AMD Ryzen Master UserGuide¶
Getting Started¶
Supported Platforms¶
AMD product overclocking support provided by AMD OverDrive™ and the AMD Ryzen Master Application are mutually exclusive. The AMD OverDrive™ application remains the sole AMD-provided overclocking tool for the following AMD products:
- Products in the AM3 and AM3+ socket infrastructure
- Products in the FM2 and FM2+ socket infrastructure
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 (64-bit) Supported Chipset Models: X370, B350, X399, B450, X470, X570 Supported AMD products: AMD Ryzen APU, AMD Ryzen CPU family in the AM4 socket and SP3r2 Socket infrastructure
The AMD Ryzen Master tool enables a user to modify stock CPU, system memory, Current and Power Monitoring and voltage settings to maximize performance at the risk of reduced processor longevity and reliability. Modifying the stock CPU, memory, and voltage settings voids the AMD product warranty. The user proceeds at their own risk.
Localization Support¶
The AMD Ryzen Master application supports installation and usage in OS of varied locales.Installation UI as well as UI on application launch is determined in accordance with the OS in which installation is triggered.Currently the following language is supported:
English German French Chinese Mainland
Revision : 1.5.5
Publisher : Advanced Micro Devices
© 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.The information contained herein is for informational purposes only, and is subject to change without notice. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, it may contain technical inaccuracies, omissions and typographical errors, and AMD is under no obligation to update or otherwise correct this information. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document, and assumes no liability of any kind, including the implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for particular purposes, with respect to the operation or use of AMD hardware, software or other products described herein. No license, including implied or arising by estoppel, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Terms and limitations applicable to the purchase or use of AMD’s products are as set forth in a signed agreement between the parties or in AMD’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale.
AMD Ryzen Master Application¶
The use of the AMD Ryzen Master Application requires that the user accepts the End User License Agreement and inherent risks of configuring the AMD processor to performance levels that exceed specifications and stock settings.

Figure 1: AMD Ryzen Master Warning and Warranty Disclaimer Message.
Key capabilities¶

Figure 2: RM Key Capabilities
Temperature, Speed, Power and Current
Displays CPU Temperature, Peak Speed, Total socket power, Sustained Current Limit CPU, Peak Current Limit CPU and Processor Thermal Control CPU.
- Core Speed:
- Overclock Cores: Displays per core frequency in MHz. In Manual mode, user can able to adjust frequency of each core.
- Core disabling: User can select individual core that needs to be disabled. Depending on processor type and number of cores, user can disable cores.
- Core Performance: This feature inform user core ranking based on highest performing cores.
- Voltage Control
- In Manual mode, this control allows user to control CPU voltage using spinbox.
- Control Mode
- This feature allows user to change current CPU Operation mode. For each Control Mode different controls are enabled.
- Additional Control
- Allows user to control Simultaneous Multithreading, Legacy Compatibility Mode, Memory Access Mode and Dynamic Local Mode using toggle buttons.
- Memory Control
- This feature allows user to control memory voltages (VDDIO, VTT and VDDCR_SOC), memory clock as well as memory tuning parameters using spinbox.
- Status bar and Profiles
- Status bar displays information message.
- RM Supports two pre-configured profiles (Creator Mode and Game Mode) and two user defined profiles (Profile 1 and Profile 2). Current profile shows current status of System.
- Import or Export Profiles
- Imports profile data from an external file (.rmpf).
- Exports the profile data from RM to an external file (.rmpf).
- more, Apply, Apply & Test, Discard, Help, Settings
For custom profiles:

Figure 3 : AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Custom profiles Menu
- Discard - Revert applied profiles to last saved profile
- more - Basic tool information
- Settings - To open settings page
- Apply - To apply current profile
- Apply & Test - To apply current profile and run Test as configured in Settings page
- Help - To open Help file documentation
In Current profile:

Figure 4 : AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Current profile Menu
- As current profile is Read-only profile, user won’t see option to Apply profiles.
- RM current profile is having Reset button. To reset CPU parameters.
The ideology of Profiling in AMD Ryzen Master gives the user a convenient way to Monitor system status and Edit/Apply/Save a range of versatile configuration. It enables the user to be informed by displaying current state of the system in the “Current” profile and four (4) customizable profiles to work with. Users can benefit from using custom profiles as they can configure optimized combinations for different applications classes with the help of Core clock speed, Cores disabled, Core and Memory Voltages, Memory clock speed and various memory timing parameters.
Current Profile
Figure 5 : AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Current profile
- Current profile of AMD Ryzen Master reflects the current system status.
- This profile is always read-only and cannot be renamed.
- In case of Live Monitoring is ON, Current profile will always reflect current system status but in case Live Monitoring is OFF, “Current” profile will be refreshed each time user switches to it.
- Whenever AMD Ryzen Master is launched, it will land in the “Current” profile.
- A Reset button (top right of application) is only enabled for Current profile which resets the CPU/APU configurations to Stock values.
Custom Profiles
Figure 6 : AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Custom profile
- AMD Ryzen master is enabled with 4 custom profiles
- Creator Mode: Dedicated profile for Non-Gaming configurations with Legacy Compatibility Mode always set to OFF. It also comes with a preset value of Memory Access Mode to Distributed irrespective of current state of system.
- Game Mode: Dedicated profile for Gaming configurations with Legacy Compatibility Mode always set to ON and thus Memory Access Mode is always set to Local.
- Profile 1 and Profile 2: Profiles enabled with access to all configurations with no preset values or disabled controls.
- Default values of all custom profiles will be system values which are read at the first time launch of AMD Ryzen Master application.
- To initiate any parameter change, select/click any of the available custom profiles.
- The optimal settings for a profile can be saved by clicking the Save Profile button (next to profile buttons) for future reference but cannot be put to use until applied.
- Each profile can be renamed using mouse double click operation or by pressing “F2” key on selected profile.
- In order to apply a profile to system operation, browse to the desired profile and click on “Apply” at the top right hand corner of application.
- If the changes made in a profile needs to be abandoned, the user can use the “Discard” button placed in proximity to “Apply”.
- Upon clicking the “Discard” option, all changed values corresponding to the selected profile will be reverted to that of the last saved configuration of that profile.
- Additionally, AMD Ryzen Master also offers a provision to revert back profiles to the default state and the current state.
- Upon clicking the Reset Profile, the values in the selected profile will be overwritten with the default values which are the initial values obtained at first launch of AMD Ryzen Master application.
- Upon clicking the Copy Current, the values in the selected profile will be overwritten with the current system values.
Import/Export Profiles
Import Profile
Figure 7 : AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Import Profiles
- Upon clicking this option, User can locate external file (.rmpf) which was saved earlier.
- User can select the component data which has to be imported to profile from the external file.
Export Profile
Figure 8 : AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Export Profiles
- Upon clicking this option, User can save profile data into external file (.rmpf).
- User can select the component data which has to be exported to the external file.
User Interface & Functionality¶
Temperature,Speed,Current and Power Monitoring¶
The Ryzen Master application features to monitor
- Temperature (in Celsius)
- CPU Peak Speed (in GHz)
- PPT (CPU) - Total socket power (value in % of Max. Limit)
- TDC (CPU) - Sustained Current Limit CPU (value in % of Max. Limit)
- EDC (CPU) - Peak Current Limit CPU (value in % of Max. Limit)
- PTC (CPU) - Processor Thermal Control (value in % of Max. Limit)
Figure 9 : AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Temperature,Speed,Current and Power Monitoring
The AMD Ryzen Master application features a Histogram for monitoring CPU core clock speeds for each core present and CPU temperature. By default both the CPU core clock speeds and the temperature Histogram are not displayed, user can enable any histogram from Settings page. The histogram offers Zoom in and Zoom out features. The side bar displays the current average and peak values for CPU core clock speeds. This feature is only available if user has enable Show Histogram from settings page.
Figure 10: AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Histogram
Control Mode¶
Figure 11: AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - CPU Control Mode
This features allows user to control CPU operation mode. Control modes are Auto, Precision Boost Overdrive and Manual
- Auto:
- User can perform all supported operation except changing CPU frequency, CPU voltage, PPT, TDC and EDC limits.
- Precision Boost Overdrive:
- User can perform all supported operation except changing CPU frequency and CPU voltage. PPT, TDC and EDC are enabled in this Control mode. These values can be modified by directly typing the required value in the editable spin box. Hovering the mouse pointer over this field will disclose Minimum, Maximum as well as the Step Size values supported for that field.
- Manual:
- User can perform all supported operation except changing PPT, TDC and EDC limits. To overclock CPU, user has to switch operating mode to Manual mode. To do that user can click on manual or using keyboard control(TAB button) user can switch mode to Manual mode. In Manual mode, frequency related controls will be enabled.
Figure 12: AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Manual mode
Figure 13: AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Cores
The AMD Ryzen Master Application allows user to control frequency of individual cores and adjust frequency of all cores. User can use this feature only in Manual mode. There are three ways to modify frequency:
- To set frequency for all core, user can click on All Cores button provided in Cores section to Enable it. Modify frequency of any one core. That same frequency reflects to all other cores.
- To set individual core frequency, disable All Cores button, if it is enabled.
- User can set the frequency of individual cores by clicking on the required core and then adjusting the slider using mouse or keyboard.
- OR User can also use + and - controls given with each CPU core sliders.
- User can increase/decrease frequency in step size of 25MHz using these controls.
- To adjust frequency of individual CCX, disable “All Cores” button (if it’s enabled), then click on rectangle button given for each CCX and change frequency of any core in that CCX. Same frequency will be applied to other active cores of that CCX.
- For example, Modifying frequency of CCX1 can be possible by clicking on red box of “CCX1 (Die 1) Cores”, it turns in green box. Then user can modify frequency of any core of that CCX. Same frequency will be applied to other active cores of that CCX. Click on Apply to apply this value.
- Core Performance indication in Cores section
- Golden star represents Fastest Core in Die and that Core Complex.
- Silver star represents Fastest Core in Core complex.
- Silver circle represents Second Fastest Core in Core Complex
Click on Apply or Apply & Test to apply values of current session.
Voltage Control¶
The user interface to adjust:
CPU Voltage : User can use this feature only in Manual mode.
- Adjustments in value is possible using the spin box. Hovering the mouse pointer over this field will disclose Minimum, Maximum as well as the Step Size values supported for that field. There exists a nearest step size point optimization for all inputs which ensures precision.
Figure 14: AMD Ryzen Master User Interface - Voltage Control
Additional Controls¶
The AMD Ryzen Master application also offers a graphical interface for adjusting the below parameters:
- Simultaneous Multithreading
- Button to enable/disable Simultaneous Multithreading in CPU. Changing status from ON to OFF needs system restart and vice versa needs system to go through shutdown and user has to start system manually.
- Memory Access Mode
- To change Memory access mode(Local mode and Distributed mode).
- Dynamic Local Mode:
- Toggle button to start/stop Dynamic Local Mode.
- Legacy Compatibility Mode
- This feature is useful for improving performance for some games. One control with 3 options is available to control Legacy Compatibility Mode.
- OFF : Enable all cores of system
- 1/2 or ON : Half of the total cores will be active in this mode.
- 1/4 : Quarter of the total cores will be active in this mode.
Value for each parameter is modified using the toggle button. This feature is supported as below based on CPU Type.

Figure 15: AMD Ryzen Master UI - Additional Controls

Figure 16: AMD Ryzen Master UI - Additional Controls
Legacy Compatibility Mode and Memory Access Mode features may not be available for all CPU.
This user interface allows user to select what features needs to be applied and what to be ignored. Left most side bar containing label for feature name is enhanced with a radio button highlighting that feature will be applied or ignored at the time of applying the profile. By default Memory Controls will be Ignored, user can enable by clicking on Left most bar.

Figure 17: AMD Ryzen Master UI - Apply or Ignore
Memory Controls¶
The AMD Ryzen Master application offers an easy-to-use graphical user interface for adjusting the memory parameters such as :
- Memory Clock
- CAS Latency
- Row Precharge Delay
- RAS Active Time
- Read Row-Column Delay
- Write Row-Column Delay
- Row Cycle Time
- CPU On-Die Termination
- CAS Write Latency

Figure 18: AMD Ryzen Master UI - Memory Controls
Parameters that requires “restart” in order for any changes to get effective. After restart initiate from RM, UI will launch automatically
- Cores Disabled (Selecting cores to be disabled greater than number of cores disabled in current state)
- Mem VTT
- Memory Clock
- CAS Latency
- Row Precharge Delay
- RAS Active Time
- Read Row-Column Delay
- Write Row-Column Delay
- Row Cycle Time
- CPU On-Die Termination
- CAS Write Latency
- Simultaneous Multithreading (Switching OFF)
- Memory access Mode
- Legacy Compatibility Mode
Parameters that requires system **shutdown* in order for any changes to get effective. After shutdown initiate from RM, UI won’t launch automatically*
- Cores Enable
- Simultaneous Multithreading (Switching ON)
A Settings page is available in AMD Ryzen Master application which offers:
- System Information: Details about CPU provider, type and cores. Also information about Windows Version and Architecture.
- About: Details about AMD Ryzen Master application
- Live Monitoring : Settings to toggle live monitoring for speed and temperature. Enabled with feature to Show/Hide histogram along with option to modify update interval for live monitoring. All this feature are to customize the performance of the AMD Ryzen Master application as per individual’s usage.
- PROCHOT control: Option to disable system’s PROCHOT
- RM Animation : RM Animation can be turned on and off. Turning it OFF will reduce the CPU usage of RM Application.
- Stress Test Duration : Per Test Duration. By default Stress test duration is set to 30 seconds per Test. User can change time duration using Spinbox control, there is range from 5 seconds/Test to 300 seconds/Test for that.
- Stress Test Type : Type of stress test user wants to run.There are three option available:
- Memory Only : Run memory stress test. To check Memory stability for current profiles applied values.
- CPU Only : Run CPU stress test. To check CPU stability for current profiles applied values.
- All : Run CPU and Memory stress test. To check CPU and Memory stability.
- Ryzen Master Update : There is button Check for Updates in settings page. Clicking on this will initiate background process to check for any Ryzen Master update available.
- AMD Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and Pinterest

Figure 19: AMD Ryzen Master UI - Settings
AMD Ryzen Master Logging¶
The logging feature if enabled by the user will always be associated with the scope of the user’s current session. Hence, a user can avail the option in the user interface to enable or disable logging multiple times. Each of these logs can be differentiated by their respective filename that contains the time stamp of when it was created. These log files get stored in “Logs” folder created inside the folder path to where AMD Ryzen Master installation is made.
If the system becomes unstable or unresponsive while applying overclocked settings then the current logging session may become corrupted.
The logged data can be loaded in excel for future references. Information logging happens only on the user-initiated actions of Save Profile, Reset Profile, Apply and Discard buttons, upon which the applicationlogs the following information:
- Time Stamp (Time at which log is recorded)
- User Action (Apply,Discard,Save and Reset)
- Profile Id and number
- Profile Details (CPU and Memory frequency values, Cores Parked, CPU and Memory Voltage Control Values,Memory Access Mode,Legacy Compatibility Mode,CPU Operating Mode(Auto/Precision Boost Overdrive/Manual), Enable Components)
While logging is active, data gets stored in the following format:
Date and Time;User Action;Profile ID;Profile Name;Temperature;Core Speed;Cores Parked;CPU Voltage;MEM VDDIO;MEM VTT;VDDCR SOC;Simultaneous Multithreading;Memory Access Mode;Legacy Compatibility Mode;Auto;Precision Boost Overdrive;Manual;PPT;TDC;EDC;Memory Clock (MHz);CAS Latency;Row Precharge Delay;RAS Active Time;Read Row-Column Delay;Write Row-Column Delay;Row Cycle Time;CPU On-Die Termination;CAS Write Latency;Enabled Components;
Jul 16,2018 22:38:53;Save;3;Profile 1;33;3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000;-;1;1.2;NA;0.875;Enabled;NA;OFF (All cores Active);Enabled;Disabled;Disabled;250;215;300;1333;20;19;43;19;19;62;24;16;Speed (Mhz), Cores Disabled, Voltage Control (V), Additional Control, Control Mode
Jul 16,2018 22:38:55;Copy;3;Profile 1;32.75;3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000;-;1;1.2;NA;0.875;Enabled;NA;OFF (All cores Active);Enabled;Disabled;Disabled;250;215;300;1333;20;19;43;19;19;62;24;16;Speed (Mhz), Cores Disabled, Voltage Control (V), Additional Control, Control Mode
Jul 16,2018 22:39:16;Apply;3;Profile 1;32.63;3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500;-;1.26875;1.2;NA;0.875;Enabled;NA;OFF (All cores Active);Disabled;Disabled;Enabled;250;215;300;1333;20;19;43;19;19;62;24;16;Speed (Mhz), Cores Disabled, Voltage Control (V), Additional Control, Control Mode
Jul 16,2018 22:39:23;Discard;3;Profile 1;33.13;3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500;-;1.26875;1.2;NA;0.875;Enabled;NA;OFF (All cores Active);Disabled;Disabled;Enabled;250;215;300;1333;20;19;43;19;19;62;24;16;Speed (Mhz), Cores Disabled, Voltage Control (V), Additional Control, Control Mode
Jul 16,2018 22:39:26;Reset;3;Profile 1;33;3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000;-;1;1.2;NA;0.875;Enabled;NA;OFF (All cores Active);Enabled;Disabled;Disabled;250;215;300;1333;20;19;43;19;19;62;24;16;Speed (Mhz), Cores Disabled, Voltage Control (V), Additional Control, Control Mode
Jul 16,2018 22:39:31;Save;3;Profile 1;33;3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000;-;1;1.2;NA;0.875;Enabled;NA;OFF (All cores Active);Enabled;Disabled;Disabled;250;215;300;1333;20;19;43;19;19;62;24;16;Speed (Mhz), Cores Disabled, Voltage Control (V), Additional Control, Control Mode
Jul 16,2018 22:40:10;Save;3;Profile 1;32.75;3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000;-;1;1.2;NA;0.875;Enabled;NA;OFF (All cores Active);Disabled;Enabled;Disabled;240;200;250;1333;20;19;43;19;19;62;24;16;Speed (Mhz), Cores Disabled, Voltage Control (V), Additional Control, Control Mode