[2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate hostInfo access soon. Please use HostInfoController instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] Host should provide base paths for persistent and temporary storage for 1P plugins in uxp initialization! [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate hostInfo access soon. Please use HostInfoController instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate hostInfo access soon. Please use HostInfoController instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Instead of the WebView2 runtime in the system, UXP will use the WebView2 runtime in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Microsoft\EdgeWebView\ [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate hostInfo access soon. Please use HostInfoController instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Default] [general] UXP DevTools: Sending Notification that UXP is Dev Ready [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.timeline : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.timeline : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.pluginspanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.pluginspanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Upic version 2.6.0 is initialized [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Failed to read plugin info file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\PluginsInfo\v1\PS.json [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Failed to read plugin info file: C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\UXP\PluginsInfo\v1\PS.json [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Loading plugins from system fallback plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\Plugins\External [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Loading plugins from user fallback plugins folder: C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\UXP\Plugins\External [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Loading plugins from hybrid fallback plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP\Plugins\Harmonogram\External [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Number of plugins added from system's fallback: 0 [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Number of plugins added from user's fallback: 0 [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] upic::Number of plugins added from hybrid's fallback: 0 [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.cclibrariespanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.comments-webview : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate UxpIsland::setAllowWebView (a.k.a., torq_uxp_island_alpaca_ref::set_allow_web_view) soon as WebView can be loaded in any container from UXP-6.4 onwards [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.timeline : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.ccx.timeline : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.photoshop-material-filters : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-08][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-08][140772][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-09][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.pluginspanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-09][19352][Info] [general] Plugin com.adobe.pluginspanel : [v4] Using Default Value for Icon species [2024-04-25_11-32-09][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [UAB v2.18.0-4] sentry.io initialized... [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][MainStore] Internet connectivity: ONLINE [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1049 PERF - Start Screen Init start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][StartScreen] CCX Start v7.4.0.15 [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][StartScreen] [HostData] { "Product": "Photoshop", "Product ID": "PHXS", "Product Code": "PHSPBETA", "BuildNumber": "20230830.m.2308 f86a029", "Version": "25.1.0", "Platform": "Windows" }} [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1052 PERF - Sophia Init start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1056 PERF - Ututs Init start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1057 PERF - IMS Init start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1059 PERF - IMS.updateUserProfile start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1060 message: Fetching NGL Profile. Awaiting Response. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1060 PERF - Fetching NGL Profile. Awaiting Response. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1062 PERF - Locale Init start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1065 PERF - MainStore Init start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1075 PERF - Platform init start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1075 PERF - Photoshop Init start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1078 message: Received NGL Profile. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1078 PERF - Received NGL Profile. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Data Loader for Home: Use File Accessor to get data. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Data Loader for home: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1084 message: Data Loader for home: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1084 PERF - Data Loader for home: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Data Loader for Utut: Use File Accessor to get data. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Data Loader for utut: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1088 message: Data Loader for utut: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1088 PERF - Data Loader for utut: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 30 message: IMS.updateUserProfile [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1089 PERF - IMS.updateUserProfile done: 30 [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1089 PERF - IMS.updateAccessToken start [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1405 message: Updated access token [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1405 PERF - Updated access token [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 317 message: IMS.updateAccessToken [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1406 PERF - IMS.updateAccessToken done: 317 [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 349 message: IMS Init [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1406 PERF - IMS Init done: 349 [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1420 message: Data Loader for utut: Read data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1420 PERF - Data Loader for utut: Read data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Get data [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Error] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Shared settings data is not available [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1422 message: Data Loader for home: Read data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1422 PERF - Data Loader for home: Read data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Get data [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Error] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Shared settings data is not available [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 374 message: Locale Init [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1436 PERF - Locale Init done: 374 [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1438 message: Loaded JSON Data: Home [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1438 PERF - Loaded JSON Data: Home [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1439 message: Parsed JSON file for Home [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1439 PERF - Parsed JSON file for Home [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1445 message: Loaded JSON Data: Utut [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1445 PERF - Loaded JSON Data: Utut [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1446 message: Parsed JSON file for Utut [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1446 PERF - Parsed JSON file for Utut [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1447 message: Reading C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1447 PERF - Reading C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Received fresh data from CCXProcess for Utut with path C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\PHSPBETA-25.1.0-pl_PL-2d6c5eb4-cc9d-48c5-b1e4-f7585f662965.json [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1450 message: Finished parsing data for Utut [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1450 PERF - Finished parsing data for Utut [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Setting data to the cache for Utut [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_3.1_Tutorials","campaignId":62438} [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_3.1_Tutorials","campaignId":62438} [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"LCM_LEARN_PANEL","campaignId":62556} [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Ututs] User has 15 web tutorials [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 399 message: Ututs Init [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1455 PERF - Ututs Init done: 399 [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1455 message: Reading C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1455 PERF - Reading C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Received fresh data from CCXProcess for Home with path C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\PHSPBETA-25.1.0-pl_PL-55664a54-a3b7-4b31-b384-64618d90774c.json [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1457 message: Finished parsing data for Home [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1457 PERF - Finished parsing data for Home [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Setting data to the cache for Home [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_4.0_Home","campaignId":62322,"url":"https://odin.adobe.com/content/dam/ccfirstmile/PHSP/pl_PL/experienceHomeMx19/Ps-Home-Max-2020-Photo-editing.cfm.gql.json"} [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1459 message: Received results from reading the C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1459 PERF - Received results from reading the C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1460 message: Received results from reading the C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1460 PERF - Received results from reading the C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files. [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Successfully read data from file PHSPBETA-25.1.0-pl_PL-2d6c5eb4-cc9d-48c5-b1e4-f7585f662965.json and wrote response in C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\PHSPBETA-25-1-0-pl_PL-711D1270C5EC42A6BA76AAA1DE50EDEB.json [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 411 message: Sophia Init [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 1463 PERF - Sophia Init done: 411 [2024-04-25_11-32-10][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Successfully read data from file PHSPBETA-25.1.0-pl_PL-55664a54-a3b7-4b31-b384-64618d90774c.json and wrote response in C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\PHSPBETA-25-1-0-pl_PL-EF49135C927C463DAA4B3539D2FC8D7C.json [2024-04-25_11-32-14][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 5574 message: UI Ready [2024-04-25_11-32-14][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 5574 PERF - UI Ready [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][105904][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-15][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 5078 message: MainStore Init [2024-04-25_11-32-15][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 6143 PERF - MainStore Init done: 5078 [2024-04-25_11-32-15][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 5114 message: Platform init [2024-04-25_11-32-15][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 6189 PERF - Platform init done: 5114 [2024-04-25_11-32-15][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Recent files provided. No. of items = 12 [2024-04-25_11-32-16][105904][Info] [console] TOKEN: Initial fetch fired [2024-04-25_11-32-23][84192][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 13349 message: Photoshop Init [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14424 PERF - Photoshop Init done: 13349 [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14425 PERF - Shared Settings Init start [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Shared Settings Handler initialized [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Client settings file doesn't exist. Create and migrate data [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Migrating shared settings ... [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Get FMSharedSettingsData from CCXP settings file [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Shared settings found in CCXP settings file [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Process rawSharedSettingsData [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Merge GA with Beta [2024-04-25_11-32-23][116252][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Shared settings migrated successfully [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Get data [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 14 message: Shared Settings Init [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14439 PERF - Shared Settings Init done: 14 [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][AvatarDataLoader] Avatar Loader: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 14440 message: Avatar Loader: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14440 PERF - Avatar Loader: Get data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][LicenseChiclet] NGL: Showing no chiclet. [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 14596 message: Interactive Ready [2024-04-25_11-32-23][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14596 PERF - Interactive Ready [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 13549 message: Start Screen Init [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14598 PERF - Start Screen Init done: 13549 [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] PS: Home screen early visibility set to invisible [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14682 PERF - Late Loads start [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14747 PERF - IMS.lateLoad start [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 1 message: IMS.lateLoad [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 14748 PERF - IMS.lateLoad done: 1 [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Error] [console] [HS][Photoshop] No data to set toastal. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Warn] [console] [HS][StartIngestUtil] [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Warn] [console] [HS][StartIngestUtil] Analytics event missing Sophia data: [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Photoshop] Analytics enabled state changed to true [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Analytics] analytics.ingest changed: (prod) active [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Analytics] analytics.ingest is enabled, processing prequeued events: 39 [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [lc-1] quota available [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][AvatarDataLoader] clearInterval for avatarFetchInterval [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 15366 message: Avatar Loader: Read data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 15366 PERF - Avatar Loader: Read data using File Accessor. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 15373 message: Avatar Loader: Avatar file found and set using File Accessor [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 15373 PERF - Avatar Loader: Avatar file found and set using File Accessor [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][AvatarDataLoader] Avatar Loader: Avatar file found and set using File Accessor. Path: C:/Users/Harmonogram/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/CCX Welcome/avatar/assets/e6fc7a4b-6708-473f-858a-ed24aa0251e0.png [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 15374 message: Reading C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 15374 PERF - Reading C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 15375 message: Received results from reading the C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 15375 PERF - Received results from reading the C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Default] [console] [HS][AvatarDataLoader] Successfully read data from file bc00ac07-777b-4749-8e38-e93d90c22fea.json and wrote response in C:\Users\Harmonogram\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\PHSPBETA-25-1-0-pl_PL-2AD5FE40A66345228B1B9E62304DBA6B.json [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][19352][Warn] [general] Please call HostInfoController::instance()->initialize() when the app is initializing. [2024-04-25_11-32-24][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-25][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-25][29704][Default] [console] Loading language code - pl [2024-04-25_11-32-25][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-26][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-26][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-26][29704][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead. [2024-04-25_11-32-27][105904][Warn] [console] Unable to get first history 59 [2024-04-25_11-32-29][29704][Default] [console] [DP] Templates are not initialized yet! [2024-04-25_11-32-29][29704][Warn] [console] The provided component class (Zs) has already been declared as an observer component. [2024-04-25_11-32-29][29704][Error] [console] [DP] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'addNotificationListener') [2024-04-25_11-32-29][29704][Error] [console] [DP] AppSDK.init: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'addNotificationListener') [2024-04-25_11-32-29][29704][Error] [console] [DP] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'clientId') [2024-04-25_11-32-29][29704][Default] [console] [DP] [PERF] 24 x.initializeApp [2024-04-25_11-32-29][105904][Error] [console] New document rejected [2024-04-25_11-32-29][105904][Error] [console] [object Object] [2024-04-25_11-32-29][19352][Debug] upic::PluginSourceManager Termination started [2024-04-25_11-32-29][29704][Info] [general] featureTracker_ is being accessed without setting