skills if you have the necessary requirements. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000078 To use skills, drag the skill to the quick slots in the bottom center of the screen and use F1 - F9. Otherwise, drag the skill in the skill window to the Action Slot on the bottom right of the screen and press C. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000079 Skill points are necessary to level up your skill. Skill points are earned as you level up. Click the skill you want to increase and adjust the skill level with +,- button and click Finish. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000080 Inventory IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000081 Your inventory shows you everything you currently have equipped and everything you are carrying. You can store weapons, armor, items, Penya and anything that isn't nailed down inside your inventory. View your inventory by Pressing the I Button. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000082 Messenger Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000083 You can talk to friends and Guildies as well as check their current connection status. It will be updated as you add friends and guild members. To add your friend, hold down ALT and left click the character, then select ‘add to my list’ or click the + icon located below the messenger window. Your Guild list will automatically update as players come and go. There is also a Tab to check you Mentor Pupil Status but that system is outlined later in the Help Guide. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000084 Quest Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000085 By pressing the Q Button, you can check the progress of your current quests and other valuable information about your quests. This Menu is divided into tabs to better help you organize your quests. If you select a quest from the list it will be added to your on screen display to help you better track your progress quickly. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000086 Motion Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000087 This window displays emoticons and motion icons. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000088 You can activate this Menu by clicking the hot key 'o'. You can left click the icon to use it instantly or drag it the shortcut window and use it later. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000089 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000090 Party Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000091 This window manages your party. There are basic parties and advanced parties. Basic parties are groups that you share exp and items with, while an advanced party uses various party skills. When a basic party reaches level 10 you can change it to an advanced party and use party skills. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000092 Guild Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000093 A Guild is a bigger community then a party and anyone level 40 or higher can create one. You have to complete the quest from NPC Helena to make a guild. The Info tab shows general information and notices, the member tab allows you to manage guild members, the title tab shows titles and allows you to pay members, and the duel tab shows info on your guild duels. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000094 Options Tab IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000095 This window configures the basic details and options for the Game and can be found in the Start Tab. There are many settings here and they have been separated into two Tabs: Video and Game / Audio. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000096 Video IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000097 This window is for video settings. If you set the options to their highest settings you may encounter some additional lag. You will also see other settings for various visual elements. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000098 Game / Audio IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000099 From this tab you can allow or block Trades, Whispers, Friend Requests, Duel Requests, Party Requests, along with numerous other options. You can also control the audio levels and Battle Music. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000100 Helper Tab IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000101 Selecting the Help Tab from the Start Menu will open various help texts. You can find all forms of helpful things in this area. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000102 Help IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000103 This selection includes the Helper Tree you are currently looking at. There are numerous topics here that are described in detail to help give you a better understanding of the game. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000104 Tips IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000105 This selection contains tips that help with game play and other things that are easily overlooked. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000106 FAQ IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000107 This is the FAQ window. When you have questions you should start here as there are numerous answers to various questions. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000108 Information Tab IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000109 This tab will give you access to the In-Game notice. Various information and major news will be listed here from time to time. This notice is also displayed by default when the game launches. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000110 Revive Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000111 This window opens when your HP reaches 0. There are three options, 'Lodestar' which allows you to revive from the nearest town. If you have a 'Scroll of Resurrection' you can revive from the spot with the 'Original Place' option. You can also visit the Cash item shop through this menu. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000112 Trade Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000113 If you either initiate a Trade or Accept another players Trade Request, you will be presented with this menu. From here you can trade Penya and other various items. The trade will have to be confirmed before it is completed. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000114 Bank Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000115 This Menu will allow you to store various items and Penya without taking up space in your inventory. You can access your bank from the [Public Office] NPC in each major city. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000116 Task Bar IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000117 This section refers to the bar that runs along the bottom of your screen. It houses your Start Menu, System Slots, and Quick Action Slots. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000118 Start Menu IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000119 This Menu allows the user to access all of the game options and various game play functions. Many of the Hot Keyed Menus can be accessed through the Start Menu. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000120 System Slots IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000121 This refers to the slots to the right of the Start Menu. These slots are used so that users can quickly access skills, save text strings, or other various tasks they want to repeat. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000122 Hot Keys IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000123 This refers to the nine slots in the middle of the bottom bar labeled F1-F9. These slots are linked to the corresponding Function keys and can be triggered accordingly. Reserve these for your most important funtions! IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000124 Action Slot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000125 The Action Slot is located in the lower right corner of the screen. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000126 What is the Action Slot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000127 The Action Slot allows you to trigger a pre-determined set of skills. You can place skills in the Action Slot from the Skills Menu. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000128 Using the Action Slot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000129 To actually use the Action Slot you will need to select a target and press "C". This can be done repeatedly. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000130 Order of the Action Slot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000131 Skills can be used in a succession as long as you follow the order of the different types of skills. The order is; Step > Circle > Finish. You can only use the action icons if the skills are in order. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000132 Action Slot Cooldown IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000133 There is a Cooldown for the Action Slot. As you cast you will notice a shadow the will begin covering the Action Slot. You will not be able to uses Skills that are covered in shadow. Simply wait and the shadow will vanish. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000134 Community IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000135 In order to make Flyff more social and entertaining we encourage users to band together. There is both an intricate Party System and a Guild System. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000136 Basic Party System IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000137 Parties are used to help benefit users who band together for a short time. There are numerous benefits to joining a Party as opposed to playing alone. The Party Menu can be accessed by pressing "P". IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000138 Party Requirements IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000139 To make a party, at least 2 people are needed. There are no job or level requirements to create normal party. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000140 Inviting members to a Party IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000141 To invite a player, either hold the ALT key and left click on the player or simply right click on the user. After accessing the Player Menu, simply select "Invite to join party". IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000142 Joining a Party IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000143 Select ACCEPT when you are invited to join a party. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000144 Leave a Party IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000145 To leave a Party, open the Party Menu and click on the LEAVE button. A Party will be disbanded automatically if everyone leaves the Party. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000146 Removing a Party member IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000147 Only the Leader of the Party can remove a Party member. To do this you need to access the Party Menu, select the targeted Party member, and then finally press the Leave Button. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000148 Changing Party Leader IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000149 To transfer leadership in a Basic Party the Leader must choose a Party member and click the Transfer button. In case the Leader leaves the party, then the Party member placed next to Leader becomes the Party Leader. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000150 Become an Advanced Party IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000151 When a basic Party’s level reaches 10 it is able to change to an Advanced Party. Simply select the Change button on the Party Menu. Once your Party changes to an Advanced Party you will be able to name your Party. Once you have an Advanced Party you can begin to take advantage of the Skills Tab inside the Party Menu. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000152 Advanced Party System IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000153 Advanced Parties evolve from Basic Parties. They are very beneficial for groups attempting to conquer the most difficult tasks! IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000154 Become an Advanced Party IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000155 When a basic Party’s level reaches 10 it is able to change to an Advanced Party. Simply select the Change button on the Party Menu. Once your Party changes to an Advanced Party you will be able to name your Party. Once you have an Advanced Party you can begin to take advantage of the Skills Tab inside the Party Menu. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000156 Inviting members to a Party IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000157 To invite a player, either hold the ALT key and left click on the player or simply right click on the user. After accessing the Player Menu, simply select "Invite to join party". IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000158 Joining an advanced party. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000159 Select ACCEPT when you are invited to join a party. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000160 Party EXP and Skills IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000161 The Advanced Party will get stronger as your Party earns EXP which in turn gives the Party Points. These Party Points are then consumed to use Party Skills. The Party Skills and Points are different according to the level of the Party. Only the Party Leader can use the Party Skills. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000162 Leave a Party IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000163 To leave a Party, open the Party Menu and click on the LEAVE button. A Party will be disbanded automatically if everyone leaves the Party. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000164 Removing a Party member IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000165 Only the Leader of the Party can remove a Party member. To do this you need to access the Party Menu, select the targeted Party member, and then finally press the Leave Button. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000166 Changing Party Leader IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000167 To transfer leadership in an Advanced Party the Leader must choose a Party member and click the Transfer button. In case the Leader leaves the party, then the Party member placed next to Leader becomes the Party Leader. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000168 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000169 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000170 Advanced Party Skills IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000171 Only the Advanced Party Leader can use the Advanced Party Skills. The Advanced Party Skills will be acquired as you reach a certain Party Level. Party Points are consumed to use Skills. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000172 Call Out IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000173 Informs all Party members of the location of the Party Leader. It does not consume any Party Skill Points. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000174 Blitz IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000175 Party Leader orders Party members to attack a target. It does not consume any Party Skill Points. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000176 Retreat IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000177 Party Leader orders all Party members to retreat. It does not consume any Party Skill Points. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000178 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000179 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000180 Precision IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000181 Use this ability to gain an almost guaranteed critical hit on your next attack. Available at party level 17, consumes 1 Party Skill Point. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000182 Link Attack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000183 While the Party Leader is attacking a target, damage increase for all Party members attacking the same target. Available at party level 20, consumes 1 Party Skill Point. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000184 Lucky Drop IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000185 Increases the chance of Masquerpets dropping unique items. Available at party level 25, consumes 1 Party Skill Point. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000186 Resting IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000187 Party members recover 1.5 times faster. It the Party Leader is an Assist, Party members recover 1.8 times faster. Available at party level 30, consumes 2 Party Skill Points. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000188 Treasure Hunter IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000189 Increases the amount of items dropped by Masquerpets. Available at party level 40, consumes 8 Party Skill Points. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000190 Jobs and their Skills IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000191 This section details the various Jobs in Flyff and all of their corresponding skills. The Skill Menu can be pulled up by pressing the K Key. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000192 Players will receive Skill Points as they Level up their characters. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000193 These Skill Points can then be assigned to various skills to increase the strength of that particular Skill. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000194 PH1 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000195 Vagrants are the basic class everyone in Flyff starts with before they decide on their First Job Change. They use physical attacks and use melee weapons like swords and axes. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000196 Clean Hit IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000197 A powerful, downward strike. This skill is available at Level 3 and can be used with any Melee Weapon. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000198 Flurry IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000199 A rapid stabbing attack that follows a Clean Hit in the Action Slot. This skill is available at Level 5 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Clean Hit and can be used with any Melee Weapon. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000200 Over Cut IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000201 This attack gathers all of the power the vagrant has and unleashes it in a strong upwards finishing blow. Over Cut completes the combo after Flurry in the Action Slot. This skill is available at Level 10 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Flurry and can be used with any Melee Weapon. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000202 Mercenary IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000203 Mercenaries prefer to partake in close range combat. The main characteristics of this particular class involve physical strength, and a strong body that is able to withstand attacks. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000204 Powerful and headstrong, the mercenary has both inner and physical strength. Mercenaries will become either a Blade or a Knight. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000205 PH2 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000206 Strikes the enemy two times, in rapid succession. This skill is available at Level 15 and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000207 PH3 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000208 A continuous spinning attack. This skill is available at Level 18 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Slash and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000209 PH4 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000210 A spinning, finishing move. This skill is available at Level 24 to Players who have at least 6 Skill Points in Keenwheel and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000211 Special Hit IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000212 A single powerful strike. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 8 Skill Points in Blindside and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000213 PH5 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000214 Drains life from an enemy. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Slash and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000215 Hit Reflect IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000216 This Skill absorbs one attack and releases it back at an enemy. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 8 Skill Points in Bloody Strike and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000217 Guillotine IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000218 This attack begins from a short distance and then launches the player at the enemy in a fiery burst. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 10 Skill Points in Hit Reflect and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000219 Protection IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000220 Increases the defense of a Shield against melee attacks. This skill is available at Level 15 and requires a shield. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000221 Pan Barrier IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000222 Increases the defense of a Shield against ranged attacks. This skill is available at Level 18 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Protection and requires a shield. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000223 Sneaker IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000224 Holds an enemy in place with a net. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 10 Skill Points in Pan Barrier and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000225 Empower Weapon IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000226 This Skill strengthens the elemental damage of a weapon. It is not applied if there is no elemental attack power on the weapon. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Protection and can be used with any Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000227 Smite Axe IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000228 Increases the attack level of an Axe and gives additional defense. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Empower Weapon and can be used with any Axe. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000229 Axe Mastery IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000230 Increases the attack level of an Axe. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 9 Skill Points in Smite Axe and can be used with any Axe. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000231 Blazing Sword IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000232 Increases the attack level and accuracy of a Sword. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Empower Weapon and can be used with any Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000233 Sword Mastery IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000234 Increases the attack level of a Sword. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 9 Skill Points in Blazing Sword and can be used with any Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000235 Acrobat IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000236 Acrobats mainly wield long distance weapons such as Bows or Yo-Yos. Using tactics based on speed and accuracy, they are usually able to break anyone willing enough to fight them. Sly and witty, the acrobat is a cunning trickster. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000237 An Acrobat will use MP for Bow Skills and FP for Yo-Yo skills. For universal skills like Dark Illusion, Acrobats use FP. Acrobats will become either a Jester or a Ranger. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000238 Pulling IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000239 Pulls a target towards the player. This skill is available at Level 15 to Players and can be used with any Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000240 Fast Walker IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000241 Increases the walking speed of the user for a limited time. This skill is available at Level 18 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Pulling and can be used with any Bow or Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000242 Dark Illusion IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000243 Turn a character invisible for a short time. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 6 Skill Points in Fast Walker and can be used with any Bow or Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000244 Perfect Block IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000245 Block rate will be increased. This skill is available at Level 45 to Players who have at least 8 Skill Points in Dark Illusion and can be used with any Bow or Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000246 Slow Step IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000247 You have a chance to decrease the moving speed of enemy. This skill is available at Level 15 and can be used with any Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000248 Yo-Yo Mastery IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000249 Increases Yo-Yo damage. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Slow Step and can be used with any Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000250 Snatch IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000251 Steals Penya from the target; can only be used while in Dark Illusion from behind target. This skill is available at Level 35 to Players who have at least 8 Skill Points in Yo-Yo Mastery and can be used with any Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000252 Deadly Swing IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000253 A critical attack that has a chance to cause the enemy to bleed. This skill is available at Level 50 to Players who have at least 10 Skill Points in Snatch and can be used with any Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000254 Cross Line IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000255 Gather energy into your Yo-Yo in order to strike an enemy with a powerful attack that has the chance to stun your target. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 8 Skill Points in Yo-Yo Mastery and can be used with any Yo-Yo. . IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000256 Counterattack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000257 Evade the enemy's next attack and strike back with an attack of your own. This skill is available at Level 40 to Players who have at least 10 Skill Points in Cross Line and can be used with any Yo-Yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000258 Rapid Shot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000259 This skill shoots four arrows very quickly but with reduced accuracy. This skill is available at Level 15 and can be used with any Bow. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000260 Bow Mastery IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000261 Increases Bow damage. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Rapid Shot and can be used with any Bow. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000262 Silent Shot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000263 Delivers a powerful sneak attack to the target if you are in Dark Illusion. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Bow Mastery and can be used with any Bow. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000264 Auto Shot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000265 Attacks four times in succession without missing. Each hit is slightly less damaging than a hit from Rapid Shot. This skill is available at Level 45 to Players who have at least 9 Skill Points in Silent Shot and can be used with any Bow. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000266 Aimed Shot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000267 A carefully aimed shot that has a chance to deal double damage to the target. This skill is available at Level 35 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Bow Mastery and can be used with any Bow. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000268 Arrow Rain IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000269 A rain of arrows that will fall on all enemies in a wide circle around your target. This skill is available at Level 50 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Aimed Shot and can be used with any Bow. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000270 Assist IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000271 The Assist is the priest or medic of Flyff. The two primary builds for this job are a Full Support healer or a Buff Warrior. Both have the same skills to chose from. Where the Healer will need a partner to level, the Warrior can self-buff and fight alone. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000272 The Assist may chose from Ringmaster or Billposter when the times comes to progress into a second Job. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000273 Heal IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000274 Primary healing spell, which recovers a portion of the target's HP. This skill is available at Level 15 and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000275 Patience IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000276 Increases the target’s maximum HP. This skill is available at Level 18 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Heal and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000277 Resurrection IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000278 Revives a dead Player, but only grants a portion of their HP. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Patience and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000279 Circle Healing IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000280 Heals Party Members within a specified range of yourself. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Resurrection and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000281 Prevention IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000282 This spell will automatically recover all of your HP if you drop below 10% HP. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Circle Healing and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000283 Quick Step IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000284 Increases the target’s walking speed. The higher the level, the faster the target walks. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Heal and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000285 Haste IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000286 Increases the attack speed of a target Player. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Quick Step and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000287 Cat's Reflex IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000288 Increases the Evasion rate of a target Player. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Haste and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000289 Cannon Ball IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000290 Increases the DEX of a target Player. This skill is available at Level 35 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Cat's Reflex and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000291 Mental Sign IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000292 Increases the INT of a target Player. This skill is available at Level 18 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Heal and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000293 Heap Up IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000294 Increases the STA of a target Player. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Mental Sign and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000295 Beef Up IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000296 Increases the STR of a target Player. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Heap Up and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000297 Accuracy IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000298 Increases the accuracy of a target player. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Beef Up and can be used with any Stick. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000299 Straight Punch IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000300 A powerful, straight punch that strikes the enemy with a concentrated attack. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Heal and can be used with any Knuckle. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000301 Stone Hand IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000302 Physical attacks gain the chance to stun the target. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Straight Punch and can be used with any Knuckle. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000303 Burst Crack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000304 Smashes the ground and inflicts damage to enemies within the surrounding area. This skill is available at Level 28 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Stone Hand and can be used with any Knuckle. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000305 Power Fist IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000306 A concentrated powerful strike. This skill is available at Level 35 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Burst Crack and can be used with any Knuckle. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000307 Magician IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000308 Magicians control powerful elemental magic with the use of wands or staves. Magicians benefit from high intelligence. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000309 Magicians will be able to advance in their Jobs to become either an Elementor or a Psykeeper. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000310 Mental Strike IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000311 Deals non elemental magic damage to the target. Damage dealt varies by the difference of INT between the caster and the target. This skill is available at Level 15 and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000312 Flame Ball IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000313 Strikes at the enemy with a ball of flame. This skill is available at Level 18 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Mental Strike and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000314 Flame Geyser IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000315 Inflicts intermediate fire damage to the target with a lasting Damage Over Time effect. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Flame Ball and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000316 Fire Strike IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000317 Damages an enemy with a fire ball. The enemy loses health for a limited time afterwards. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 7 Skill Points in Flame Geyser and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000318 Swordwind IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000319 A violent wind that attacks a target from a short distance. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Mental Strike and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000320 Strongwind IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000321 A tornado of wind that deals damage to the target as well as pushing them back. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Swordwind and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000322 Wind Cutter IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000323 A blade of wind that deals damage to the target. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 7 Skill Points in Strongwind and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000324 Ice Missile IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000325 Inflicts basic water damage with a chance of slowing down the target’s movement. This skill is available at Level 20 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Mental Strike and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000326 Waterball IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000327 Shoots damaging balls of water at the target. The number of balls fired increases as the skill level increases. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Ice Missile and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000328 Water Well IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000329 A spell that throws columns of water at the target, dealing a large amount of damage. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 7 Skill Points in Waterball and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000330 Static Ball IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000331 A spell that gathers static electricity and forms it into a small ball that causes basic lightning damage. This skill is available at Level 18 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Mental Strike and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000332 Lightning Ram IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000333 Deals a medium amount of lightning damage to the target. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Static Ball and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000334 Lightning Shock IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000335 Damages the enemy with a small but fast lightning ball. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 7 Skill Points in Lightning Shock and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000336 Stone Spike IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000337 Inflicts earth elemental damage to the opponent as well as creating a chance to stun the target. This skill is available at Level 18 to Players who have at least 2 Skill Points in Mental Strike and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000338 Rock Crash IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000339 Damages the enemy with a giant stone. This skill is available at Level 25 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Stone Spike and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000340 Rooting IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000341 Harnesses the power of the ground to prevent a user from moving. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 7 Skill Points in Rock Crash and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000342 Blinkpool IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000343 Teleports the user in a specified location within the limited range. The range increases as the skill level goes up. This skill is available at Level 30 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Mental Strike and can be used with any Wand or Staff. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000344 Power Stomp IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000345 Hits the ground with the handle of the axe. The shock wave deals damage with a chance to stun to all nearby enemies. The damage and stun chance will increase with every Skill Level. This skill is available at Level 65 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Pain Dealer and can be used with any two handed Axe. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000346 Knight IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000347 Mercenaries who chose to follow the teachings of the Hero Billeien become Knights. Knights are capable of incredible defense and possess the power to withstand the greatest assaults. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000348 Charge IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000349 A melee attack that deals maximum damage to a monster regardless of its level. This skill is available at Level 60 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Sword Mastery and can be used with any two handed Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000350 Earth Divider IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000351 A skill which damages nearby enemies. Higher Skill Level will result in more damage. This skill is available at Level 65 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Charge and can be used with any two handed Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000352 Pain Dealer IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000353 A melee skill which damages the target as lowering its defense. Higher Skill Level will result in more damage and a bigger decrease in defense. This skill is available at Level 60 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Axe Mastery and can be used with any two handed Axe. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000354 Guard IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000355 Increases the characters defense but reduces the characters attack power. This skill is available at Level 62 and can be used with either a two handed Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000356 Rage IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000357 Increases the characters attack power and HP, but it also reduces the characters defense and accuracy. This skill is available at Level 65 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Guard and can be used with either a two handed Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000358 Pain Reflection IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000359 Reflects a portion of damage you receive back at the target. This skill is available at Level 70 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Rage and can be used with either a two handed Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000360 Power Swing IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000361 A huge horizontal swing that deals damage, and knocks enemies back. This skill is available at Level 75 to Players who have at least 7 Skill Points in Pain Reflection and can be used with either a two handed Axe or Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000362 Blade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000363 Blades are a second class for mercenaries and are the best damage dealers in the game. As a blade you will be able to wield two weapons at the same time and thus drastically increase your damage output. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000364 Silent Strike IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000365 A melee skill which deals a vicious cut in a sliding motion to the enemy. This skill is available at Level 60 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Sword Mastery and can be used with a one handed Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000366 Blade Dance IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000367 Uses both swords to attack all of the enemies around the wielder. This skill is available at Level 65 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Silent Strike and can be used with a one handed Sword. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000368 Spring Attack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000369 Strike at multiple enemies times. This skill is available at Level 60 to Players who have at least 3 Skill Points in Axe Mastery and can be used with two one handed axes. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000370 Hawk Attack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000371 Jumps, striking the enemy with both weapons. Deals massive damage and possibly blinds the enemy for a short period of time. This skill is available at Level 65 to Players who have at least 5 Skill Points in Silent Strike and can be used with two one handed axes. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000372 Armor Penetrate IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000373 A melee skill which ignores 50% of target's defense rating. This skill is available at Level 62 and can be used with a one handed Sword or Axe. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000374 Berserk IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000375 Temporarily raises attack power and attack speed, but you can not use any skills for the duration of the spell. This skill is available at Level 65 to Players who have at least 4 Skill Points in Armor Penetrate and can be used with a one handed Sword or Axe. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000376 Sonic Blade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000377 Gathers a powerful aura and transfers it to your weapon, and then deals damage to the closest enemy. This skill is available at Level 70 to Players who have at least 7 Skill Points in Berserk and can be used with a one handed Sword or Axe. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000378 Cross Strike IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000379 A strong attack is dealt to the enemy with both weapons at once. This skill is available at Level 75 to Players who have at least 7 Skill Points in Sonic Blade and can be used with a one handed Sword or Axe. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000380 Jester IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000381 The first job class for Acrobats, they specialize in strong attacks made with a Yo-yo. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000382 placholder 31 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000383 Critical swing IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000384 Increase the probability of a critical strike. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000385 Enchant Poison IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000386 Plastering poison on the weapon to increase the normal damage and available to infect the enemy with poision IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000387 Enchant Bleed IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000388 Increase the normal damage with the bleeding attribute and available to make the enemy bleeding. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000389 Enchant Absorb IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000390 You can drain the HP of enemy with striking. The drain will be occurred with certain probability. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000391 Back Step IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000392 When attacking from behind, deals a critical strike to the enemy. Also has a chance to stun the enemy. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000393 Penya Strike IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000394 Uses a Yo-yo and a small amount of Penya to deal massive damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000395 Escape IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000396 Enables character to escape from any movement impairing effects. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000397 Vital Stab IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000398 While using Dark Illusion, allows for a sudden attack from the shadows. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000399 Ranger IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000400 The second job class for Acrobats, they specialize in long distance attacks, mainly with a bow. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000401 placholder 32 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000402 Fast Shot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000403 The attack sppeed will be increased for a certain time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000404 Ice Arrow IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000405 This skill causes an explosion of frost, slowing all enemies in a certain area for a certain period of time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000406 Flame Arrow IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000407 This skill causes an explosion of frost, slowing the enemy for a certain period of time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000408 Piercing Arrow IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000409 This skill pierces monsters who are a straight line, dealing damage to all of them. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000410 Poison Arrow IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000411 The strong damage and continuous poisonous damage will be occurred simutaneously. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000412 Silent Arrow IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000413 Deals strong damage and silences the target. While silenced, the target cannot cast spells of any kind. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000414 Nature IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000415 Resistance against some elemental magic will be increased. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000416 Triple shot IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000417 Triple arrows will be shot to deal strong damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000418 Ringmaster IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000419 The first job class for Assists, uses a staff like an Assist. Focuses more on supporting party than damaging monsters. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000420 Protect IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000421 This buff increases the physical defense of the target. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000422 Holy Guard IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000423 This buff increases the elemental resistance or magical defense of the target. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000424 Holy Cross IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000425 The enemy will take double damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000426 Spiriture Fortune IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000427 Greatly increases your melee attack power for a period of time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000428 Gebura Tiphreth IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000429 Increases accuracy, speed and attack power for all party members within range. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000430 Gvur Tialla IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000431 Cleanses any abnormal conditions. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000432 Heal Rain IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000433 Recovers a large amount of HP for all party members. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000434 Merkaba Hanzelrusha IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000435 Deals damage over time to all enemies in a certain area. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000436 Billposter IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000437 The second job class for Assists, they use a knuckle hammer like Assists. They specialize in Critical attacks but have a slower attack speed. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000438 Belial Smashing IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000439 A skill that delivers one powerful dashing punch. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000440 Blood Fist IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000441 Strikes the enemy, making it bleed. Bleeding causes additional damage over time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000442 Piercing Serpent IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000443 Dashes forward with a burning fist, striking the enemy. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000444 Asmodeus IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000445 Increases the attack power bonus of knuckles. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000446 Baraqijal Esna IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000447 When the skill works, it reduces the monsters defense and increases the monsters attack power. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000448 Grvub Tialbold IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000449 An energy wave deals damage to all monsters around the caster. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000450 Sonic Hand IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000451 Uses a knuckle hammer to strike with deadly speed. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000452 Asalraalaikum IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000453 Strikes the enemy with concentrated power, consumes all MP. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000454 Elementor IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000455 The first job class for Magicians, they use staves like Magicians. They specialize in magic effecting large numbers of enemies at once. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000456 Firebird IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000457 A fireball strikes the enemy. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000458 Burning Field IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000459 Sheets of flame burn the enemy for a period of time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000460 Fire Master IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000461 Increases damage done by fire skills. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000462 Stone Spear IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000463 A spear made of rock strikes the enemy. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000464 Earthquake IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000465 Make a huge earthquake which deals a large amount of damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000466 Earth Master IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000467 Increases damage done by earth skills. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000468 Void IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000469 Strong Wind damage is dealt to a single target. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000470 Windfield IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000471 A strong wind slows all enemies around the caster for a period of time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000472 Wind Master IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000473 Increases damage done by wind skills. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000474 Thunder Strike IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000475 Strong Lightning damage is dealt to a single target. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000476 Electric Shock IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000477 Deals lightning damage to all enemies around the caster, also lowering their defense temporarily. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000478 Lightning Master IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000479 Increases damage done by lightning skills. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000480 Iceshark IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000481 A shark made of ice strikes the enemy. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000482 Poison Cloud IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000483 A poison cloud engulfs the enemy, dealing poison and wind damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000484 Water Master IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000485 Increases damage done by water skills. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000486 Meteo Shower IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000487 Meteors strike all the enemies in a certain area, dealing fire and earth damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000488 Lightning Storm IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000489 Lightning and wind damage is dealt to all enemies in the area of effect. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000490 Sandstorm IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000491 A sand storm strikes all the enemies in a certain area, dealing wind and earth damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000492 Avalanche IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000493 A blizzard strikes all the enemies in a certain area, dealing earth and water damage as well as stunning them. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000494 Psykeeper IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000495 The second job class for Magicians, they use a wand like a Magician. They specialize in magic attacks that assault the mind of the enemy. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000496 Demonology IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000497 Deals damage to the mind of the enemy, by creating illusions of devils. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000498 Satanology IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000499 Confuses the enemy, and binds them in place for a certain amount of time. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000500 Psychic Bomb IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000501 Builds up spiritual power, and releases it to do massive damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000502 Spirit Bomb IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000503 Collapse the spirit of the enemy, deals damage based on MP. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000504 Psychic Wall IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000505 Creates a psychic barrier in front of the caster that the monster cannot pass. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000506 Crucio Spell IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000507 Gives a certain chance to reflect skill and magic attacks, at double damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000508 Maximum Crisis IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000509 If it works then it deals huge damage to the monster. If not, the caster takes the damage instead. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000510 Psychic Square IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000511 Dazzles the monster and deals a large amount of damage. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000512 Information of the ability IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000513 This explains the information of various abilities that can be increased by growth of character. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000514 Name IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000515 The given name of the avatar/character. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000516 Job IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000517 This shows the job/class that the player has chosen for his character. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000518 Level IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000519 This increases according to the accumulated EXP gain, GP(Growing point) according to level up, and you can increases ability with GP. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000520 placholder 33 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000521 placholder 34 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000522 placholder 35 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000523 placholder 36 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000524 Strength IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000525 Weapon attack rate increases except for wands. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000526 Stamina IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000527 Affects HP, FP, Defense and HP/FP restoration rate. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000528 Dexterity IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000529 Affects accuracy, attack speed, dodge rate, block rate, critical chance and bow attack power. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000530 Intelligence IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000531 Affects maximum MP, MP restoration amount, magic power and magic defense. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000532 HP (life) IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000533 This is the vitality of the character and the character will die if it reaches 0. You can recover it with food and pill items. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000534 MP (spirit) IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000535 This is for using magic, you can revive it by drinking refresher. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000536 FP (endurance) IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000537 This is needed to use physical skills. It can be replenished by resting/sitting down but it can be immediately recovered by using vitality drink items. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000538 EXP (experience) IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000539 This is required to raise the level of a character. It can be earned by killing monsters or through quests. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000540 Skills IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000541 Skills get stronger as you level and put more points into them. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000542 Stat points IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000543 This is the point you get when you level up. You can distribute the points to your STR,STA,DEX, and INT. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000544 Extra ability IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000545 placholder 37 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000546 Attack IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000547 This shows the Attack Capacity of a character. The character’s equipment and supportive skills cast on the character also influences this. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000548 Defense IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000549 This shows the Defense Capacity of a character. The character’s equipment and supportive skills cast on the character also influences this. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000550 Critical hit rate IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000551 This means how much chance you have to make a critical hit. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000552 Speed IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000553 This shows the Attack Rate of a character when attacking. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000554 Resisting power IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000555 This indicates how much “Reduced/Weakened magical damage” a character can receive. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000556 Properties IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000557 There are 5 elemental properties or attributes that exist in FLYFF. Each of these properties has a strength and weakness. A player can achieve the highest possible damage when he uses a weapon which is imbued with the property that is the weakness of his enemy’s property. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000558 Fire IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000559 Fire A property that is weak against the Wind property but is weak against the Water property. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000560 Water IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000561 Water. A property that is as strong against the Fire Property but is weak against the Electricity property. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000562 Electricity IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000563 A property that is strong against the Water Property but weak against the Earth Property. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000564 Earth IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000565 earth A property that is strong against the Electricity Property but weak against the Wind Property. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000566 Wind IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000567 A property that is strong against the Earth Property but weak against the Fire property. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000568 Enchant IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000569 Upgrading means making the item more powerful. Each item can be upgraded 10 levels for both normal and elemental upgrades. If the upgrade fails, there is no penalty between levels 1 and 3, but from levels 4-10, there is a chance the item will be lost. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000570 Attribute Enchant IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000571 placholder 38 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000572 Fire Upgrade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000573 When you refine an item with the Fire property, you’ll need a Fire Property Card. When an item is imbued with the Fire Property the item becomes weak to Wind but stronger against Water. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000574 Water Upgrade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000575 When you refine an item with the Water property, you’ll need a Water Property Card. When an item is imbued with the Water Property the item becomes weak to Fire but stronger against Electricity. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000576 Electric Upgrade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000577 When you refine an item with the Electricity property, you’ll need an Electricity Property Card. When an item is imbued with the Electricity Property the item becomes weak to Water but stronger against Earth. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000578 Wind Upgrade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000579 When you refine an item with the Wind property, you’ll need a Wind Property Card. When an item is imbued with the Wind Property the item becomes weak to Earth but stronger against Fire. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000580 Earth Upgrade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000581 When you refine an item with the Earth property, you’ll need an Earth Property Card. When an item is imbued with the Earth Property the item becomes weak to Electricity but stronger against Wind. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000582 General Upgrade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000583 Normal upgrade means a non-element upgrade. Power Dice are required to upgrade, there are 5 types of Power Dice, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000584 Ultimate Weapon Upgrade IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000585 You can make an Ultimate Weapon with a +10 upgraded unique weapon by using the Ultimate Weapon Upgrade. The maximum upgrade for an Ultimate weapon is up to +10 the same as any other item upgrade but it needs 'Shining Orikalkum'. The Ultimate upgrade is available only for weapons, and the item is destroyed in case of a failure. From +6 you are able to socket your weapon. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000586 placholder 39 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000587 placholder 40 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000588 placholder 41 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000589 placholder 42 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000590 placholder 43 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000591 placholder 44 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000592 placholder 45 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000593 placholder 46 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000594 placholder 47 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000595 placholder 48 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000596 Building IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000597 Information about the buildings that provide services. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000598 Lodestar IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000599 This is a structure that gathers spiritual life and resurrects players who died. It is located inside a city or a wide open clearing. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000600 Lodelight IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000601 This is a structure that functions like a Lodestar but it resurrects a player in a place near the hunting grounds. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000602 Weapon shop IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000603 This place sells weapons for the 1st job class such as vagrant, mercenary, and acrobat. It also sells weapons for the 2nd job class such as knight, blade, ringmaster, billposter, jester, and ranger. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000604 Armor shop IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000605 This place sells armor for Mercenaries, Assists, and Acrobats. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000606 Magic store IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000607 This place sells weapons, armor, and magic items best suited for Magicians. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000608 Food shop IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000609 This shop sells food items that help recover HP IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000610 General merchandise IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000611 This place sells Arrows, Posters, and those sorts of things. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000612 Public Office IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000613 This place is for selling Perin, using your personal bank, and guild bank. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000614 Station IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000615 This shop sells Flight related items like Flight gears as well as guide’s player on how to fly. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000616 Duel IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000617 A duel is a battle between 2 players. This is different from PK. It is called PvP (Player Vs Player) which can only start when 2 players agree to a duel. A duel has no penalties associated with it. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000618 Fame IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000619 You will gain the fame if you keep winning duels. You will also gain different titles as well. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000620 Guild Combat Center IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000621 This place is for applying and running guild sieges and 1 on 1 guild sieges. Only available on the 1st sub server. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000622 Other inquiries IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000623 Please visit the official homepage: for more inquiries. Have a nice day. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000624 Beauty shop IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000625 You can change your hair style and color. The price varies based on the color and style you choose. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000626 Private Shop IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000627 Items can be conveniently presented for sale to through this option. You can set the quantity and the price. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000628 Open the Start menu, select Personal Shop, and the Personal Shop window will appear. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000629 Drag the items you wish to sell from your inventory and drop them into the Personal Shop window. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000630 After dragging the item into the window, you can set the price for the item, and the quantity you wish to sell. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000631 Put a name in the Shop Name Window, and press OK. You can start selling items after that. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000632 Creating a Guild IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000633 There are some basic requirements to creating a Guild. You will need a party of three players all at least level 40, then you have to complete a quest through the Public office NPC Helena in SM. Once finished you and your party members will become a guild. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000634 Raising the Guild Level IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000635 Guild Members area able to contribute items and Penya towards raising the guild level. To contribute items, simply press the Support Button inside of the Guild Storage. Raising the Guild Level will open up various options to the Guild to help it grow and distinguish itself. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000636 Joining a Guild IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000637 Initially only a Guild Master has the authority to invite Guild members. But a Guild Master can give authority to any Guildie to recruit other members to his Guild. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000638 Disbanding a Guild IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000639 The Guild Master can disband the Guild by pressing the DISMISS button on the Guild Menu. Once the Guild is dismissed, it takes 2 days before Members can create or join a new Guild. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000640 Managing Guild Members IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000641 The Guild Master can manage his Guild from the Guild Menu. He can set things such as promotions, demotions, nicknames, kicking from Guild, etc. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000642 Managing Guild Ranks IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000643 The Guild Master can manage Guild Ranks in the Guild Menu. He can set the authority of the title, degree, admission, access to items and monthly payment. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000644 Announcement IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000645 Guild Masters can make an announcement by clicking the Notice button on the Information Tab in the Guild Menu. Either a new message can be made of the old one can simply be modified. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000646 Guild Logo IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000647 The Guild Logo is the symbol or emblem of the Guild. This can be chosen only once and only by the Guild Master. To use this function, select the Logo button in the Guild Menu. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000648 Guild Storage IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000649 You can use the Guild Storage only on the 1st Channel of each Server. Anyone can deposit items and Penya into the Guild Storage but only authorized Guild Members can withdraw items and penya. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000650 Info-Pang IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000651 You may have noticed when you first logged into the game that you were greeted by the Info-Pang in the lower right corner of your screen. This section briefly explains the Info-Pang and how to use him. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000652 What is it? IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000653 The Info-Pang will guide you through all of the basics including controls, hotkeys, menus, and even some game functions. Once you have completed a section, you can always access it if you need to review it. Simply right click on the Info-Pang and select Check the List. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000654 Access the Info-Pang IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000655 The Info-Pang will be activated by default when you log into the game. If you would like to turn the Info-Pang off, Right Click on the Info-Pang and select Hide. If later you would like to recall the Info-Pang you can do that by accessing the Start Menu, selecting Helper, and then selecting Info-Pang. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000656 Duel among users IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000657 This is a duel between 2 players. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000658 PvP IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000659 It means a fight between characters by mutual agreement. Affects PVP fame and PVP point. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000660 Asking for PvP IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000661 If you right-click with ALT key on the player whom you want to have duel with, you can have a duel with the player in case of that the user accepts that. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000662 In case of that you are the leader of your troupe and the clicked one is another leader of other troupe, you can have a group duel, if the other lead accept it. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000663 The result of PVP and Fame IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000664 PVP fame and PVP point change according to PvP record. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000665 placholder 49 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000666 placholder 50 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000667 placholder 51 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000668 placholder 52 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000669 placholder 53 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000670 placholder 54 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000671 placholder 55 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000672 placholder 56 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000673 placholder 57 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000674 placholder 58 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000675 placholder 59 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000676 placholder 60 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000677 placholder 61 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000678 placholder 62 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000679 placholder 63 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000680 placholder 64 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000681 placholder 65 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000682 placholder 66 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000683 Server IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000684 Guild bank and Guild sieges are available only at the 1st sub server of each server set. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000685 placholder 67 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000686 placholder 68 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000687 placholder 69 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000688 placholder 70 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000689 placholder 71 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000690 placholder 72 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000691 placholder 73 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000692 placholder 74 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000693 placholder 75 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000694 placholder 76 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000695 placholder 77 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000696 placholder 78 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000697 placholder 79 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000698 placholder 80 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000699 placholder 81 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000700 placholder 82 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000701 placholder 83 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000702 placholder 84 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000703 placholder 85 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000704 Although Knights are capable of using all weapons that a Mercenary can use, to unlock their true potential they will need to wield the larger two handed Axes and Swords. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000705 Blades hold to a simple philosophy: "Hit hard, hit fast and never look back." Blades do not have class specific weapons they may use any Mercenary weapon. IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000706 placholder 88 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000707 placholder 89 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000708 placholder 90 IDS_CLIENT_HELP_INC_000709 placholder 91