08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 Logger: Removing old logfile : Install_2022-02-12_191824_21660-6208.log 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 WatsonReport: Registering setup log files with watson 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupUtils: Detecting AllUsers install (CommandLine check): isAllUsersSetup = 0 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupUtils: Detecting AllUsers update: isUpdate = 0, isOneDriveAllUsersInstalled = 0, isAllUsersInstall = 0 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 ResourceManager: Found lang id: 0415 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 ResourceManager: Using lang id: 0415 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 ResourceManager: Using langId 0x0415 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SingleUserSetupEngine: Entered Initialize 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Image: JokeYakLog:\FarGoodIcy\BagZooWar\CanLabEgg.exe 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: X-LogID: 160CF1E6-7FEC-4D2E-A879-3D8DD598FD7E 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: X-AppName: SkyDriveSetup 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: X-AppVersion: 19.043.0304.0013 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: X-User: %UserName% 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: X-Computer: %ComputerName% 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: X-UMID: F019243B-CAD2-40FE-A749-274E96FAF739 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: X-UUID: B952F47D-8565-4837-9C85-B6F82FCA3140 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Flavor: SHIP 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Date: Apr 23 2019 (14:29:46) 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: CommandLine: LawBigTruck:\FarGoodIcy\BagZooWar\LogSoFox/SewUrnMaw 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Windows: 10.0 (19044) [100] 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Processor: 12 processor(s), architecture=amd64 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Memory: 33484548 KB, 28372204 KB available 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Locale: System=1045, UI=1045 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Locale: pl-PL 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: OS String: 10.0.19044sp0.0x64-Wrk-1(1045;1045;pl-PL) 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Local Time: 08/13/2022 17:54:57.684 (Time Zone: Zrodkowoeuropejski czas letni - bias: -120) with daylight saving 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started: 301359 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: Install root volume C:\ has bytes available to caller: 51043590144 08/13/2022 15:54:57.684 SetupEngine: The install root volume matches the TMP folder volume: True 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::Initialize Migration completed with: 0x00000000 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::Initialize fs manager instance created completed with: 0x00000000 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::Initialize C:\ProgramData\Microsoft OneDrive\setup deep directory created completed with: 0x00000000 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupUtils: Detecting AllUsers install (CommandLine check): isAllUsersSetup = 0 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupUtils: Detecting AllUsers update: isUpdate = 0, isOneDriveAllUsersInstalled = 0, isAllUsersInstall = 0 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: isThfirstsetup = 1, isUpdate = 0, isAllUsers = 0 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: ExtractFilesWithLessThreadCount = 0, ExtractFilesInBackgroundThreadMode = 0, ExtractCabV2 = 0 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::Initialize C:\ProgramData\Microsoft OneDrive\setup\refcount.ini path created with PathCchAppend result: 0x00000000 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: Refcount file did not exist, created new one. 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::SetSetupCacheIniSecurity Result for Admins AddAllowedAce: 0x00000000 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::SetSetupCacheIniSecurity Result for Admins AddAllowedAce: 0x00000000 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::SetSetupCacheIniSecurity Result for Interactive AddAllowedAce: 0x00000000 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::SetSetupCacheIniSecurity Result for Users AddAllowedAce: 0x00000000 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::SetSetupCacheIniSecurity Result for SetNamedSecurityInfo: 0x8007051b for file ownership for S-1-5-32-544 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupCache: SetupCache::SetSetupCacheIniSecurity Result for SetNamedSecurityInfo: 0x8007051b for setting all Dacles 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupEngine: SetupEngine::IsEnterpriseRemoteSessionEnabled(): ERS enabled false. 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 SetupEngine: During thfirstsetup, detected user previously uninstalled OneDrive. Bail out. 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 Instrumentation: Entered Instrumentation::StartExperience() 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 Instrumentation: Delete cached time values 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 Instrumentation: Attempt to delete aria log files in temp directory. 08/13/2022 15:54:57.700 Instrumentation: Before LogManager::Initialize() 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: After LogManager::Initialize() 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 SetupUtils: Detecting AllUsers install (CommandLine check): isAllUsersSetup = 0 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 SetupUtils: Detecting AllUsers update: isUpdate = 0, isOneDriveAllUsersInstalled = 0, isAllUsersInstall = 0 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: VDIProviderHelper Log: Failed to read ProfileSessionRegSubKey StatusRegValueName REG_DWORD with hr=-2147024894 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: VDIProviderHelper Log: Failed to read O365ContainerSessionRegSubKey StatusRegValueName REG_DWORD with hr=-2147024894 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Common datapoints have been set. 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'ANID' has '' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'AccountType' has 'OneDriveSetup' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'AppId' has '77' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'AppVersion' has '19.043.0304.0013' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'App_Name' has 'OneDriveSetup' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'BuildArchitecture' has 'x64' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'CID' has '' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'Environment' has 'Prod' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'FeatureSet' has '|' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'IsAllUsersSetup' has 'false' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'IsTestMachine' has 'false' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'MSFTInternal' has '0' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'MachineGuid' has 'A4C2C1E2-98AA-491E-A240-E7387F337434' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'Market' has 'pl-PL' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'OSDeviceName' has '*****' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'OSSku' has '48' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'OSUserName' has '*****' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'OfficeVersionString' has '16.0.15427.20210' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'OneDriveDeviceId' has 'd91edaaf-dd73-46e5-9bbd-8eafff682212' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'Scenario' has 'OneDriveSetupInstall' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'UpdateGroupId' has '10' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'UpdateRing' has 'Prod' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'UserGuid' has '1D33C6BE-B620-41C8-A455-CD62A6CCCEFF' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'VDIProvider' has 'Unknown' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Set Common datapoint: 'WipRing' has 'Retail' 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 Instrumentation: Leaving Instrumentation::StartExperience() 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 SingleUserSetupEngine: Entered ClearFirstSetupRunMethod 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 SingleUserSetupEngine: Found OneDriveSetup under Run, delete it 08/13/2022 15:54:57.778 SingleUserSetupEngine: ClearFirstSetupRunMethod completed with result: 0x0 08/13/2022 15:54:59.794 Instrumentation: Entered Instrumentation::EndExperience() 08/13/2022 15:54:59.794 Instrumentation: Leaving Instrumentation::EndExperience() 08/13/2022 15:54:59.794 SingleUserSetupEngine: Initialize() HandleThFirstSetupBailoutCases had result = 80040697 08/13/2022 15:54:59.794 SingleUserSetupEngine: Ended Initialize with hr = 0x80040697 08/13/2022 15:54:59.794 SetupView: Uninitializing SetupView 08/13/2022 15:54:59.794 SetupController: Uninitializing SetupController