Index Time Metadata Thread Message Param0 Type Param0 Value Param1 Type Param1 Value Param2 Type Param2 Value Param3 Type Param3 Value Param4 Type Param4 Value Param5 Type Param5 Value Param6 Type Param6 Value Param7 Type Param7 Value Param8 Type Param8 Value Param9 Type Param9 Value 1 2025-02-21 00:32:27.385 [] 31584 Application starting sessionId 5b346bfe-9cd3-f340-a2b6-0a2e69997715 deviceId 8c6c105d-7574-4f93-97ba-4ccdb3695d0c 2 2025-02-21 00:32:27.441 [] 31584 The telemetry system has started. Events before this point will not have been reported 3 2025-02-21 00:32:27.441 [] 31584 Command-line arguments """C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OutlookForWindows_1.2025.213.300_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\olk.exe""" 4 2025-02-21 00:32:27.441 [] 31584 Profile information specified on the command-line profileNameState 0 nameW 5 2025-02-21 00:32:27.441 [] 31584 Starting tasks system 6 2025-02-21 00:32:27.442 [] 31584 Running as AppX package 7 2025-02-21 00:32:27.442 [] 31584 FutureState created promiseId c756233c-5844-124b-9640-4ad2761b4a1d creatorType Promise 8 2025-02-21 00:32:27.442 [] 31584 FutureState created promiseId 8e7f6691-240d-7845-992e-5ec22d26e373 creatorType Promise 9 2025-02-21 00:32:27.443 [] 31584 Flights loaded from user settings count 0 10 2025-02-21 00:32:27.443 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-webToAppLinks 11 2025-02-21 00:32:27.444 [] 31584 Starting Ungraceful App Exit system to check for crashes 12 2025-02-21 00:32:27.444 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-advanced-recoveryMode 13 2025-02-21 00:32:27.444 [Tel.Crit.Req.] 31584 Anomaly files detected on disk, indicating abnormal shutdown last time shutdownNameW HostAnomaly.txt count 2 14 2025-02-21 00:32:27.444 [] 31584 Deleting all saved flights to help recovery 15 2025-02-21 00:32:27.446 [] 31584 Edge Browser version string used browserVersion UnknownVersion blockedUntilDate 2025-02-28T00:32:27 16 2025-02-21 00:32:27.449 [Tel.] 31584 Initiating an xpd update check 17 2025-02-21 00:32:31.436 [] 31584 XPD Available Ring: ringName Dogfood version 1.2025.0219.0300 isCurrentRing false 18 2025-02-21 00:32:31.436 [] 31584 XPD Available Ring: ringName Production version 1.2025.0213.0300 isCurrentRing true 19 2025-02-21 00:32:31.436 [] 31584 XPD Available Ring: ringName version 1.2025.0220.0300 isCurrentRing false 20 2025-02-21 00:32:31.436 [] 31584 The user's ring was already set currentRing Production 21 2025-02-21 00:32:34.313 [Tel.] 31584 XPD update check succeeded, update available and latest version: updateAvailable false version 1.2025.0213.0300 updatePolicy CheckAndDownload 22 2025-02-21 00:32:34.313 [Tel.Crit.Req.] 31584 Checked for update due to unhealthy app exits, but one was not available 23 2025-02-21 00:32:34.313 [Tel.Crit.Req.] 31584 Native host recovery attempted 24 2025-02-21 00:32:34.313 [Tel.Crit.Req.] 31584 Indicating healthy shutdown last time app booted shutdownNameW ClientAnomaly.txt 25 2025-02-21 00:32:34.313 [] 31584 Service registered serviceName nativehost://tasks 26 2025-02-21 00:32:34.313 [] 31584 Application started with the following command line commandLineArguments 27 2025-02-21 00:32:34.314 [] 35772 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-privacyguard 28 2025-02-21 00:32:34.314 [] 35772 Telemetry boot step bootStep DiagnosticConsent bootStepData required 29 2025-02-21 00:32:34.315 [] 35772 Telemetry boot step bootStep TelemetryCollectorUrl bootStepData Unset 30 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 35772 Telemetry boot step bootStep ShouldSendSampledTelemetry bootStepData Sampled 31 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step start stage 0 durationMillis 4 result 0 32 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 31584 Boot stage start returned BootAction::Continue stage 0 33 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 35772 Installer boot component starting version 1.2025.213.300 34 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [Tel.] 35772 Detected we're using update processor: updateProcessor XPD 35 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 31584 Creating interop threading library config that forwards calls to the native host tasks system 36 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 31584 Service not found serviceName nativehost://interop 37 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName nativehost://appconfig 38 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 31584 Native host interop system starting 39 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 31584 Configuring interop threading library uiThreadId 31584 threadingCallbacksSet true 40 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName Profiles 41 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 17620 Service registered serviceName outlook://localizedstrings 42 2025-02-21 00:32:34.318 [] 31584 Service registered serviceName nativehost://interop 43 2025-02-21 00:32:34.319 [] 35772 Service registered serviceName UpdateHostEventManagerService 44 2025-02-21 00:32:34.319 [] 35772 Service registered serviceName olk://SelfUpdateService/ 45 2025-02-21 00:32:34.319 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step start stage 1 durationMillis 1 result 0 46 2025-02-21 00:32:34.319 [] 31584 Boot stage start returned BootAction::Continue stage 1 47 2025-02-21 00:32:34.319 [] 35772 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-offline-boot 48 2025-02-21 00:32:34.319 [] 17620 Service registered serviceName olk://sessionConfiguration/ 49 2025-02-21 00:32:34.329 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step start stage 2 durationMillis 10 result 0 50 2025-02-21 00:32:34.329 [] 31584 Boot stage start returned BootAction::Continue stage 2 51 2025-02-21 00:32:34.329 [] 31584 The modules bootstrapper is starting 52 2025-02-21 00:32:34.352 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Module phase duration. phase loadAll durationMillis 21 53 2025-02-21 00:32:34.352 [] 22068 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-oneauth-verbose 54 2025-02-21 00:32:34.352 [] 22068 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-oneauth-nologs 55 2025-02-21 00:32:34.357 [] 22068 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0001:Info:48bf5:00000000] MATS DeviceProfileTelemetryId: a9d435aa290faa9dc2cec4ef2ade7049e2ab214713c1b73dd8f006cf48f9503f identifiableInformation 0 56 2025-02-21 00:32:34.358 [] 22068 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0001:Info:4md94:00000000] MATS device telemetry disabled. identifiableInformation 0 57 2025-02-21 00:32:34.362 [] 22068 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0001] INFO CreateSingletonComponents:118 Starting up MSAL identifiableInformation 0 58 2025-02-21 00:32:34.364 [] 22068 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0001] INFO AddConfigurationWithStorageManager:242 Created a new public client application with ID '' identifiableInformation 0 59 2025-02-21 00:32:34.364 [] 22068 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0001:Info:8mqsd:6b1b2d16] OneAuth Version 5.1.0 ( identifiableInformation 0 60 2025-02-21 00:32:34.365 [] 22068 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0001:Info:9zj7z:6b1b2d16] Language code 'pl-PL' is not supported, fall back to 'pl' identifiableInformation 0 61 2025-02-21 00:32:34.365 [] 22068 OneAuth MATS SessionId correlationid 40b173f3-1c4a-8447-b06d-d630df4b1d5b 62 2025-02-21 00:32:34.366 [] 21972 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 3 message [OneAuth:0002:Warning:48id9:00000000] Could not find storage files for storagetype (0) identifiableInformation 0 63 2025-02-21 00:32:34.366 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Module phase duration. phase init durationMillis 14 64 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 22068 Service registered serviceName outlook://pie/ 65 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName nh://firstpartyidentityservice 66 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 31584 Service registered serviceName outlook://outlookwebhosteventsservice/ 67 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName outlook://diagnostics/ 68 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 22068 Service registered serviceName outlook://pieinit/ 69 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName nh://autheventregistration 70 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName outlook://accountsservice/ 71 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName nh://privacy/ 72 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName nh://authservice 73 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName outlook://authbootstrapper/ 74 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName outlook://notifications/ 75 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName outlook://accountproviderservice 76 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 31584 Service registered serviceName outlook://webhostsystemcommunication/ 77 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Initializing theming backgroundColor 16777215 backgroundColorKey ThemingContext.Color 78 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Updating theme backdropPreference true 79 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName nativehost://theming 80 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName nh://systemTray/ 81 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName outlook://webviewmanagerservice/ 82 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName olk://systemTray/ 83 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName nh://errorReporting/ 84 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName outlook://olkauthserviceadmin 85 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName outlook://identityservice/ 86 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName outlook://identityserviceadmin/ 87 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName outlook://appauthentication/ 88 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName nh://oneauthaccountservice/ 89 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName nh://systemHealth/ 90 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 19580 Service registered serviceName outlook://accountproviderhelpersservice 91 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName nh://powerRequest/ 92 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName nh://windowing/ 93 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [] 18312 Service registered serviceName nh://sessionConfiguration/ 94 2025-02-21 00:32:34.367 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Module phase duration. phase register durationMillis 0 95 2025-02-21 00:32:34.369 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Module phase duration. phase resolve durationMillis 1 96 2025-02-21 00:32:34.369 [] 19260 DiscoveryStarted correlationid 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 discoveryStarted true 97 2025-02-21 00:32:34.369 [] 19260 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0003:Info:5dxs1:83ac9a28] Account discovery started. identifiableInformation 0 98 2025-02-21 00:32:34.370 [] 19580 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-diag-enableHeapDumpsDataCollectorV2 99 2025-02-21 00:32:34.370 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0004:Info:8o1ow:83ac9a28] Starting account discovery... identifiableInformation 0 100 2025-02-21 00:32:34.370 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0004:Info:9zkae:83ac9a28] Start task SignInSilently [0] identifiableInformation 0 101 2025-02-21 00:32:34.370 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0004:Info:4p5fw:83ac9a28] Empty authentication parameters identifiableInformation 0 102 2025-02-21 00:32:34.370 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0004:Info:4p5fv:83ac9a28] isAdfs false identifiableInformation 0 103 2025-02-21 00:32:34.370 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0004:Info:4p5fv:83ac9a28] isAdfs false identifiableInformation 0 104 2025-02-21 00:32:34.370 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 3 message [MSAL:0004] WARNING SetAuthorityUri:78 Initializing authority from URI '' without authority type, defaulting to MsSts identifiableInformation 0 105 2025-02-21 00:32:34.371 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0004] INFO SetCorrelationId:259 Set correlation ID: 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 identifiableInformation 0 106 2025-02-21 00:32:34.371 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0004] INFO EnqueueBackgroundRequest:1005 The original authority is '' identifiableInformation 0 107 2025-02-21 00:32:34.372 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0004] INFO ModifyAndValidateAuthParameters:240 Authority Realm: consumers identifiableInformation 0 108 2025-02-21 00:32:34.372 [] 23628 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 3 message [MSAL:0004] WARNING TryEnqueueMsaDeviceCredentialAcquisitionAndContinue:1057 MsaDeviceOperationProvider is not available. Not attempting to register the device. identifiableInformation 0 109 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Module phase duration. phase start durationMillis 3 110 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Module phase duration. phase running durationMillis 0 111 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step start stage 3 durationMillis 43 result 0 112 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [] 31584 Boot stage start returned BootAction::Continue stage 3 113 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [] 32996 Service registered serviceName outlook://NativeHostScriptTools 114 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step start stage 4 durationMillis 0 result 0 115 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [] 31584 Boot stage start returned BootAction::Continue stage 4 116 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-enableSharedNativeHost 117 2025-02-21 00:32:34.373 [] 31584 App continuing by using webviewinstance decisionReason flight setting 118 2025-02-21 00:32:34.393 [] 31584 Storing the ThreadID for the UI thread threadId 31584 119 2025-02-21 00:32:34.393 [] 31584 Making window manager appName Olk 120 2025-02-21 00:32:34.394 [] 31584 Loading resource winResourceId 400 121 2025-02-21 00:32:34.395 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-webviewReleaseChannels 122 2025-02-21 00:32:34.396 [] 31584 Checking whether required directory exists path C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Olk exists true 123 2025-02-21 00:32:34.396 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-msEnhancedTextContrast 124 2025-02-21 00:32:34.396 [] 31584 CoreWebView2 environment creation starting source CreateEnvironment 125 2025-02-21 00:32:34.418 [] 31584 CoreWebView2 environment creation ends 126 2025-02-21 00:32:34.418 [] 31584 Service registered serviceName outlook://webviewmanager/ 127 2025-02-21 00:32:34.418 [Tel.] 31584 Core WebView2 version OK installedVersion 133.0.3065.69 128 2025-02-21 00:32:34.426 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-windows-recall-freezedry-integration 129 2025-02-21 00:32:34.426 [Tel.] 31584 Restore Query Parameters restoreUrlParams 130 2025-02-21 00:32:34.427 [] 31584 WebviewInstance constructor called. instance 1 131 2025-02-21 00:32:34.431 [Tel.] 31584 WindowPlacement frameContext GetWindowPlacementFromDisk from Disk dpi 96 rcNormalLeft 130 rcNormalTop 130 rcNormalRight 2710 rcNormalBottom 1153 rcWorkLeft 0 rcWorkTop 0 rcWorkRight 3440 rcWorkBottom 1392 rcArrangeLeft 0 rcArrangeTop 0 rcArrangeRight 0 rcArrangeBottom 0 marginsLeft 0 marginsTop 0 marginsRight 0 marginsBottom 0 showCmd 1 flags 0 132 2025-02-21 00:32:34.431 [Tel.] 31584 SetInitialWindowPositionStep step Set WindowFrameRect and InitialState 133 2025-02-21 00:32:34.431 [] 31584 Creating new window windowKind 0 windowText Outlook startVisible false left 130 top 130 width 2580 height 1023 134 2025-02-21 00:32:34.441 [] 31584 New window created windowId 462823890 135 2025-02-21 00:32:34.442 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 136 2025-02-21 00:32:34.447 [] 31584 Monitor Count count 1 137 2025-02-21 00:32:34.448 [] 31584 Display Device (Monitor) Info nameW \\.\DISPLAY1 isPrimary true width 3440 height 1440 scale 100 138 2025-02-21 00:32:34.448 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-windows-recall-freezedry-integration 139 2025-02-21 00:32:34.448 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName webViewWindowCreationEnd millisecondsSinceCreation 21 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 140 2025-02-21 00:32:34.448 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 141 2025-02-21 00:32:34.448 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName coreWebView2ControllerCreationStarting:CreateInstance millisecondsSinceCreation 21 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 142 2025-02-21 00:32:34.448 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 143 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 2 message [MSAL:0005] ERROR ErrorInternalImpl:134 Created an error: 513z3, StatusInternal::InteractionRequired, InternalEvent::None, Error Code 2147943717, Context '(pii)' identifiableInformation 0 144 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:435 Printing Telemetry for Correlation ID: 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 identifiableInformation 0 145 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: start_time, Value: 2025-02-21T00:32:34.000Z identifiableInformation 0 146 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: api_name, Value: SignInSilently identifiableInformation 0 147 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: was_request_throttled, Value: false identifiableInformation 0 148 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: authority_type, Value: Unknown identifiableInformation 0 149 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: msal_version, Value: 1.1.0+8d124870 identifiableInformation 0 150 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: api_status_code, Value: StatusInternal::InteractionRequired identifiableInformation 0 151 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: client_id, Value: 5d661950-3475-41cd-a2c3-d671a3162bc1 identifiableInformation 0 152 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: correlation_id, Value: 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 identifiableInformation 0 153 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: broker_app_used, Value: true identifiableInformation 0 154 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: original_authority, Value: identifiableInformation 0 155 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: request_eligible_for_broker, Value: true identifiableInformation 0 156 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: additional_query_parameters_count, Value: 0 identifiableInformation 0 157 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: is_successful, Value: false identifiableInformation 0 158 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: wam_telemetry, Value: {"correlation_id":"83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4","wam_blob_version":"1","client_id":"5d661950-3475-41cd-a2c3-d671a3162bc1","scope":" openid profile&telemetry=%2A&mkt=%2A&api-version=2.0&x-client-src-SKU=%2A&oauth2_batch=%2A&x-client-SKU=%2A&uaid=83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4&x-client-info=%2A&x-client-OS=%2A&clientid=5d661950-3475-41cd-a2c3-d671a3162bc1&x-client-Ver=%2A","authority":"consumers","provider_id":"","client_binary_version":"45","broker_version":"10.0.22621.3958","wam_account_on_start":"not_supplied","prompt_behavior":"none","api_error_code":"-2147023579","ui_visible":"false","ui_allowed":"false","server_error_code":"-2147188724","account_id":"","silent_code":0,"silent_bi_sub_code":0,"silent_message":"","silent_status":0,"is_cached":0} identifiableInformation 0 159 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: auth_flow, Value: Broker identifiableInformation 0 160 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: broker_error_location, Value: 513z3 identifiableInformation 0 161 2025-02-21 00:32:34.464 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: api_error_code, Value: 2147943717 identifiableInformation 0 162 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: api_error_tag, Value: 513z3 identifiableInformation 0 163 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: api_error_context, Value: (pii) identifiableInformation 0 164 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: stop_time, Value: 2025-02-21T00:32:34.000Z identifiableInformation 0 165 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: all_error_tags, Value: 513z3|513z3 identifiableInformation 0 166 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: authorization_type, Value: WindowsIntegratedAuth identifiableInformation 0 167 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: request_duration, Value: 92 identifiableInformation 0 168 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:448 Printing Execution Flow: identifiableInformation 0 169 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0005] INFO LogTelemetryData:456 {"t":"646u1","tid":4,"ts":0,"l":2},{"t":"4s7uc","tid":4,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"4sufd","tid":4,"ts":1,"s":2,"l":2},{"t":"4swgg","tid":4,"ts":1,"s":1,"l":2},{"t":"4swgf","tid":4,"ts":1,"s":1,"l":2},{"t":"4swgi","tid":5,"ts":1,"s":1,"l":2},{"t":"8b2yn","tid":5,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"8dqkx","tid":5,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"8dqil","tid":5,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"8b2hr","tid":5,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"8b2hs","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"5b8fg","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"694nj","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2,"a":10,"ie":0},{"t":"4n641","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"4wqnh","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"4vw1c","tid":5,"ts":13,"l":2},{"t":"4vw1b","tid":5,"ts":13,"l":2},{"t":"4wqni","tid":5,"ts":13,"l":2},{"t":"4wqnf","tid":5,"ts":35,"l":2},{"t":"4vw1a","tid":5,"ts":49,"l":2},{"t":"4wqm5","tid":5,"ts":49,"l":2},{"t":"4wqm7","tid":5,"ts":49,"l":2},{"t":"4umml","tid":5,"ts":87,"l":2},{"t":"4wqnf","tid":5,"ts":87,"l":2},{"t":"6m025","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2},{"t":"58yep","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2},{"t":"694nk","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2,"a":10,"ie":1},{"t":"8dqk1","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2},{"t":"646u1","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2} identifiableInformation 0 170 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0005:Info:6b224:83ac9a28] MSAL execution flow: {"de":0,"ef":[{"t":"646u1","tid":4,"ts":0,"l":2},{"t":"4s7uc","tid":4,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"4sufd","tid":4,"ts":1,"s":2,"l":2},{"t":"4swgg","tid":4,"ts":1,"s":1,"l":2},{"t":"4swgf","tid":4,"ts":1,"s":1,"l":2},{"t":"4swgi","tid":5,"ts":1,"s":1,"l":2},{"t":"8b2yn","tid":5,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"8dqkx","tid":5,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"8dqil","tid":5,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"8b2hr","tid":5,"ts":1,"l":2},{"t":"8b2hs","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"5b8fg","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"694nj","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2,"a":10,"ie":0},{"t":"4n641","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"4wqnh","tid":5,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"4vw1c","tid":5,"ts":13,"l":2},{"t":"4vw1b","tid":5,"ts":13,"l":2},{"t":"4wqni","tid":5,"ts":13,"l":2},{"t":"4wqnf","tid":5,"ts":35,"l":2},{"t":"4vw1a","tid":5,"ts":49,"l":2},{"t":"4wqm5","tid":5,"ts":49,"l":2},{"t":"4wqm7","tid":5,"ts":49,"l":2},{"t":"4umml","tid":5,"ts":87,"l":2},{"t":"4wqnf","tid":5,"ts":87,"l":2},{"t":"6m025","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2},{"t":"58yep","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2},{"t":"694nk","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2,"a":10,"ie":1},{"t":"8dqk1","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2},{"t":"646u1","tid":5,"ts":93,"l":2}],"t":[]} identifiableInformation 0 171 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0005:Info:49ayy:83ac9a28] Generating description for errorCode 1200 subStatus 6201 identifiableInformation 0 172 2025-02-21 00:32:34.465 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 2 message [OneAuth:0005:Error:513z3:83ac9a28] (Code:1200) The credential is invalid. Default account not found. identifiableInformation 0 173 2025-02-21 00:32:34.466 [] 34456 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0005:Info:9zkad:83ac9a28] Finish task SignInSilently [0] identifiableInformation 0 174 2025-02-21 00:32:34.499 [] 31584 Directory entry path C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Local\Packages\microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\migration\callback.txt fileSize 132 175 2025-02-21 00:32:34.499 [] 31584 Directory entry path C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Local\Packages\microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\migration\correlation.json fileSize 37 176 2025-02-21 00:32:34.500 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-enabledevtools 177 2025-02-21 00:32:34.587 [] 31584 App restart after update isExpected false 178 2025-02-21 00:32:34.587 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage UpdateStage::RegisteredForAutomaticUpdates: Application is registered to receive automatic updates 179 2025-02-21 00:32:34.587 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-highmemoryusage-snapshot 180 2025-02-21 00:32:34.587 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-webviewReleaseChannels 181 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step start stage 5 durationMillis 214 result 0 182 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Boot stage start returned BootAction::Continue stage 5 183 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Startup stage changed startupStage 1 startupStageName Starting 184 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Kicking off all startup steps that are now ready 185 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Ready startup steps count 6 186 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step startupStepName UserSettings startupThread 0 187 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step startupStepName WebViewInternalToolsService startupThread 0 188 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step startupStepName WebViewManager startupThread 0 189 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 25160 Executing startup step startupStepName UserSettings startupThread 0 190 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step startupStepName WindowMessageCommands startupThread 1 191 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 24584 Executing startup step startupStepName WebViewInternalToolsService startupThread 0 192 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step startupStepName AppSettingsRegistrar startupThread 0 193 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Executing startup step startupStepName ServicesRegistrar startupThread 2 194 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 25160 Startup step completed startupStepName UserSettings 195 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 24584 Service registered serviceName nh://webViewInternalTools/ 196 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 25160 Executing startup step startupStepName WebViewManager startupThread 0 197 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Startup step completed startupStepName ServicesRegistrar 198 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 25160 Startup step completed startupStepName WebViewManager 199 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 24584 Service available serviceName nh://webViewInternalTools/ 200 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 25160 Executing startup step startupStepName AppSettingsRegistrar startupThread 0 201 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Kicking off all startup steps that are now ready 202 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Ready startup steps count 2 203 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 25160 Startup step completed startupStepName AppSettingsRegistrar 204 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 24584 Startup step completed startupStepName WebViewInternalToolsService 205 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step startupStepName SystemImageList startupThread 0 206 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Executing startup step startupStepName TasksSystem startupThread 2 207 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Startup step completed startupStepName TasksSystem 208 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Kicking off all startup steps that are now ready 209 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Ready startup steps count 1 210 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step startupStepName LafSettings startupThread 0 211 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 2632 Executing startup step startupStepName SystemImageList startupThread 0 212 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 22396 Executing startup step startupStepName LafSettings startupThread 0 213 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 31584 Starting event loop 214 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 22396 Startup step completed startupStepName LafSettings 215 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 22396 Kicking off all startup steps that are now ready 216 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 2632 Startup step completed startupStepName SystemImageList 217 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 22396 Ready startup steps count 0 218 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 22396 Kicking off all startup steps that are now ready 219 2025-02-21 00:32:34.588 [] 22396 Ready startup steps count 0 220 2025-02-21 00:32:34.589 [] 31584 Executing startup step startupStepName WindowMessageCommands startupThread 1 221 2025-02-21 00:32:34.594 [] 31584 Startup step completed startupStepName WindowMessageCommands 222 2025-02-21 00:32:34.594 [] 31584 Startup stage changed startupStage 3 startupStageName Running 223 2025-02-21 00:32:34.594 [] 31584 Startup completed startupStage 3 startupStageName Running 224 2025-02-21 00:32:34.651 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO GetAllAccounts:449 WAM returned '0' accounts for client_id '(pii)' identifiableInformation 0 225 2025-02-21 00:32:34.651 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO GetAllAccounts:680 Discovered '0' AAD accounts identifiableInformation 0 226 2025-02-21 00:32:34.668 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO GetAllAccounts:449 WAM returned '0' accounts for client_id '(pii)' identifiableInformation 0 227 2025-02-21 00:32:34.668 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO GetAllAccounts:697 Discovered '0' MSA accounts identifiableInformation 0 228 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:435 Printing Telemetry for Correlation ID: 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 identifiableInformation 0 229 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: broker_accounts_count, Value: 0 identifiableInformation 0 230 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: start_time, Value: 2025-02-21T00:32:34.000Z identifiableInformation 0 231 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: api_name, Value: DiscoverAccounts identifiableInformation 0 232 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: was_request_throttled, Value: false identifiableInformation 0 233 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: authority_type, Value: Unknown identifiableInformation 0 234 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: msal_version, Value: 1.1.0+8d124870 identifiableInformation 0 235 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: client_id, Value: 5d661950-3475-41cd-a2c3-d671a3162bc1 identifiableInformation 0 236 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: correlation_id, Value: 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 identifiableInformation 0 237 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: broker_app_used, Value: true identifiableInformation 0 238 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: request_eligible_for_broker, Value: true identifiableInformation 0 239 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: auth_flow, Value: Broker identifiableInformation 0 240 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: is_successful, Value: true identifiableInformation 0 241 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: storage_accounts_count, Value: 0 identifiableInformation 0 242 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: stop_time, Value: 2025-02-21T00:32:34.000Z identifiableInformation 0 243 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: request_duration, Value: 296 identifiableInformation 0 244 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:448 Printing Execution Flow: identifiableInformation 0 245 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:456 {"t":"4sufd","tid":4,"ts":0,"s":2,"l":2},{"t":"4swgg","tid":4,"ts":0,"s":2,"l":2},{"t":"4swgf","tid":4,"ts":0,"s":1,"l":2},{"t":"4swgi","tid":6,"ts":0,"s":2,"l":2},{"t":"8dqku","tid":6,"ts":0,"l":2},{"t":"4wqnh","tid":6,"ts":2,"l":2},{"t":"4wqni","tid":6,"ts":12,"l":2},{"t":"4wqnh","tid":6,"ts":279,"l":2},{"t":"4wqni","tid":6,"ts":282,"l":2},{"t":"4qnni","tid":6,"ts":296,"l":2,"a":2,"ie":0},{"t":"4qnnh","tid":6,"ts":296,"l":2,"a":2,"ie":1} identifiableInformation 0 246 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0006:Info:59ljv:83ac9a28] Found 0 accounts using client ID: 5d661950-3475-41cd-a2c3-d671a3162bc1 identifiableInformation 0 247 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:435 Printing Telemetry for Correlation ID: 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 identifiableInformation 0 248 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: start_time, Value: 2025-02-21T00:32:34.000Z identifiableInformation 0 249 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: api_name, Value: MigrateAdalAccountsToMsal identifiableInformation 0 250 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: was_request_throttled, Value: false identifiableInformation 0 251 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: authority_type, Value: Unknown identifiableInformation 0 252 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: msal_version, Value: 1.1.0+8d124870 identifiableInformation 0 253 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: client_id, Value: 5d661950-3475-41cd-a2c3-d671a3162bc1 identifiableInformation 0 254 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: correlation_id, Value: 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 identifiableInformation 0 255 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: broker_app_used, Value: false identifiableInformation 0 256 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: migration_adal_accounts_found, Value: 0 identifiableInformation 0 257 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: stop_time, Value: 2025-02-21T00:32:34.000Z identifiableInformation 0 258 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: migration_adal_accounts_succeeded, Value: 0 identifiableInformation 0 259 2025-02-21 00:32:34.669 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0006] INFO LogTelemetryData:443 Key: request_duration, Value: 0 identifiableInformation 0 260 2025-02-21 00:32:34.670 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 3 message [OneAuth:0006:Warning:48id9:83ac9a28] Could not find storage files for storagetype (0) identifiableInformation 0 261 2025-02-21 00:32:34.670 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0006:Info:7orfe:83ac9a28] Start to read from MSAL cache identifiableInformation 0 262 2025-02-21 00:32:34.670 [] 35252 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0006:Info:8o1or:83ac9a28] Finished account discovery identifiableInformation 0 263 2025-02-21 00:32:34.670 [] 35252 DiscoveryCompleted correlationid 83ac9a28-1d9b-41c7-9785-8e34abd55fe4 264 2025-02-21 00:32:34.998 [Tel.Crit.] 17620 Device ticket available 265 2025-02-21 00:32:35.077 [Tel.] 31584 WV2 Create Controller Succeeded isRetry false 266 2025-02-21 00:32:35.077 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName coreWebView2ControllrCreationEnds millisecondsSinceCreation 650 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 267 2025-02-21 00:32:35.077 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-enabledevtools 268 2025-02-21 00:32:35.078 [] 31584 Creating interop bridge bridgeId 1 269 2025-02-21 00:32:35.079 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 270 2025-02-21 00:32:35.080 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 271 2025-02-21 00:32:35.080 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 272 2025-02-21 00:32:35.081 [Tel.Crit.Req.] 31584 The navigation of default url starting webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 273 2025-02-21 00:32:35.081 [] 31584 Queued protocol operations count 0 274 2025-02-21 00:32:35.164 [] 31584 Performing navigation with web resource request. 275 2025-02-21 00:32:35.164 [] 31584 WebView startup context uri headers X-Client-ID=8c6c105d-7574-4f93-97ba-4ccdb3695d0c,x-native-host=OneOutlook/1.2025.213.300 276 2025-02-21 00:32:35.169 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName NavigationStarting millisecondsSinceCreation 742 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 277 2025-02-21 00:32:35.169 [] 31584 WebView navigation starting navigationId 2 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 278 2025-02-21 00:32:35.374 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName ContentLoading millisecondsSinceCreation 947 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 279 2025-02-21 00:32:35.741 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName NavigationCompleted millisecondsSinceCreation 1314 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 280 2025-02-21 00:32:35.741 [Tel.] 31584 Update the initial window position isFirstMainWindow true shouldRestoreWindowPlacements false windowKey 1 freezeDryWindowKey 1 width 0 height 0 281 2025-02-21 00:32:35.742 [Tel.] 31584 SetInitialWindowPositionStep step Restore WindowPlacement 282 2025-02-21 00:32:35.742 [Tel.] 31584 WindowPlacement frameContext GetWindowPlacementFromDisk from Disk dpi 96 rcNormalLeft 130 rcNormalTop 130 rcNormalRight 2710 rcNormalBottom 1153 rcWorkLeft 0 rcWorkTop 0 rcWorkRight 3440 rcWorkBottom 1392 rcArrangeLeft 0 rcArrangeTop 0 rcArrangeRight 0 rcArrangeBottom 0 marginsLeft 0 marginsTop 0 marginsRight 0 marginsBottom 0 showCmd 1 flags 0 283 2025-02-21 00:32:35.742 [Tel.] 31584 SetInitialWindowPositionStep step Using saved WindowPlacement 284 2025-02-21 00:32:35.742 [Tel.] 31584 WindowPlacement frameContext CallPlaceWindow dpi 96 rcNormalLeft 130 rcNormalTop 130 rcNormalRight 2710 rcNormalBottom 1153 rcWorkLeft 0 rcWorkTop 0 rcWorkRight 3440 rcWorkBottom 1392 rcArrangeLeft 0 rcArrangeTop 0 rcArrangeRight 0 rcArrangeBottom 0 marginsLeft 0 marginsTop 0 marginsRight 0 marginsBottom 0 showCmd 1 flags 0 285 2025-02-21 00:32:35.758 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::ActivatedApp Application is activated 286 2025-02-21 00:32:35.758 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 287 2025-02-21 00:32:35.804 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 288 2025-02-21 00:32:35.804 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 289 2025-02-21 00:32:35.804 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 290 2025-02-21 00:32:35.805 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 291 2025-02-21 00:32:35.805 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 292 2025-02-21 00:32:35.805 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 293 2025-02-21 00:32:35.805 [] 31584 The navigation of default url ends 294 2025-02-21 00:32:35.805 [] 31584 WebView navigation ends navigationId 2 295 2025-02-21 00:32:35.823 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|v|0|start|6|0.11.0| 296 2025-02-21 00:32:35.823 [] 31584 Sending verb messageX nh|v|80000001|add|0|M|b|OutlookHost|s|2|f|HostInformation|10|HostCapabilities|0|0|1|M|6|Policy|s|0|3|f|GetPolicyString|f|GetPolicyNumber|1c|GetSignedInUserPrincipalName|0|2|M|8|Accounts|s|0|2|13|BackupLocalAccounts|19|TryGetLocalAccountsBackup|0|3|M|12|DiagnosticsInterop|s|0|6|f|OobeFunnelEvent|8|SendLogs|11|SendSpecifiedLogs|21|StartSpecifiedReproDataCollectors|20|StopSpecifiedReproDataCollectors|20|GetRegisteredReproDataCollectors|0|4|M|7|Privacy|s|0|1|18|SetTelemetryCollectorUrl|0|5|M|15|WebViewVersionInterop|s|0|2|23|SetWebviewChannelUserOptOutOverride|13|GetWebViewsRingInfo|0|6|m|b|AuthInterop|s|0|9|19|AcquireCredentialSilently|1e|AcquireCredentialInteractively|11|SignInNewIdentity|20|GetFirstPartyIdentityInformation|15|GetFirstPartyIdentity|1c|DiscoverFirstPartyIdentities|e|SignInSilently|19|GetSignedInUserIdentifier|16|RemoveMappedIdentities|0|7|m|15|FileAttachmentInterop|s|0|5|16|GetFileIdsForAttaching|1b|RequestLocalWorkspaceHandle|11|ExecuteAttachment|21|SetTrustedAttachmentExtensionList|e|GetBodyContent|0| 297 2025-02-21 00:32:35.825 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|r|80000001|r| 298 2025-02-21 00:32:35.825 [] 31584 Sending verb result response messageX nh|r|0|r|8|| 299 2025-02-21 00:32:35.826 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|v|1|call|0|12|getHostInformation| 300 2025-02-21 00:32:35.826 [] 31584 Sending verb result response messageX nh|r|1|r|s|s|10|1.2025.0213.0300|1|7e9|d5|12c|5b346bfe9cd3f340a2b60a2e69997715| 301 2025-02-21 00:32:35.828 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 8 pieLogMessage instance pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 1 302 2025-02-21 00:32:35.828 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""instance"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":1,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 303 2025-02-21 00:32:35.828 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 304 2025-02-21 00:32:35.829 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 2 305 2025-02-21 00:32:35.829 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 120 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":2,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 306 2025-02-21 00:32:35.829 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 120 307 2025-02-21 00:32:35.829 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 3 308 2025-02-21 00:32:35.829 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":3,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 309 2025-02-21 00:32:35.829 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 310 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 4 311 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 120 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":4,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 312 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 120 313 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 5 314 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":5,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 315 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 316 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 6 317 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 119 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":6,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 318 2025-02-21 00:32:35.830 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 119 319 2025-02-21 00:32:35.831 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 7 320 2025-02-21 00:32:35.831 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":7,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 321 2025-02-21 00:32:35.831 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 322 2025-02-21 00:32:35.831 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 8 323 2025-02-21 00:32:35.831 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 119 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":8,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 324 2025-02-21 00:32:35.831 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 119 325 2025-02-21 00:32:35.900 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|v|2|call|2|19|tryGetLocalAccountsBackup| 326 2025-02-21 00:32:35.900 [] 31584 Sending verb result response messageX nh|r|2|r|0|| 327 2025-02-21 00:32:35.901 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 34 pieLogMessage System.closePopoutsAndOtherWindows pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 9 328 2025-02-21 00:32:35.902 [] 31584 PIE method called from hosted client name closePopoutsAndOtherWindows pieBridgeId 1 windowIdStringW default 329 2025-02-21 00:32:35.902 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 34 pieLogMessage System.closePopoutsAndOtherWindows pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 9 330 2025-02-21 00:32:35.902 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 111 pieLogMessage pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 331 2025-02-21 00:32:35.902 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 111 332 2025-02-21 00:32:35.906 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName NavigationStarting millisecondsSinceCreation 1479 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 333 2025-02-21 00:32:35.906 [] 31584 WebView navigation starting navigationId 3 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 334 2025-02-21 00:32:35.906 [] 31584 Navigate with native host uri navigationType 1 335 2025-02-21 00:32:35.906 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 336 2025-02-21 00:32:35.939 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName ContentLoading millisecondsSinceCreation 1512 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 337 2025-02-21 00:32:36.456 [Tel.Req.] 31584 WebView step happened (milliseconds) after creation instance 1 webViewStepName NavigationCompleted millisecondsSinceCreation 2029 webViewTelemetryContext OutlookInitialWebView 338 2025-02-21 00:32:36.456 [] 31584 WebView navigation ends navigationId 3 339 2025-02-21 00:32:36.571 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|v|0|start|6|0.11.0| 340 2025-02-21 00:32:36.571 [] 31584 Sending verb messageX nh|v|80000001|add|0|M|b|OutlookHost|s|2|f|HostInformation|10|HostCapabilities|0|0|1|M|6|Policy|s|0|3|f|GetPolicyString|f|GetPolicyNumber|1c|GetSignedInUserPrincipalName|0|2|M|8|Accounts|s|0|2|13|BackupLocalAccounts|19|TryGetLocalAccountsBackup|0|3|M|12|DiagnosticsInterop|s|0|6|f|OobeFunnelEvent|8|SendLogs|11|SendSpecifiedLogs|21|StartSpecifiedReproDataCollectors|20|StopSpecifiedReproDataCollectors|20|GetRegisteredReproDataCollectors|0|4|M|7|Privacy|s|0|1|18|SetTelemetryCollectorUrl|0|5|M|15|WebViewVersionInterop|s|0|2|23|SetWebviewChannelUserOptOutOverride|13|GetWebViewsRingInfo|0|6|m|b|AuthInterop|s|0|9|19|AcquireCredentialSilently|1e|AcquireCredentialInteractively|11|SignInNewIdentity|20|GetFirstPartyIdentityInformation|15|GetFirstPartyIdentity|1c|DiscoverFirstPartyIdentities|e|SignInSilently|19|GetSignedInUserIdentifier|16|RemoveMappedIdentities|0|7|m|15|FileAttachmentInterop|s|0|5|16|GetFileIdsForAttaching|1b|RequestLocalWorkspaceHandle|11|ExecuteAttachment|21|SetTrustedAttachmentExtensionList|e|GetBodyContent|0| 341 2025-02-21 00:32:36.574 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|r|80000001|r| 342 2025-02-21 00:32:36.574 [] 31584 Sending verb result response messageX nh|r|0|r|8|| 343 2025-02-21 00:32:36.575 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|v|1|call|0|12|getHostInformation| 344 2025-02-21 00:32:36.575 [] 31584 Sending verb result response messageX nh|r|1|r|s|s|10|1.2025.0213.0300|1|7e9|d5|12c|5b346bfe9cd3f340a2b60a2e69997715| 345 2025-02-21 00:32:36.577 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 1 346 2025-02-21 00:32:36.577 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 120 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":1,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 347 2025-02-21 00:32:36.577 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 120 348 2025-02-21 00:32:36.578 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 2 349 2025-02-21 00:32:36.578 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":2,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 350 2025-02-21 00:32:36.578 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 351 2025-02-21 00:32:36.579 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 3 352 2025-02-21 00:32:36.579 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 120 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":3,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 353 2025-02-21 00:32:36.579 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 120 354 2025-02-21 00:32:36.580 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 4 355 2025-02-21 00:32:36.580 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":4,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 356 2025-02-21 00:32:36.580 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 357 2025-02-21 00:32:36.580 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 5 358 2025-02-21 00:32:36.580 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 119 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":5,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 359 2025-02-21 00:32:36.580 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 119 360 2025-02-21 00:32:36.580 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 6 361 2025-02-21 00:32:36.580 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":6,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 362 2025-02-21 00:32:36.581 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 363 2025-02-21 00:32:36.581 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 7 pieLogMessage version pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 7 364 2025-02-21 00:32:36.581 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 119 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""version"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":7,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 365 2025-02-21 00:32:36.581 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 119 366 2025-02-21 00:32:36.695 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|v|2|call|1|f|getPolicyString|23|OutlookForWindowsPrimaryAccountSmtp| 367 2025-02-21 00:32:36.695 [] 31584 Sending verb result response messageX nh|r|2|r|| 368 2025-02-21 00:32:36.695 [] 31584 Interop message received messageX nh|v|3|call|1|f|getPolicyNumber|3b|OutlookForWindowsPrimaryAccountMustMatchDeviceSignInAccount| 369 2025-02-21 00:32:36.695 [] 31584 Sending verb result response messageX nh|r|3|r|| 370 2025-02-21 00:32:36.697 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 8 pieLogMessage instance pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 8 371 2025-02-21 00:32:36.697 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""instance"",""isIdRequest"":true,""messageId"":8,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 372 2025-02-21 00:32:36.697 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 373 2025-02-21 00:32:36.741 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 28 pieLogMessage OutlookWebContext.getOptions pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 9 374 2025-02-21 00:32:36.741 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 28 pieLogMessage OutlookWebContext.getOptions pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 9 375 2025-02-21 00:32:36.742 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 118 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""OutlookWebContext.getOptions"",""messageId"":9,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 376 2025-02-21 00:32:36.742 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 118 377 2025-02-21 00:32:36.744 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 46 pieLogMessage OutlookWebContext.getLegacyAppImportProperties pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 10 378 2025-02-21 00:32:36.751 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 36 pieLogMessage OutlookWebContext.getToggledOutlooks pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 11 379 2025-02-21 00:32:36.751 [Tel.] 31412 loadApplicationChoiceFromRegistry returned a value. isShouldUseMonarchSet false shouldUseMonarch false 380 2025-02-21 00:32:36.769 [] 20120 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 46 pieLogMessage OutlookWebContext.getLegacyAppImportProperties pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 10 381 2025-02-21 00:32:36.769 [] 31412 Get NewOutlookToggleState: shouldUseMonarch false legacyApp OutlookDesktop 382 2025-02-21 00:32:36.769 [] 31412 Get NewOutlookToggleState: shouldUseMonarch false legacyApp Universal 383 2025-02-21 00:32:36.769 [] 31412 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 36 pieLogMessage OutlookWebContext.getToggledOutlooks pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 11 384 2025-02-21 00:32:36.769 [] 20120 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 156 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""OutlookWebContext.getLegacyAppImportProperties"",""messageId"":10,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 385 2025-02-21 00:32:36.769 [] 31412 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 127 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""OutlookWebContext.getToggledOutlooks"",""messageId"":11,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 386 2025-02-21 00:32:36.769 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 127 387 2025-02-21 00:32:36.769 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 156 388 2025-02-21 00:32:36.794 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 27 pieLogMessage Diagnostics.oobeFunnelEvent pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 12 389 2025-02-21 00:32:36.801 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 27 pieLogMessage Diagnostics.oobeFunnelEvent pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 12 390 2025-02-21 00:32:36.801 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 105 pieLogMessage pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 391 2025-02-21 00:32:36.801 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 105 392 2025-02-21 00:32:36.802 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 22 pieLogMessage Accounts.getIdentities pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 13 393 2025-02-21 00:32:36.802 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 27 pieLogMessage Diagnostics.oobeFunnelEvent pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 14 394 2025-02-21 00:32:36.809 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 27 pieLogMessage Diagnostics.oobeFunnelEvent pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 14 395 2025-02-21 00:32:36.809 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 105 pieLogMessage pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 396 2025-02-21 00:32:36.809 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 105 397 2025-02-21 00:32:36.864 [] 18312 Exception caught exceptionName CheckFailureException errorMessage optionalErrorCode [no value] catchFunctionName class Microsoft::NativeHost::Future,class std::allocator >,class std::allocator,class std::allocator > > > > __cdecl Accounts::CurateIdentities(void) catchSourceLocationFileName cpp catchLineNumber 179 checkName IsEmpty expression defaultAccountName functionName class Microsoft::NativeHost::Future,class std::allocator > > __cdecl Accounts::GetDefaultUser(void) sourceLocationFileName cpp lineNumber 106 tag 4294967295 398 2025-02-21 00:32:36.865 [] 18312 DefaultAccountEmpty: No default account or accountName was empty 399 2025-02-21 00:32:36.865 [] 18312 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 22 pieLogMessage Accounts.getIdentities pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 13 400 2025-02-21 00:32:36.865 [] 18312 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 113 pieLogMessage "{""contentType"":""app/pie"",""messageName"":""Accounts.getIdentities"",""messageId"":13,""wasSuccessful"":true,""message"":" pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 401 2025-02-21 00:32:36.865 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 113 402 2025-02-21 00:32:36.930 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 27 pieLogMessage Diagnostics.oobeFunnelEvent pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 15 403 2025-02-21 00:32:36.937 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 27 pieLogMessage Diagnostics.oobeFunnelEvent pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 15 404 2025-02-21 00:32:36.937 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 105 pieLogMessage pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 405 2025-02-21 00:32:36.937 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 105 406 2025-02-21 00:32:36.938 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCall pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 27 pieLogMessage Diagnostics.oobeFunnelEvent pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 16 407 2025-02-21 00:32:36.944 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName methodCallSuccessful pieLogSeverity information pieLogMessageLength 27 pieLogMessage Diagnostics.oobeFunnelEvent pieLogContext 1 pieLogSubcontext 16 408 2025-02-21 00:32:36.944 [] 31584 PIE default pieLogName sendingMessage pieLogSeverity diagnostic pieLogMessageLength 105 pieLogMessage pieLogContext 2453619768144 pieLogSubcontext 0 409 2025-02-21 00:32:36.944 [] 31584 Message to WebView posted messageLength 105 410 2025-02-21 00:32:45.806 [Tel.] 31584 WindowPlacement frameContext SavingRestorePosition dpi 96 rcNormalLeft 130 rcNormalTop 130 rcNormalRight 2710 rcNormalBottom 1153 rcWorkLeft 0 rcWorkTop 0 rcWorkRight 3440 rcWorkBottom 1392 rcArrangeLeft 0 rcArrangeTop 0 rcArrangeRight 0 rcArrangeBottom 0 marginsLeft 0 marginsTop 0 marginsRight 0 marginsBottom 0 showCmd 1 flags 0 411 2025-02-21 00:33:34.589 [] 22396 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-highmemoryusage-promptContactSupportOnBoot 412 2025-02-21 00:33:34.901 [Tel.] 2632 startup snapshot - see logs for data processorCores 12 processorArchitecture X64 mbTotalDriveStorage 427956 mbTotalAvailableDriveStorage 35958 mbInstallDirectorySize 40 mbUserDataDirectorySize 32 413 2025-02-21 00:33:34.901 [] 2632 System snapshot - Primary Video Controller - see logs for data videoControllerName NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 videoControllerProcessor NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 videoControllerDriverDate 20240814000000.000000-000 videoControllerDriverVersion videoControllerDescription NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 videoControllerDedicatedVideoMemory 8432648192 videoControllerDedicatedSystemMemory 0 videoControllerSharedSystemMemory 17132859392 414 2025-02-21 00:33:34.901 [] 2632 System snapshot - Primary Video Controller - see logs for data videoControllerName videoControllerProcessor videoControllerDriverDate videoControllerDriverVersion videoControllerDescription Microsoft Basic Render Driver videoControllerDedicatedVideoMemory 0 videoControllerDedicatedSystemMemory 0 videoControllerSharedSystemMemory 17132859392 415 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 A webview process is running and using megabytes of memory processId 12244 mbProcessSharedMemoryUsage 108 processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_BROWSER snapshotReason 0 416 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 A webview process is running and using megabytes of memory processId 25608 mbProcessSharedMemoryUsage 9 processKind Unknown WebView2 Process Kind snapshotReason 0 417 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 A webview process is running and using megabytes of memory processId 32564 mbProcessSharedMemoryUsage 81 processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_GPU snapshotReason 0 418 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 A webview process is running and using megabytes of memory processId 20684 mbProcessSharedMemoryUsage 36 processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_UTILITY snapshotReason 0 419 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 A webview process is running and using megabytes of memory processId 26036 mbProcessSharedMemoryUsage 18 processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_UTILITY snapshotReason 0 420 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 A webview process is running and using megabytes of memory processId 35628 mbProcessSharedMemoryUsage 107 processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_RENDERER snapshotReason 0 421 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 Information about a webview window webViewWindowType MainWindow count 1 422 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 Snapshot details for all app related processes processKind NativeHost processCommitSizeMB 10 processWorkingSetSizeMB 44 snapshotReason 0 423 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 Snapshot details for all app related processes processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_BROWSER processCommitSizeMB 35 processWorkingSetSizeMB 108 snapshotReason 0 424 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 Snapshot details for all app related processes processKind UnnamedWebViewProcess processCommitSizeMB 2 processWorkingSetSizeMB 9 snapshotReason 0 425 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 Snapshot details for all app related processes processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_GPU processCommitSizeMB 149 processWorkingSetSizeMB 81 snapshotReason 0 426 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 Snapshot details for all app related processes processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_UTILITY processCommitSizeMB 11 processWorkingSetSizeMB 36 snapshotReason 0 427 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 Snapshot details for all app related processes processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_UTILITY processCommitSizeMB 7 processWorkingSetSizeMB 18 snapshotReason 0 428 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 Snapshot details for all app related processes processKind COREWEBVIEW2_PROCESS_KIND_RENDERER processCommitSizeMB 63 processWorkingSetSizeMB 107 snapshotReason 0 429 2025-02-21 00:34:04.410 [Tel.] 15984 System snapshot - see logs for data minutesUptime 1 mbCurrentSystemMemoryUsed 26415 mbCurrentSystemMemoryFree 6262 mbCurrentSystemMemoryTotal 32678 memoryLoadRatio 80 mbAppCurrentWorkingSet 44 mbAppCurrentPrivateCommit 10 mbAppPeakWorkingSet 45 webViewProcessCount 6 mbWebViewTotalPrivateWorkingSet 270 mbWebViewTotalWorkingSet 362 mbWebViewMaxProcessWorkingSet 108 cumulativeCommitSizeMB 281 cumulativeWorkingSetSizeMB 406 webviewWorkingSetSizeMB 362 mainWindowCount 1 popoutWindowCount 0 snapshotReason 0 430 2025-02-21 00:34:34.321 [Tel.] 24584 Initiating an xpd update check 431 2025-02-21 00:34:36.859 [Tel.] 24584 XPD update check succeeded, update available and latest version: updateAvailable false version 1.2025.0213.0300 updatePolicy CheckAndDownload 432 2025-02-21 00:34:47.462 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::DeactivatedApp Application is deactivated 433 2025-02-21 00:34:47.462 [] 31584 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 1 shouldPollForUpdate false 434 2025-02-21 00:34:47.462 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage UpdateStage::NativeHostUpdateCheckQueued: Update check is queued up 435 2025-02-21 00:34:48.108 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::ActivatedApp Application is activated 436 2025-02-21 00:34:48.108 [] 31584 App deactivated duration in seconds : durationSeconds 0 437 2025-02-21 00:34:48.108 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 438 2025-02-21 00:34:58.108 [Tel.] 31584 WindowPlacement frameContext SavingRestorePosition dpi 96 rcNormalLeft 130 rcNormalTop 130 rcNormalRight 2710 rcNormalBottom 1153 rcWorkLeft 0 rcWorkTop 0 rcWorkRight 3440 rcWorkBottom 1392 rcArrangeLeft 0 rcArrangeTop 0 rcArrangeRight 0 rcArrangeBottom 0 marginsLeft 0 marginsTop 0 marginsRight 0 marginsBottom 0 showCmd 1 flags 0 439 2025-02-21 00:37:47.464 [] 25160 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 0 shouldPollForUpdate true 440 2025-02-21 00:37:47.464 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::DeactivatedApp Application is deactivated 441 2025-02-21 00:37:47.464 [] 25160 Self update abort stage reason : selfUpdateAbortStage SelfUpdaterAbortReason::UpdateCheckStageAbortedByRedundantCall 442 2025-02-21 00:37:47.464 [] 31584 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 0 shouldPollForUpdate true 443 2025-02-21 00:37:48.308 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::ActivatedApp Application is activated 444 2025-02-21 00:37:48.308 [] 31584 App deactivated duration in seconds : durationSeconds 0 445 2025-02-21 00:37:48.308 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 446 2025-02-21 00:40:47.474 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::DeactivatedApp Application is deactivated 447 2025-02-21 00:40:47.474 [] 31584 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 0 shouldPollForUpdate true 448 2025-02-21 00:40:48.108 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::ActivatedApp Application is activated 449 2025-02-21 00:40:48.108 [] 31584 App deactivated duration in seconds : durationSeconds 0 450 2025-02-21 00:40:48.108 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 451 2025-02-21 00:43:47.473 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::DeactivatedApp Application is deactivated 452 2025-02-21 00:43:47.473 [] 31584 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 0 shouldPollForUpdate true 453 2025-02-21 00:43:48.488 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::ActivatedApp Application is activated 454 2025-02-21 00:43:48.488 [] 31584 App deactivated duration in seconds : durationSeconds 1 455 2025-02-21 00:43:48.488 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 456 2025-02-21 00:46:47.470 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::DeactivatedApp Application is deactivated 457 2025-02-21 00:46:47.470 [] 31584 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 0 shouldPollForUpdate true 458 2025-02-21 00:46:48.118 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::ActivatedApp Application is activated 459 2025-02-21 00:46:48.118 [] 31584 App deactivated duration in seconds : durationSeconds 0 460 2025-02-21 00:46:48.118 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 461 2025-02-21 00:49:47.490 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::DeactivatedApp Application is deactivated 462 2025-02-21 00:49:47.490 [] 31584 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 0 shouldPollForUpdate true 463 2025-02-21 00:49:48.384 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::ActivatedApp Application is activated 464 2025-02-21 00:49:48.384 [] 31584 App deactivated duration in seconds : durationSeconds 0 465 2025-02-21 00:49:48.384 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 466 2025-02-21 00:52:47.475 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::DeactivatedApp Application is deactivated 467 2025-02-21 00:52:47.475 [] 31584 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 0 shouldPollForUpdate true 468 2025-02-21 00:52:48.147 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::ActivatedApp Application is activated 469 2025-02-21 00:52:48.147 [] 31584 App deactivated duration in seconds : durationSeconds 0 470 2025-02-21 00:52:48.147 [] 31584 Memory Usage State Set instance 1 processId 12244 errorCode 0 memoryUsageTargetLevel 0 471 2025-02-21 00:53:15.279 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 472 2025-02-21 00:53:15.279 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 473 2025-02-21 00:53:15.279 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 474 2025-02-21 00:53:15.281 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 475 2025-02-21 00:53:15.281 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 476 2025-02-21 00:53:15.281 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 477 2025-02-21 00:53:15.287 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 478 2025-02-21 00:53:15.287 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 479 2025-02-21 00:53:15.287 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 480 2025-02-21 00:53:15.295 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 481 2025-02-21 00:53:15.295 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 482 2025-02-21 00:53:15.296 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 483 2025-02-21 00:53:15.304 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 484 2025-02-21 00:53:15.304 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 485 2025-02-21 00:53:15.304 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 486 2025-02-21 00:53:15.311 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 487 2025-02-21 00:53:15.311 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 488 2025-02-21 00:53:15.311 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 489 2025-02-21 00:53:15.319 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 490 2025-02-21 00:53:15.319 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 491 2025-02-21 00:53:15.319 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 492 2025-02-21 00:53:15.327 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 493 2025-02-21 00:53:15.327 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 494 2025-02-21 00:53:15.327 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 495 2025-02-21 00:53:15.335 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 496 2025-02-21 00:53:15.336 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 497 2025-02-21 00:53:15.336 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 498 2025-02-21 00:53:15.345 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 499 2025-02-21 00:53:15.345 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 500 2025-02-21 00:53:15.345 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 501 2025-02-21 00:53:15.396 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 502 2025-02-21 00:53:15.396 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 503 2025-02-21 00:53:15.396 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 504 2025-02-21 00:53:15.400 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 505 2025-02-21 00:53:15.400 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 506 2025-02-21 00:53:15.400 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 507 2025-02-21 00:53:15.407 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 508 2025-02-21 00:53:15.407 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 509 2025-02-21 00:53:15.407 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 510 2025-02-21 00:53:15.415 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 511 2025-02-21 00:53:15.415 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 512 2025-02-21 00:53:15.415 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 513 2025-02-21 00:53:15.423 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 514 2025-02-21 00:53:15.423 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 515 2025-02-21 00:53:15.423 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 516 2025-02-21 00:53:15.432 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 517 2025-02-21 00:53:15.432 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 518 2025-02-21 00:53:15.432 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 519 2025-02-21 00:53:15.439 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 520 2025-02-21 00:53:15.439 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 521 2025-02-21 00:53:15.439 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 522 2025-02-21 00:53:15.447 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 523 2025-02-21 00:53:15.447 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 524 2025-02-21 00:53:15.447 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 525 2025-02-21 00:53:15.463 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 526 2025-02-21 00:53:15.463 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 527 2025-02-21 00:53:15.463 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 528 2025-02-21 00:53:15.471 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 529 2025-02-21 00:53:15.471 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 530 2025-02-21 00:53:15.471 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 531 2025-02-21 00:53:15.488 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 532 2025-02-21 00:53:15.488 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 533 2025-02-21 00:53:15.488 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 534 2025-02-21 00:53:15.503 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 535 2025-02-21 00:53:15.503 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 536 2025-02-21 00:53:15.503 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 537 2025-02-21 00:53:15.561 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 538 2025-02-21 00:53:15.561 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 539 2025-02-21 00:53:15.561 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 540 2025-02-21 00:53:15.714 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 541 2025-02-21 00:53:15.714 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 542 2025-02-21 00:53:15.714 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 543 2025-02-21 00:53:15.883 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 544 2025-02-21 00:53:15.883 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 545 2025-02-21 00:53:15.883 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 546 2025-02-21 00:53:15.907 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 547 2025-02-21 00:53:15.907 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 548 2025-02-21 00:53:15.907 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 549 2025-02-21 00:53:15.924 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 550 2025-02-21 00:53:15.924 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 551 2025-02-21 00:53:15.924 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 552 2025-02-21 00:53:15.939 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 553 2025-02-21 00:53:15.939 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 554 2025-02-21 00:53:15.939 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 555 2025-02-21 00:53:15.955 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 556 2025-02-21 00:53:15.955 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 557 2025-02-21 00:53:15.955 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 558 2025-02-21 00:53:15.971 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 559 2025-02-21 00:53:15.971 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 560 2025-02-21 00:53:15.971 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 561 2025-02-21 00:53:15.979 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 562 2025-02-21 00:53:15.979 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 563 2025-02-21 00:53:15.979 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 564 2025-02-21 00:53:15.988 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 565 2025-02-21 00:53:15.988 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 566 2025-02-21 00:53:15.988 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 567 2025-02-21 00:53:15.995 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 568 2025-02-21 00:53:15.995 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 569 2025-02-21 00:53:15.995 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 570 2025-02-21 00:53:16.012 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 571 2025-02-21 00:53:16.012 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 572 2025-02-21 00:53:16.012 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 573 2025-02-21 00:53:16.019 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 574 2025-02-21 00:53:16.019 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 575 2025-02-21 00:53:16.019 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 576 2025-02-21 00:53:16.036 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 577 2025-02-21 00:53:16.036 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 578 2025-02-21 00:53:16.036 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 579 2025-02-21 00:53:16.051 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 580 2025-02-21 00:53:16.051 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 581 2025-02-21 00:53:16.051 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 582 2025-02-21 00:53:16.068 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 583 2025-02-21 00:53:16.068 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 584 2025-02-21 00:53:16.068 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 585 2025-02-21 00:53:16.083 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 586 2025-02-21 00:53:16.083 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 587 2025-02-21 00:53:16.083 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 588 2025-02-21 00:53:16.101 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 589 2025-02-21 00:53:16.101 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 590 2025-02-21 00:53:16.101 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 591 2025-02-21 00:53:16.190 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 592 2025-02-21 00:53:16.190 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 593 2025-02-21 00:53:16.190 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 594 2025-02-21 00:53:16.197 [] 31584 Flight status not set; using default (false) flightName nh-containerWindowRemovalDisabled 595 2025-02-21 00:53:16.197 [] 31584 Rect dimensions frameContext ParentWindow client rectangle left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 596 2025-02-21 00:53:16.197 [] 31584 ContentRectangle values left 0 top 0 right 2560 bottom 980 597 2025-02-21 00:53:19.045 [Tel.] 31584 Check if window waiting to close event is sent. shouldWaitToCloseWindow false sentWindowWaitingToCloseEvent false 598 2025-02-21 00:53:19.045 [Tel.] 31584 WindowPlacement frameContext SavingRestorePosition dpi 96 rcNormalLeft 183 rcNormalTop 165 rcNormalRight 2763 rcNormalBottom 1188 rcWorkLeft 0 rcWorkTop 0 rcWorkRight 3440 rcWorkBottom 1392 rcArrangeLeft 0 rcArrangeTop 0 rcArrangeRight 0 rcArrangeBottom 0 marginsLeft 0 marginsTop 0 marginsRight 0 marginsBottom 0 showCmd 1 flags 0 599 2025-02-21 00:53:19.057 [Tel.] 31584 Virtual Desktop Info isWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop true 600 2025-02-21 00:53:19.073 [] 31584 Updater stage status: selfUpdateStage AppStage::DeactivatedApp Application is deactivated 601 2025-02-21 00:53:19.074 [] 31584 Poll update status and interval updateCheckedInterval 0 shouldPollForUpdate true 602 2025-02-21 00:53:19.085 [] 31584 Destructing interop bridge bridgeId 1 603 2025-02-21 00:53:19.432 [] 31584 WebviewInstance destructor called. instance 1 604 2025-02-21 00:53:19.450 [] 31584 WebView2 BrowserProcessExited event fired. Posting quit message. browserExitKindNormal true 605 2025-02-21 00:53:19.450 [] 31584 Starting the shutdown process. Recording the initial exit code in case it is overwritten. initialExitCode 0 606 2025-02-21 00:53:19.450 [] 31584 Startup stage changed startupStage 5 startupStageName Stopping 607 2025-02-21 00:53:19.450 [] 31584 Kicking off all shutdown steps that are now ready 608 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Ready startup steps count 4 609 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step Stop function startupStepName LafSettings startupThread 0 610 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step Stop function startupStepName SystemImageList startupThread 0 611 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31412 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName LafSettings startupThread 0 612 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step Stop function startupStepName WebViewInternalToolsService startupThread 0 613 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31412 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName LafSettings 614 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step Stop function startupStepName WindowMessageCommands startupThread 1 615 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Kicking off all shutdown steps that are now ready 616 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 9176 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName SystemImageList startupThread 0 617 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 15984 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName WebViewInternalToolsService startupThread 0 618 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Ready startup steps count 1 619 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 15984 Service unregistered serviceName nh://webViewInternalTools/ 620 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 9176 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName SystemImageList 621 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step Stop function startupStepName AppSettingsRegistrar startupThread 0 622 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 15984 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName WebViewInternalToolsService 623 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Kicking off all shutdown steps that are now ready 624 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 9176 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName AppSettingsRegistrar startupThread 0 625 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Ready startup steps count 2 626 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step Stop function startupStepName UserSettings startupThread 0 627 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Enqueuing startup step Stop function startupStepName WebViewManager startupThread 0 628 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 9176 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName AppSettingsRegistrar 629 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 19260 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName UserSettings startupThread 0 630 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 25160 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName WebViewManager startupThread 0 631 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 9176 Kicking off all shutdown steps that are now ready 632 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 25160 Service unregistered serviceName outlook://webviewmanager/ 633 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 19260 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName UserSettings 634 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 9176 Ready startup steps count 0 635 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 25160 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName WebViewManager 636 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 9176 Kicking off all shutdown steps that are now ready 637 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 9176 Ready startup steps count 0 638 2025-02-21 00:53:19.451 [] 31584 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName WindowMessageCommands startupThread 1 639 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName WindowMessageCommands 640 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Kicking off all shutdown steps that are now ready 641 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Ready startup steps count 1 642 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName TasksSystem startupThread 2 643 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Service unregistered serviceName nativehost://tasks 644 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName TasksSystem 645 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Kicking off all shutdown steps that are now ready 646 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Ready startup steps count 1 647 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Executing startup step Stop function startupStepName ServicesRegistrar startupThread 2 648 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Startup step Stop function completed startupStepName ServicesRegistrar 649 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Startup stage changed startupStage 0 startupStageName NotStarted 650 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Kicking off all shutdown steps that are now ready 651 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Shutdown completed startupStage 0 startupStageName NotStarted 652 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Sending signal to exit event loop exitCode 0 653 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Exiting event loop 654 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Service registered serviceName nativehost://tasks 655 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Service available serviceName nativehost://tasks 656 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Service registered serviceName outlook://webviewmanager/ 657 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [] 31584 Service available serviceName outlook://webviewmanager/ 658 2025-02-21 00:53:19.452 [Tel.] 31584 Boot result bootResult 0 659 2025-02-21 00:53:19.453 [] 31584 Cleaning up Anomaly files (HostAnomaly.txt, ClientAnomaly.txt) due to normal shutdown 660 2025-02-21 00:53:19.453 [] 31584 Delete filesystem object result path C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Olk\HostAnomaly.txt succeeded true errorCode 0 errorMessage Operacja ukończona pomyślnie. 661 2025-02-21 00:53:19.453 [] 31584 Stopping all boot components in COutlookApplication::Stop 662 2025-02-21 00:53:19.453 [] 31584 Service unregistered serviceName outlook://webviewmanager/ 663 2025-02-21 00:53:19.454 [Tel.] 31584 Count of active webview instances. activeWebViewInstancesCounter 0 664 2025-02-21 00:53:19.454 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step stop stage 5 durationMillis 1 result -1 665 2025-02-21 00:53:19.455 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step stop stage 4 durationMillis 1 result -1 666 2025-02-21 00:53:19.455 [] 31584 The modules manager is stopping 667 2025-02-21 00:53:19.455 [] 31584 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [OneAuth:0007:Info:8mqsc:00000000] Destroying OneAuth Shared Instance ( identifiableInformation 0 668 2025-02-21 00:53:19.455 [] 31584 OneAuthInternalLog logLevel 4 message [MSAL:0007] INFO Shutdown:555 Shutting down MSAL identifiableInformation 0 669 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is releasing services for module modName mmoutlookwebcontext 670 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is releasing services for module modName mmpiehost 671 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is releasing services for module modName mmwebhostsystem 672 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is releasing services for module modName nh-mod-auth 673 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is releasing services for module modName olk-mod-general 674 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is stopping module modName mmoutlookwebcontext 675 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is stopping module modName mmpiehost 676 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is stopping module modName mmwebhostsystem 677 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is stopping module modName nh-mod-auth 678 2025-02-21 00:53:19.456 [] 31584 The modules manager is stopping module modName olk-mod-general 679 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 The modules bootstrapper has shut down 680 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://pieinit/ 681 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://webhostsystemcommunication/ 682 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://firstpartyidentityservice 683 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://errorReporting/ 684 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://pie/ 685 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://authbootstrapper/ 686 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://privacy/ 687 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://outlookwebhosteventsservice/ 688 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://diagnostics/ 689 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://olkauthserviceadmin 690 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://autheventregistration 691 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://accountsservice/ 692 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nativehost://theming 693 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://authservice 694 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://notifications/ 695 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://identityserviceadmin/ 696 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://accountproviderservice 697 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://NativeHostScriptTools 698 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://systemTray/ 699 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://webviewmanagerservice/ 700 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name olk://systemTray/ 701 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://identityservice/ 702 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://windowing/ 703 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://oneauthaccountservice/ 704 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://appauthentication/ 705 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://systemHealth/ 706 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name outlook://accountproviderhelpersservice 707 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://powerRequest/ 708 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [] 31584 Service was registered after modules started running but was not unregistered after modules shutdown name nh://sessionConfiguration/ 709 2025-02-21 00:53:19.457 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step stop stage 3 durationMillis 3 result -1 710 2025-02-21 00:53:19.458 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step stop stage 2 durationMillis 5 result -1 711 2025-02-21 00:53:19.459 [] 31584 Native host interop system stopping 712 2025-02-21 00:53:19.459 [] 26408 Installer boot component stopping 713 2025-02-21 00:53:19.459 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step stop stage 1 durationMillis 5 result -1 714 2025-02-21 00:53:19.459 [Tel.Req.] 31584 Boot Stage step result step stop stage 0 durationMillis 5 result -1 715 2025-02-21 00:53:19.459 [] 31584 Stopping tasks system 716 2025-02-21 00:53:19.463 [] 31584 Application exiting