[main] language = "polish" wampserverVersion ="3.3.1" installDir ="c:/wamp64" installVersion ="3.2.0" ;Path of the Browser used by Wampserver ;May be modfied with the absolute path of the browser exe file ;(Use / instead of \) ;For Edge, just put navigator="Edge" (with capital E) navigator ="C:/Program Files (x86)/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" ;Path of the Text Editor used by Wampserver ;May be modfied with the absolute path of the Text Editor exe file ;(Use / instead of \) editor ="C:/WINDOWS/system32/notepad.exe" logviewer ="C:/WINDOWS/system32/notepad.exe" defaultLanguage = "english" wampserverMode = "64bit" wampStartDate = "2023-10-31 23:08:54" update3.3.1= "2023-10-27" [options] AliasSubmenu ="off" NotCheckVirtualHost = "off" NotCheckDuplicate = "off" VirtualHostSubMenu = "on" HomepageAtStartup = "off" VhostAllLocalIp = "on" SupportMySQL ="on" SupportMariaDB = "off" ShowphmyadMenu= "on" ShowadminerMenu = "on" NotVerifyPATH= "off" HostsLinesLimit= "5000" NotVerifyHosts= "off" NotVerifyTLD = "off" AutoCleanLogs = "on" AutoCleanLogsMax = "1000" AutoCleanLogsMin = "50" AutoCleanTmp = "on" AutoCleanTmpMax = "1000" ; Management of PHP dll files and phpForApache.ini in the Apache bin folder. ; "symlink" to create symbolic links - "copy" to copy files CreateSymlink = "symlink" BackupHosts = "on" ShowWWWdirMenu= "off" MysqlMariaChangePrompt= "off" LinksOnProjectsHomePage= "off" LinksOnProjectsHomeByIp= "off" LocalTest= "off" ScrollListsHomePage= "off" utf8_beta= "off" [php] phpVersion = "7.4.0" phpIniDir = "." phpConfFile = "php.ini" phpExeDir = "." mysqlDefaultPort= "3306" phpExeFile= "php.exe" phpCliFile= "php-win.exe" phpWampVersion="5.6.40" [apache] apacheVersion = "2.4.41" apacheExeDir = "bin" apacheConfDir = "conf" apacheExeFile = "httpd.exe" apacheConfFile = "httpd.conf" apacheServiceInstallParams ="-n wampapache64 -k install" apacheServiceRemoveParams ="-n wampapache64 -k uninstall" [apacheoptions] apacheUseOtherPort = "off" apachePortUsed = "80" apacheCompareVersion= "off" apacheRestoreFiles= "off" apacheGracefulRestart= "on" [mysql] mysqlVersion = "5.7.28" mysqlConfDir = "." mysqlConfFile = "my.ini" mysqlExeDir = "bin" mysqlExeFile = "mysqld.exe" mysqlServiceInstallParams ="--install-manual wampmysqld64" mysqlServiceRemoveParams ="--remove wampmysqld64" mysqlServiceCmd= "mysqld.exe" [mysqloptions] mysqlPortUsed = "3306" mysqlUseOtherPort = "off" mysqlUseConsolePrompt = "off" mysqlConsolePrompt= "\U-MySQL\v-['\d']>" mysqlPortOptionsMenu= "on" [mariadb] mariadbVersion ="10.4.10" mariadbConfDir = "." mariadbConfFile = "my.ini" mariadbExeDir = "bin" mariadbExeFile = "mysqld.exe" mariadbServiceInstallParams ="--install-manual wampmariadb64" mariadbServiceRemoveParams ="--remove wampmariadb64" mariadbServiceCmd= "mysqld.exe" [mariadboptions] mariaPortUsed = "3307" mariaUseOtherPort = "on" mariadbUseConsolePrompt = "off" mariadbConsolePrompt= "\U-\v-['\d']>" mariadbPortOptionsMenu= "on" [service] ServiceApache ="wampapache64" ServiceMysql ="wampmysqld64" ServiceMariadb ="wampmariadb64"